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  • This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by Maz.
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    Hello everyone-
    I have another question and I figured I'd come to you guys once more. Has anyone tried Flagyl with Minocin? My doctor wants me to start, but I feel a little unsure. She said it would help the arthritic factor in my scleroderma but I wanted some feedback. I'd rather be informed first 🙂 Well anyways, thanks for the help.



    Hi Eggs,

    Haven't tried flagyl, myself, although I believe Dr S in TN prescribes this for his rheumatoid patients. He brought his own RA into remission using a combo of mino, flagyl and nystatin, if memory serves. Flagyl is an anerobic anti-microbial as well as an anti-protozoal. It's powerful and needs close monitoring, as I understand it.

    The ladies on rheumaticsupport.net may be able to tell you more, as Dr S is occasionally a guest speaker on their BB live chat board. I joined a session where he was taking questions, last year, and he mentioned flagyl a lot as an adjunct to mino to jumpstart things when progress stalled.

    My memory on this isn't too great, but I think Dr S used flagyl for about 6 months? Also, not 100% sure if he prescribes daily or pulsed dosing….the latter would make more sense over the longer term. Anyway, if no one here has any input on this, try the other BB, as they seem to be well-versed in the use of flagyl.

    Peace, Maz

    Cheryl F


    Jess was on Flagyl for at least 4 months under the direction of her prior AP doctor.  She didn't have any problem with it.  As Maz said, I do know that several of the most experienced AP doctors use this in the mix with Zith and Mino.



    I wish I could find a doc to prescribe flagyl.  Even both of my AP docs won't do it, one of them an ND.  Instead, she started me on L-Glutamine to 'repair the gut'.  Maybe she's right and this is an effective, safer course.  I just hope it works.


    HI EGGS,

    I see you take linocin IV'S. Is that different from clindamycin? Where is your Dr located? Thanks! Diana


    [user=249]vegan[/user] wrote:

    I wish I could find a doc to prescribe flagyl.  Even both of my AP docs won't do it, one of them an ND.  Instead, she started me on L-Glutamine to 'repair the gut'.  Maybe she's right and this is an effective, safer course.  I just hope it works.

    Hi Vegan,

    My LLMD was really reluctant to try it on me, too. The way he described it is that it's a pretty powerful 'big gun' for the likes of treating C Difficile, a really resistant intestinal parasite, and should be closely monitored and used for short periods of time. He thought 6 months of daily dosing was way too much when I showed him Dr S's protocol, so I was disappointed, too. In my younger years, I lived in a lot of developing countries and battling intestinal parasites was a constant, so I feel sure there is something to this….an underlying addition to my pathogen load. 

    I guess in some really severe cases it's long term use is probably warranted (risks of not using it outweighing the side-effects), but I bowed to my doc's better judgment rather than pushing it. Having said that, I really can't remember how Dr S used this drug. If he pulsed it, then it might be better tolerated in the long term. Each of us is different, though, so I guess there will always be people who do better on it than others.

    Healing the gut sounds like a really good way to get to the underbelly of our diseases. I've heard that something in the range of 70% of people with rheumatoid disease have leaky gut and/or are celiac. Don't know how you feel about this, but it seems to point to a strong connection between our diseases and gut issues. Lots of folk hear have commented that it wasn't until they healed this aspect that they were able to make progress on AP.

    If you don't mind me asking, how are you doing so far on AP otherwise?

    Peace, Maz


    This has been such a trippy experience! 

    Since July 2007, I've been diagnosed by 3 rheumies as CREST, 1 rheumy as UCTD, and my ND as Lyme.  I don't really believe any of it.  I just think it's some sort of mycoplasma infection, period.  Been blown away by the hostility of 5 GPs, 2 GIs, a Gyno, an Infectious Disease, and a Neurologist.  Still looking for a GP who takes my insurance and won't throw darts at me with her eyes when I mention AP or try to force feed me toxic pharmaceuticals, as well as an AP rheumy or infectious disease doc less than 1000 miles away.

    I coaxed one mainstream rheumy into giving me a 3 month 'trial' of minocycline, which quickly took care of almost all my symptoms, and bought me some time to find an AP doc.  Now I'm dealing with what remains – GI being the biggest.

    Have you heard about the documentary film opening this month on the controversy of long term antibiotics for Lyme and doctors getting into legal trouble – Under Our Skin ? http://www.openeyepictures.com/underourskin/index.html 


    [user=249]vegan[/user] wrote:

    I coaxed one mainstream rheumy into giving me a 3 month 'trial' of minocycline, which quickly took care of almost all my symptoms, and bought me some time to find an AP doc.  Now I'm dealing with what remains – GI being the biggest.

    Have you heard about the documentary film opening this month on the controversy of long term antibiotics for Lyme and doctors getting into legal trouble – Under Our Skin ? http://www.openeyepictures.com/underourskin/index.html 


    Hi Vegan….as you've done so well on the mino, do you think you might be able to twist that rheumy's arm to keep you on it? It would really be a medical injustice if you've proven it works so well for you not to be kept on it. 😯 

    Yes, have heard about the movie….it's been in the works for a while, made largely by funding from donations from Lyme patients. The Lyme community is hoping it will have some impact, but is currently pretty preoccupied battling congress to have a long-proposed Lyme bill passed. This bill would help to increase education about Lyme, fund research, as well as give doctors the freedom to treat patients with Lyme as they see fit. IDSA is fighting this tooth and nail and, as we speak, they seem to have the upper hand. 

    ….and the beat goes on….:doh:

    Really hope you have some doors opening for you soon – sounds like you've run the gamut. If you need a listing of of AP docs nearest you, just send a note to apdoctors@roadback.org

    Peace, Maz



    Vegan, Maz – buying into the Flagyl bit. Dr S (in the online chat on the other Board) suggested I add Flagyl to mino to help kick start my RF downwards. He suggested 250mg x twice weekly but didnt mention a limited time period. Note: I didnt do that because I was wary of its 'big guns' properties and my GP felt the same. My new AP Doc hasnt added that on, rather the two others I posted about last week. Lynnie 

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Hi Lynnie,

    Thanks for clarifying the flagyl pulsing bit! That makes much better sense than daily dosing for long periods and I would think the body could tolerate that dose much more easily …. unless one has to hit c difficile hard. 

    Peace, Maz  

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