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    Hi , I have been on Mino for 4 and a half month but still having severe pain and stiffness in my knees , shoulders, elbows and ankles / feet. Just curious about if this is normal and how many of the veterans who have been through this have had this problem. I am getting discouraged and need some support . I know that this is a slow process and some people dont see improvement until 6 – 12 months but just would like to get some reinforcement and stories of people who have went through this.





    Hi Chris,

    Are you taking anything for pain and inflammation while waiting for mino to start healing you? Hoping this bad spell will be over soon.


    Hey Chris,

    Sorry things are so rough right now.  It took me about 4 months to see any progress on AP, if that makes you feel any better.

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, have you considered Lyme at the root of your RA.  Go to any Lyme board, such as lymenet.org and check out the symptoms.  Is your pain migratory?  If so that is more Lyme-like than RA-like, that sort of thing.

    Take care…….kim



    I see you have had arthritis for two years but you could have had it longer before it showed up. Have you had X rays or MRI to check for damage. Could this be the reason for pain. I wouldn't think so but if there is irreparable damage then you will have to take anti inflamatories or pain killers or both. Hang in there it does take a while I saw slow improvement over a couple of years but it was improvement and I will never regret doing it. Unfortunately I have lots of damage from doing other crap so I have to take anti inflamatories and some times Tylenol. I think I may be the exception since I was so late starting. Others may have had quicker results.



    Chris, my progress was very slow & subtle. For me, at ~ 4months I did notice that if I bumped a swollen joint, the pain was much reduced. That was the thing that sent me thru the roof before ap. But still, at that point everything I did with my hands/wrists hurt: turning a door knob, pulling up my sox… I would say to be very kind to your inflamed joints. Right now be very careful in your movements. Maybe next year you can run a marathon:D, but not now.:(
    I was in your shoes one year ago. This Nov, I was able to go canoeing several times & had no wrist pain! I can haul wood, chop vegetables & do so many other things again. halelujah. But it took me forever to get used to not doing things & resting my joints. It gets so boring & frustrating at times to not be able to do the things you love (or even housework), but while you're inflamed, coddle your joints. It's so easy to overdo it & aggravate the inflammation. You can get back in shape next year. Patience.
    You should take some kind of anti inflammatory so the abx can work.
    All that said, I think inflamed knees could be a red flag pointing to the possibilty of Lyme. If things don't turn around for you soon, I think you should look into that.
    Either way, 2010 will be your year to heal!

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