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    Has anyone ever used Adrenal Cortex drops to help get off of predisone, or has anyone ordered it from American Biologics? I read Tom Cowan M.D. article about getting off of steroids and he states that using adrenal cortex drops for several weeks after you quit predisone will help you, below is the paragraph I am refering to

    (With many patients, even with hard work on diet and supplements it is still difficult to wean off the prednisone, especially the last 2-5 mg. In these cases I do use an adrenal cortex extract from American Biologics For some, it is the only thing that works. Usually 2-3 drops per day is enough, but often we need to double this amount. I usually keep this going for 6 weeks after the prednisone has been stopped to avoid relapses. All the time during this treatment the diet and Standard Process supplements should continue.)


    My doctor started to wean me off of the predisone I am taking for dermatomyositis but I became so done in and tired that he put me back on it, I really want to get off it and live a kind of normal life if possible any answers would be great. I know that there is lot of people out there with the same problem


    I would like to do this as well but the last time I started lowering the dose – slowly- I flared so I went back up.  I'd be interested to see if anyone has tried this cortex and how it worked.

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