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    After being on Mino and Flagyl for 3 years and doing wonderful, about 6 months ago my doc put me on Clarithromycin because the Mino was making my legs and face purple. I was doing ok but 3 months ago I was in the hospital and taken off RA meds and put on IV then oral Cipro. After being in the hospital and several weeks later, my doc put me back on 100mg Mino and Flagyl 3x a week. After 3 years of being pain free, my pain is back and I am miserable. For the past 3 years I was taking Teva or Watson mino but the pharmacies are out of those brands so I was given Aurobindo Mino. I did talk to my doctor and am now on mino 2X a day and flagyl 3X a week. I have been on this dosage for 1 week now. How long will it be before the pain goes away again? I was doing so very well the past 3 years!


    Hi Lorene,

    I think FAQ #25 may help to answer your questions, here: After Starting AP

    Hope others will chime in for you to say which generics are working for them. My best guess though is that you’ve got a number of factors that have probably coincided to precipitate your flare.

    Hope you feel better soon! Are you using buffered ascorbic acid to prevent hyperpigmentation? If not, you’ll also find this info in the FAQs. Raising your mino dose from pulsed to daily will likely increase the chances of hyperpigmentation returning as you’ve experienced it before. Ascorbic acid also helps with herx effects.


    Hi Lorene – It could be the generic mino you’re taking. Try a different generic. I failed on both Teva and Watson but did well on Torrent. It sounds like you’re the opposite. Not sure why Teva and Watson are not available to you but you could call around to different pharmacies to see if they have one of them. If not, try Torrent. Seems many folks here have to experiment with the generic before they find one that works.



    You are both so sweet to respond and thanks so much! I have a pharmacy who is ordering Teva for me and should be in Tuesday! YEA! Also, I do need to faithfully take the vitamin C. Thanks again!


    Lorene, I am so sorry to hear about your flare/relapse. I just posted about my recent flare/relapse experience. I flared with a change in generics. I had been on the TEVA brand forever and then my pharmacy couldn’t get it. It was actually not being manufactured for a while. I am now on the Actavis (owned now by Teva but different from the original TEVA) and that has over time worked well for me. It’s been a slow road back but I felt better almost instantly on it. For me it was like starting over…but I had flared back aggressively…I was in a very bad way. Anyhow, the good news is that once you have the right formulation for you, you will get back there again – or at least, that’s what I experienced.

    As for turning colors, well, I personally stay out of the sun as much as possible and I’ve heard that helps as well. But I have to confess…I’d rather be a blue smurf than ever go off minocycline…but that’s just me.

    Please keep us posted on your journey back to pain free state. You will get there. You got this.

    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    Hi Lorene,

    For the past 3 years I was taking Teva or Watson mino but the pharmacies are out of those brands so I was given Aurobindo Mino.

    That seems odd. Which pharmacies did you talk to?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Thanks whaleharbor and PhilC for responding. I called every pharmacy in Texarkana and I did find a private pharmacy willing to search and help me. They were able to order Watson, which is Actavis now. I picked it up yesterday afternoon and started it last night. Like, whaleharbor, I feel like I am starting over. Yes, I would rather be on the minocycline and turn colors than have this pain! You are all so sweet and thanks for the support! Have a Blessed evening!


    Hi Lorene,

    Yes, Watson bought Actavis and then changed their own name to Actavis. Later, Teva bought Actavis. Teva also sold some of their drugs (including their minocycline) to one or more other companies.

    As a result:

    Teva mino = Actavis mino (may be available under either or both names)
    Zydus mino = the old Teva mino (red and pink capsules)


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein

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