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    Susan LymeRA

    I have suddenly developed pain in my achilles tendon after resting.  Walking for a few minutes loosens it up for me.  I found this website that seems to have good information on alleviating foot pain.




    Hi Susan,

    I've had Plantar Fasciitis, and it is painful.  Those stretches on your link really help.  Years ago, they bound my feet, went through physical therapy, and nothing worked until I implemented stretching of the heel/achilles.  What a difference!



    Regrettably not so much info about rheumatic disease and the different foot/heel/tendon issues commonly present in Spondyloarthropathies (often mentioned as a symptom important in the diagnosis picture, e g Carter, Hudson: Reactive Arthritis:
    Clinical Aspects and Medical Management Rheum Dis Clin N Am 35 2009, mentions these a “hallmark feature”, or http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/332945-overview).

    Susan LymeRA

    I believe mine is an inflammed achilles tendon caused by Bartonella.  It has been small grade for a couple of months but this morning it really hurt and so I hit the 'net and found that great webpage.

    Hopefully, if/when bartonella is gone, so will this, but the exercises sound like a good thing for any of us with painful feet. 



    Being a native Californian, I only wear flip flops. As soon as I changed and wore real shoes the pain in my instep went away. I heard it was from …maybe it was a combination of the two issues.


    There are many things you can do to treat your plantar fasciitis. I had plantar fasciitis for about two years and I discovered that treatment is individual. Things that work for one will not necessarily work for the other. The good news is that you have many treatments you can try but you must be persistent and patient.
    I have found a good plantar fasciitis treatment review website in:
    There are many self care treatments ideas in there but I think you should consult a podiatrist before do something.
    Take care

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