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    For autoimmune including Lupus RA etc – this is possibly worth taking a look at – this is ONLY juicing NO high involved but juicing is where this plant has proven to be effective – http://tv.greenmedinfo.com/raw-cannabis-juice-helps-young-woman-ditch-40-medications/

    Be sure to take a look at the list below the video of what this has been proven to be effective for & yet it is still not legal in all states.

    Jill SD, Lyme, CPn, Candida & poss. Bart.


    Hi Jill–

    My brother has often recommended that I try cannabis to control pain and symptoms (he is in the medical field). My kids roll their eyes at the thought ๐Ÿ™„ and I would never because of the effects on the brain. Learning that juicing raw cannabis is non-phsychoactive gives me pause to think.

    I was profoundly affected by the testimony of a man/husband for the medicinal use of cannabis to our lawmakers in Wisconsin. His wife had pancreatic cancer and went through every kind of treatment possible. Then they used cannabis and she was healed. One lawmaker told him he could go to jail for admitting he had his wife use an illegal substance. He responded that it didn’t matter because he had already lost everything using costly conventional methods to treat her. I think of his testimonial whenever this subject is brought up, it was so profound!!

    Thanks for posting this.

    Take care,

    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi–In fact it is not legal in MOST states –In New York many doctors set up offices only to sell prescriptions for oxy-contin -no exam nothing –a patient goes in pays x dollars and gets a prescription –thankfully many of these bottom feeders are getting caught and going away –I definitely see a correlation in this —his sole reason for being is to write a prescription for cannabis ==for get all the fancy talk etc –it looks to me like just another prescription peddler –


    This is a great news I will try this method. thanks for the info.


    @dotsdaughter2 wrote:

    This is a great news I will try this method. thanks for the info.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    I am wondering if she would have obtained the same result by juicing raw vegetables or simply eating a large salad every day. I suspect that many people with chronic illnesses don’t eat enough raw vegetables — if they eat any at all.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    I have been juicing fruits and veggies a lot since January for my RA. I had 5 nodules, two on my elbow(inside and outside) and 3 on my wrists, now I just have one. I could not straighten my elbow for years, but now the nodules are gone and the only thing I changed is I stopped eating a lot of grains, just one serving every couple of days and I stopped the dairy and STARTED JUICING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. it sounds too easy, but one to two glasses a day juiced in my Breville juicer has made the most difference. (Obviously any juicer will work I just mentioned mine in case anyone wanted to know of a good one to buy.)
    I have a straight elbow now and it was at an angle for 2 solid years and I could straighten it. My knees are straight instead of staying at a stuck angle, it is truly a miracle.
    The week I juiced just fruits and vegetables only made the most difference, its like everything changed for the better from that point on. I wish everyone would try it and just see if it helps them like it helped me. I do notice if I get lazy and eat too much junk and don’t juice my one nodule on my wrist gets swollen and bigger.


    Valsum & others – I feel much of these benefits very well could translate over to raw veggies juiced but as to Richie saying this doc is peedling – I listened to other video’s done by this Biomed doc. the details are amazing as to the science behind this & much of it is government findings – there is MORE antioxidant power in Cannabis juice than Vitamin C AND E COMBINED! that is simply the power. This has NOTHING to do with a high – just real help & the stories of the help has nothing to do with peddling! AND yes it’s still illegal, but it’s a sad state of affairs if I wish to juice something to see if it can help that I cant! I have zero interest in the high but I have a real interest in battling my rheumatic disease & getting it into remission without stomach issues or side affects – so far I have NOT been able to do that with ABX while you have Richie & that’s great – for those of us who are not there yet – I am actually higher now in my blood test levels although the meaning of that is up for debate I still am not there & I SURE would like to be. I still remember a senator saying he didn’t care if his grandma was in pain from cancer he would never allow cannabis as a means to help her deal with pain. I thought well isn’t that great he is making choices for others suffering? Isn’t our country supposed to be about choices & the right to do so without harm to others peacefully ?
    IF all we have left is choices of BIG Pharma, which does little to nothing to help Rheumatic diseases than we are ALL in big trouble in my opinion!
    I do know Cannabis works VERY well for controlling pain better than narcotics, much safer & people are not wacked out of their minds but to juice this would be FAR better in my opinion!

    For Pharma or anyone to rule this out – people’s ideas are slow to change but also for the pharmas they don’t want to loose the dominance in sharing their marketplace. But I think it’s a bit harsh to say this doc is simply trying to make money – he has helped many patients & this is not a chemical dependency like the narcotics are.What good does selling pain pills to anyone do & for a huge profit – I don’t think this is close comparision as there’s NOT a lot of money in it for him if people grow their own plants, which is what people have to do to juice! ๐Ÿ˜†
    Her story is pretty amazing to be in remission from Lupus none the less & other pains. If this is only a adjunct to help then that would be still a good thing over Methotrexate & so many others!

    I recently was reading that steroids & Chemo drugs like Methotrexate while they suppress the immune system they do nothing to stop or slow fibrous for someone like me with Scleroderma – this just vindicated my conviction was these med’s do nothing for Scleroderma but have real risks for my lungs as that is a weak spot for me.
    Jill SD Lyme CPn Candida & poss. Bart.


    I do think it is funny that a post about juicing a illegal veggie gets this much of a response. ๐Ÿ˜† I am eating a raw organic mixed green salad right now with asparagus & organic tomatoes on it – but I know for a fact there is more concentration in juicing than I can eat by a salad while this is better than eating garbage /GMO’s I simply cant get enuf antioxidants this way alone to make a difference in getting my diseases yet into remission – so for me this veggie ALONG with others juiced could potentially be beneficial as the antioxidant power of this is quite BIG!

    I also am seeing a HUGE difference in my gut, overall well being AND reduction of my Candida by using Castor oil in capsules for battling my Candida another one of God’s lowly plants. Diet alone was not enough to get rid of the Candida & it’s been difficult to take AP with having Candida flared up like this, Castor oil has made big inroads in my tongue, pain & overall energy.

    Peace ๐Ÿ˜€
    Jill SD Lyme CPn Candida & poss. Bart


    Big Pharma is bad ? –This promoter has 4 offices -if one goes to his site one will find a chart of fees –5 min .consultation –10 minute consultation –30 minute consultation —60 minute consultation I guess there is an alarm clock on the desk !!!—along with easy instructions on how to pay in advance on the website –if this isnt peddling -what is ?????? It certainly isnt professional –I would take big pharma any day of the week !!!


    “If all we have left is big pharma which does little or nothing to treat rheumatic disease ” –Last I looked big pharma produced minocin –Big pharma produced meds for GERD –Big pharma produced meds for blood pressure which help kidneys and lungs –big pharma produced meds for Raynauds –And now its biologics –millions of people have been helped –true there are side effects but the next generation is already being introduced that will be more specific —Big pharma are far from angels but people do get better using main stream meds —Its finding the right doctor and the right meds —IMO too folks who go the so-called alternative route use a shot gun approach –“I’ll try this -I’ll try that etc etc —without any type of medical consultation and very much on their own —I feel this approach is usually not successful —-and that person is not utilizing the tools available for success –Such as professional advice and experienced care


    Hi One more thought –if cannabis ever got legalized in any form who do you think will market and distribute it –Right –Big Pharma —They are not going to allow a billion dollar market slip away –In fact big Pharma secretly cheers when someone like this advocates for Cannabis —


    But dear Richie – if you will please remember that Big Pharma has no interest in Minocin NOW that it is in generic form – they have moved on to bigger money makers as there is not enuf money in generics. They don’t push minocycline for Rheumatic diseases they push bigger money makers that do little currently to help the disease process.



    Hi Jill
    Unfortunately your last post is incorrect –Teva-a manufacturer of minocycline generic did 20 Billion dollars last year –Watson which is now called Actavis did only 5 Billion —To clarify- those were their total gross sales –did you think mom and pops produced minocycline in garages ?????? But I guess its convenient to look for a shadowy villain called Big Pharma—


    Richie – to you & I 20 billion is a lot, but when you are talking about biologics that cost insurance or a patient in the thousands a month just for their one prescription, 20 billion is a drop in the bucket. I am talking BIG money. Of course mino is not made in a garage. I will agree we can disagree on this one. Minocycline has been put on the back burner by the doc’s & by the drug companies in favor of more profitable drugs. How many Rheumatologists will prescribe minocycline for autoimmune diseases not many!

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