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    I'm now almost 2 years into AP and have to say I'm now doing very well indeed.  It's still a real struggle on the 'bad' days, but they are becoming fewer, much less severe, and farther apart.  My last blood tests on 06/03/10 show my RF down to 71 – from my starting point of 362!  Still getting intermittent high white cell counts, but not really worried anymore about that.

    Now, Rx insurance is getting rotten about what drugs they will cover.  I am beyond appalled at how they interfere with my medications and what my Dr wants me to take.  What a corrupt and rotten system this is!!!

    I've been on Celebrex with quite good results for over a year now, but wonder what other medication(s) could take it's place for controlling inflammation and pain.

    Current Meds:

    50 Mg (Teva) Minocycline, twice a day with some days none and some 4 a day

    100 Mg Celebrex, twice a day

    Also taking Lisinopril 5 mg twice a day for high blood pressure (which was always low until the RA hit me), Premarin .3 every day, Fluconizole every few weeks along with good probiotics, and Darvocette every once in a while if the pain gets harsh, which doesn't happen very often anymore.  Also added high Vit D dose these past couple of months.

    Anyway, is it time for me to drop the Celebrex?  If the flares/herxes get rough again, I'd like to find something to get it under control without going back on Celebrex.  It also appears that my gut is finally getting much better as the diarrhea I've had for the past 4 years is not bad anymore.

    Another problem I've noticed is that when I add OTC vitamins/minerals I get nasty leg/foot cramps that go away when I remove them.  Anybody else dealing with leg/muscle cramps?

    I did try another AP Dr as my husband and I now live full time and are travelling the USA in our motor-home, but I just cannot get my head around going off all dairy products and gluten, especially when I'm already doing so very much better without doing that.  Why should I do that when I'm getting better without and it would be so difficult with my lifestyle, especially when I've never been tested for any sensitivities to those items?  Because of this, I decided to fly back to my AP Doc in FL as necessary.

    I did learn to do my own IVs, but without the pharmacy in FL where I could get the supplies, it became impossible to do anymore.  So, my Dr and I decided that I'm doing well enough now to not do any more unless my lab numbers start going up again.  I absolutely believe the Clindy IVs did a great job of getting me to where I am now.

    Anyway, for those wondering if AP really does work, I (and my Dr) firmly believe I am now a 'poster child' for proof that it does!  Can't thank all of you here enough!!!

    PS:  Currently we are in Rapid City, SD and loving it here.  Heading to Yellowstone next.


    Congratulations on doing so well.:blush:

     It is an encouragement to me who is pretty new to the AP, I started a few months ago.  But can say I am starting to feel better too, and this is after a very long standing RA diagnosis.

    I have found that so many foods make me feel worse though.  I am doing a pretty good job of identifying them and when I eleminate tham I certainly feel a difference!!  I had been off dairy and wheat for years now.  But now I found some other foods bothering me.  So I decided to get an blood test called the ALCAT which will test and see what for sure I can or shouldn't be eating.  Found out my insurance will cover it too.  But if your feeling good without changing your diet thats great1

    Thanks for sharing,



    Diamond, great to hear from you and that you are now doing so well! Congrats on sticking it out and getting yourself so well. Don't forget, we want your remission story when you get there for the main site hall of famers! 🙂

    Happy travels!

    Peace, Maz

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