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    We just came from Mike’s latest visit to Dr. K in Lufkin and she has added Flagyl to his protocol. Added, not replaced. I was wondering if anyone else has used this?

    She is very pleased with his progress and he is doing so much better we feel truly blessed.

    Hugs and positive thoughts going out to everyone.


    Hi Lana,
    My mom just got Flagyl added to her protocol also. She is starting low and slow so we don’t have anything to report just yet but we’re hoping it will help her! Glad your hubby is feeling much better!



    I have nothing to add but thanks for your posts which are so encouraging to so many of us, and my prayers that your husband (Lana) and your mother (Michelle) will continue to thrive and heal. You are changing the world with the battle you fight courageously every day by their respective sides ~ my world at least! ~ because I read of your successes and become very motivated and inspired to work harder on my lyme and co-infections.

    Thank you so much!



    I have been taking Flagyl for Lyme for a couple months. I started with Tindamax which really kicked my rear and then switched over to Flagyl because it was cheaper. I am doing fine on it. 500mg morning and night…still herxing, just not as bad.


    What is Flagyl for? Is it for Lyme or SD? mlouise



    If your scleroderma is caused by Lyme, then Flagyl treats both. My husband made great improvement while on IV Flagyl and Malarone for his babesia. Flagyl is thought to have action against Babesia but is not strong enough on its own to treat Babesia and it also works as a cyst bust for Lyme.


    @mlouise wrote:

    What is Flagyl for? Is it for Lyme or SD? mlouise

    Mike has SD and Dr. K is very happy with his progress as are his rheumy and we are also. However the knuckle where his fingers are attached to his hands are still very stiff and she hopes that this might be a kick on that. Otherwise he can almost make a complete fist. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    He can also play the piano again. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


    I am also very stiff around the knuckle and in some fingers the second joint as well. How many years were you taking the mino and clindy bofore the Dr suggested the flagyl?
    That is great that he can play the piano. I can play some things, but I can only spread my fingers to a fifth right now. How far can he go? And how long did it take him to get there? mlouise


    @mlouise wrote:

    I am also very stiff around the knuckle and in some fingers the second joint as well. How many years were you taking the mino and clindy bofore the Dr suggested the flagyl?
    That is great that he can play the piano. I can play some things, but I can only spread my fingers to a fifth right now. How far can he go? And how long did it take him to get there? mlouise

    He can finally go a full octave with both hands. πŸ˜€
    He started AP 2 years ago and the progress has been incredible. 2 years ago he couldn’t even use buttons, zippers, snaps, or a knife and fork. Now he is almost 100%



    That great News! Something to look forward to! So did he hit a plateau and then the Dr decided to add the flagyl? Did you know all along that the SD was caused by Lyme? I have antibodies for Lyme, but they are inactive at present and have been for some time. My dr. does not feel I need a Lyme regimen now. mlouise


    @mlouise wrote:

    That great News! Something to look forward to! So did he hit a plateau and then the Dr decided to add the flagyl? Did you know all along that the SD was caused by Lyme? I have antibodies for Lyme, but they are inactive at present and have been for somtime. My dr. does not feel I need a Lyme regimen now. mlouise

    Hi mlouise!!!
    Just chiming in here…by no means do I mean to suggest you not to listen to your doctor or that you have Lyme…but, our experience: My mom’s current Lyme antibodies are negative but that doesn’t mean much to her Lyme doctor. Past infections on a lot of bands were positive. Current infections on these bands were either negative or Ind on all bands. She has Lyme. It just doesn’t go away. If she’s had it, she has it. It was never treated – Her doc also said her genetic marker is positive for Lyme. We are treating Lyme. All the doctors we showed the Igenex test results to said she did not have Lyme. They know not what they know not. I didn’t believe a word they said. Either did my mom. We decided to go to a tick borne disease doctor and she agrees we have to treat LYME. Diagnosis of Lyme is a blood test combined with a clinical diagnosis. (more so the clinical diagnosis in cases where current infection is NEGATIVE.)


    Hi, Lana:

    I have used Flagyl and found it is good at keeping C. difficile down, but primary purpose is anti-parasitic. A primary cause of AS is the protista giardia, so it should be used by everyone with AS also because it has some activity against K. pneumoniae, the germ that causes AS.

    To some extent, all of our tracts are affected even just by treating with antibiotics, but especially after taking NSAIDs, and Flagyl is sometimes very harsh, but a very effective agent.




    I will see my AP doc soon, and wish to approach the subject of Flagyl (I have AS) with him. He is open to AP, but not too experienced, therefore I must come in prepared to convince him. What dosage, how often, etc, would be a good starting place for Flagyl if he prescribes?




    I had the Igenex Lyme test done and the AP Dr said that since the bands were all negative for a current infection that all I needed to do was up the vit C and other things that improve the immune system. If I go to a LLMD do you think that they would recommend another antibiotic for the Lyme as well?
    mkbeeliever – How long has your mother been on the Flagyl for Lyme? Have you seen any positive results?

    When my tests came back as having had a past infection for Lyme, we decided to get my husband tested as well. We are farmers and are always out in the fields where the deer bed down and eat. But his test results came back neg, with not even a past infection. He has had several symptoms for several years ie chronic headache, bone aches, joint aches, but we just attributed it to old age. But then we also attributed my problems to old age as well. Go figure! I am almost as frightened of these deer as I am of the lunatic with a gun. We live in an area where developement is growing every day and there are less and less farms. So when the farms become housing developments where do the deer go? To our place, of course. both of my parents have chronic lyme and they are afraid to go outside the back door or grow a tomato plants because of the Lyme disease.


    @mlouise wrote:

    mkbeeliever – How long has your mother been on the Flagyl for Lyme? Have you seen any positive results?

    I am almost as frightened of these deer as I am of the lunatic with a gun. We live in an area where developement is growing every day and there are less and less farms. So when the farms become housing developments where do the deer go? To our place, of course. both of my parents have chronic lyme and they are afraid to go outside the back door or grow a tomato plants because of the Lyme disease.

    She has just this month stared her protocol of Flagyl so I can’t say we’ve seen positive or negative results. Next month she’ll take the Flagyl two days straight. She took it this month already without incident. I don’t believe that she’ll see anything for a while. And I believe this is a very low and slow dose and will be upped sometime when LLMD decides to. We went to the LLMD for the first time April 5th.

    I too am scared to death of ticks, we have deer in our back yard also. We recently got a new puppy and I found a tick on him already. The tick was not fully engorged. Only like two legs in him so i pulled it off and flushed the tick down the toilet. Now I’m like a mad woman checking this dog. Going to the vet today to get him on something to prevent ticks.

    Today I sent out a big email to my family and our close friends with some general information about Lyme and my mom…Maybe some of this will resonate with you. Some family members are pretty skeptical, not educated and think I’m crazy. I had to let them know some basic facts.

    Dear Family,

    I just wanted to email everyone and give you some information about Lyme disease. It

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