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    I have a dear friend in Charlottesville, Virginia who has been listening to my health/RA story. She's read The New Arthritis Breakthrough. She has suffered from lack of energy, low adrenal function, low thyroid function, and various aches and pains for years, but has no outright arthritis/joint symptoms.

    She is not feeling very hopeful of finding an MD who would be willing to run some testing on her (ex: TARCI) or willing to do a trial of Doxy or Mino, as her GP is dismissive.

    Any MD leads I could pass on to her would be much appreciated.



    Hi Michelle,

    I could send you a list of AP physicians in VA, if you think your friend would like to call around and ask if they'd do specific testing for her. Just let me know and I'll send the list along in a PM.

    Peace, Maz


    Yes, Maz, please do.




    Hi Michelle,

    Just sent you a private message with the info you requested. 😉

    Peace, Maz


    Got it. Thanks!


    [user=732]m.[/user] wrote:

    She has suffered from lack of energy, low adrenal function, low thyroid function, and various aches and pains for years, but has no outright arthritis/joint symptoms.

    I would first encourage her to seek a very good thyroid doctor who could get her thyroid TSH back to a normal range. A lot of these symptoms could also related with thyroid problem. If she is entering into menopause, she may want to make sure all her other hormones are well balanced. Unbalanced hormones could also triggers a lot of arthritis symptoms.





    [user=266]JBJBJB[/user] wrote:

    [user=732]m.[/user] wrote:

    She has suffered from lack of energy, low adrenal function, low thyroid function, and various aches and pains for years, but has no outright arthritis/joint symptoms.

    I would first encourage her to seek a very good thyroid doctor who could get her thyroid TSH back to a normal range. A lot of these symptoms could also related with thyroid problem. If she is entering into menopause, she may want to make sure all her other hormones are well balanced. Unbalanced hormones could also triggers a lot of arthritis symptoms.


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