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    Looking at the “total load” involved in our illnesses can help with healing what we hope is not impossible.  I just re-read the following paragraphs from a book I've had for several years and wanted to share them with you, because I believe knowing these things is about as important as knowing about Dr. Brown's AP (antibiotic protocol).  (This is posted, especially, for the newer posters in mind.)
    The following subtitled paragraph (from pgs 160-161) in Dr. Sherry Rogers' book, “Painfree in Six Weeks” may become important to some more of us [quoted material begins below — underscored and bold emphasis by AF]: 

    [align=center]Addressing the Total Load is the Only Way
    To Heal the Impossible[/align]

    [align=left]Let's look at one example of how you can pull parts of the total load of causes together in order to heal the impossible.  Auto-immune arthritis, for example, can start with something as simple as Candida overgrowth after antibiotics, coupled with mercury toxicity from dental amalgams, paints or fish that impair the body's ability to fight Candida.  From there you get a leaky gut from the prolonged inflammation of the intestinal lining caused by the Candida overgrowth.  This leaky gut in turn impairs the carrier proteins in the gut lining that carry minerals and other nutrients across the gut into the bloodstream.  With nutrient reserves dwindling, the ensuing cascade of symptoms makes drug-directed physicians doubt your sanity.  [/align]
    The leaky gut then can trigger auto-antibodies to your own tissues, leading to auto-immune disease like lupus arthritisDepression, joint pains, and heart disease are only a handful of the other symptoms that drive folks to seek all that medicine can offer.  Unfortunately, that merely means high doses of prednisone which makes the Candida grow even faster.  When that fails, chemotherapy drugs are used that cause cancer years down the road.  Now you can appreciate one reason why these folks have such misery, with the key prescription drugs actually making the disease worse.  Using the currently recommended drugs for auto-immune diseases is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

    [align=left][end of quoted material]  [/align]

    [align=left]About Sherry Rogers:
    Click on http://www.latitudes.org/brd_mem.html
    Then, under the “Environmental Medicine” column, click on the name  Sherry Rogers, MD, FAAEM to read about her credentials.  [/align]
    Happy Sunday and Fathers Day to all of you,


    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Friend;
         This info is right on but I will go one step further.I have the most wonderful vetenarian who sees this just a little differently.she would add a little info at the very beginning of your article.She was a researcher at the University of Guelf which has our biggest veterinary clinic in Canada.She syas that yeast is likely the initial problem.It can be induced in animals by our standard North American diet and stress.I hate to say it but any animal in a lab is stresse out already,just give them our fast,canned,prepared foods and they come down with yeast in no time at all.Leave that uncontrolled and they get all sorts of immune diseases.
       In other words,our diet and life style are the main culprits in her view. Then everything you mention comes into play and VOILA!!! we get diabetis,cancer,immune diseases etc.  Lynne

    A Friend

    [user=31]Lynne G./SD[/user] wrote:

    Hi Friend;
       …..I will go one step further.I have the most wonderful vetenarian who sees this just a little differently.she would add a little info at the very beginning of your article.She was a researcher at the University of Guelf which has our biggest veterinary clinic in Canada.She syas that yeast is likely the initial problem.It can be induced in animals by our standard North American diet and stress.I hate to say it but any animal in a lab is stresse out already,just give them our fast,canned,prepared foods and they come down with yeast in no time at all.Leave that uncontrolled and they get all sorts of immune diseases.
       In other words,our diet and life style are the main culprits in her view. Then everything you mention comes into play and VOILA!!! we get diabetis,cancer,immune diseases etc.  Lynne

    Lynne, very interesting about your wonderful veterinarian's take on things.  I also believe she is “right on”!  Remember though, that Dr. S used what I quoted from her work as only “one example,” and there are many others, I'm sure.  The example you gave us about how and why animals respond in a stressful situation sounds logical and not unlike what I have read in various holistic approaches for humans.  This makes me wonder how/why  doctors would ever consider prescribing just the usual pharmaceuticals and give no attention to these other factors.   AF


    This sort of goes in line with the thread on heart disease. We do need to change our lifestyle from the stressed out, fast food, low exercise regimen that predominates our society. But that's something doctors have been telling us for a long time. They're not to blame if we don't listen. I honestly think most doctors do the best they can with what they've got. I can't imagine anything more frustrating for a doctor than to have say, a diabetic patient who refuses to comply with their diet. All that doctor can do is advise and rx insulin, the rest is up to the patient.

    I think it's the exception, not the rule, for doctors to see patients who are educated in holistic health. They see many patients a day, and they don't have time to hand hold or force feed lifestyle changes in people who are resistant. They do what they can, but as I said before, most people would much rather take a pill than change their life. That's the how and why doctors treat patients with specific meds more often than they use a holistic approach. It's what the public wants and expects. If we want our medical professionals to follow a more holistic approach to healing, we have to convince the general public to ask for that kind of therapy first. McDonalds didn't start selling salads until they starting losing customers to restaurants that were selling healthier choices. As a society in general, we are getting exactly what we want from our doctors, quick fixes that require little or no change on our part. A perfect example of this is the booming plastic surgery field. Why eat right or exercise to lose weight or keep skin healthy looking when you can get liposuction and botox?

    Yes, there are docs who are getting rich off of patients who are chronically ill and are not educated about alternative therapies. I fully acknowledge their existence and have even fired one. They are a part of the problem. But our society's priorities and expectations are also part of the problem. If we wait around waiting for the medical profession to change the way they practice medicine, I'm afraid few changes will be made. We have to educate our families, friends and neighbors to expect more from their doctors, just like most of us here at this board do. And then we have to help them overcome their fear and teach them how to discuss other treatment options with their doctors. If the majority of patients did that, doctors would have to come on board to keep from losing their patients. But I'm preaching to the choir here, aren't I?

    Just checked my watch and, yep, I've past the time of day where I don't ramble (as much);) I hope this makes sense tomorrow when I read it again.


    [font=”Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”] [align=center] “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
    — Margaret Mead, anthropologist

    A Friend


    Lots of truths in what you wrote in your post.  One additional sad truth is that even some of our esteemed and most popular and effective AP physicians (which patients have had to work hard to even find) are telling their patients they don't have to pay attention to their diets, that diet doesn't matter.  One of these is a prestigious rheumy who at least several years ago did not even tell his patients they should take probiotics while taking abx 2xdaily. 

    Yeast overgrowth, leaky gut, other effects of dysbiosis, and multiple food sensitivies and particles from the leaky digestive system leaking into the blood stream have definitely been proven to be a big part of our so-called auto-immune response problems — perhaps a big part of our “total load.”  And, since many of us were healthy for years before we suddenly waked up ill and never have gotten back to our previous healthy state, my thinking is that physicians should know about the above problems/connections with chronic illness and guide us to recovery.  We should not “have to become medical students” (especially while paying them to treat us) in order to solve our problems.  However, unless these complementary medicine facts are taught in medical school to those becoming physicians (instead of the information cast aside with comments that there is nothing to these), they will not learn and will continue not to know. 



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