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    Susan LymeRA

    I really enjoyed this bulletin.  It was truly reading my own story.  Diet was the first change I made, before any medicine and I experienced a 50% improvement in my inflammation and pain.  The non-believing rheumy said there is no scientific evidence that food has anything to do with RA.  I could have cared less about scientific evidence, I had my own experience and you weren't changing my mind about it.  He wouldn't test me for mycoplasma or strep but since I had a positive lyme test from 5 mths earlier he did angrily prescribe minocycline while informing me I no longer had lyme.  He just based that diagnosis on his own superior wisdom.

    God was good to me.  I quickly found a functional medicine doctor who identified food allergies, heavy metal toxicity and he began to work on those.  One year later, I found my wonderful rheumatologist who is a lyme specialist and a functional medicine doctor.

    Her tests revealed much more than lyme, including the H. Pylori spoken of in this bulletin.  Just recently strep finally tested positive in my gut.  She says this is my main culprit. 

    I have been back to normal life for 3 yrs and absolutely painfree for 1 1/2 yrs. 

    About 1 yr ago, I broke my foot and it healed in 4 weeks which the doctor said was half the normal time for a healthy person and stunning in light of the fact I have RA.  I believe the “whole body” approach to my healing has given me a healthier, stronger body in all ways.

    Yesterday, I was volunteering with a group and the group leader said she was putting the young women on the outer doors and she pointed to me as one of the young women.  Later, I was telling a retired woman that I envied her retirement and she said “Well honey, you have to be old to retire.”  On my next birthday next month, I will be 55.  Apparently, I don't look it and I know diet, exercise, supplements and healing inflammation are contributing to my young look.

    I remember when I first came to roadback in 2006 talking about my experience with diet and supplements and I was admonished for it.  At that time, we were discouraged from discussing any treatment other than AP.  I am so happy to see that times have changed.

    These are multi-faceted illnesses requiring multi-faceted healing protocols.



    This is another fine bulletin. Maz, you hit it out of the park again! :blush:  Thank you for the many hours it takes to publish these informative gems.

    I love the personal stories that put faces on the stories of lives we've followed ~ somehow makes them more real.  One thing we all have in common is that it took more than just antibiotics to get better, but rather a lifestyle change ~~~not a bad thing. 😉

    Take care…..kim 

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Girls;
         It's been ages since I have been around.I do not show anything about the new bulletin and even using the “search” does not show anything.I know I have a fossil of a computer but have always found the others.Must be me off in a fog bank again.


    Thanks muchly, Kim and Susan! Glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂

    Lynne, the direct link to read the Summer 2010 eBulletin is here:


    You can sign up to receive these quarterly newsletters in your email by just going to the RBF website (http://www.roadback.org) and entering your email into the subscription box on the main page and then just submitting it by clicking the button. Even old fossilized pcs (your paleo ref gave me such a hoot, Lynne!) should be able to receive the newsletter via email. :roll-laugh:

    Peace, Maz


    Lynne G.SD

    Thanks Maz,I thought I had already done that a years or so ago.I guess my computer just resembles it's mistress…old and decrepit.Sorry about that last word,I am just working on phonics and haven't a clue as to spelling.

    Cheryl V

    Good read!

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