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    There's a short article on FoxNews.com in the Health section on the class of abx known as flouroquinolone drugs. The FDA is now requiring that the makers of these abx add a black box warning about the risks of tendon ruptures. Cipro, Levaquin and Floxin are flouroquinolones. The article states that the drug should be stopped immediately if tendon pain, swelling or inflammation occur.

    I know there are a few people here who have asked about Levaquin, but as far as I know only KeyPounds has actually used it. BTW, where are you Key, and how are you doing?


    Lynne G.SD

    Thank You,Thank You, Thank You   for that info.My doc put me on cypro as part of my antibiotic rotation and I have been so sore since March.Was there any info on how long it takes for the tendon pain to leave once one stops taking it?   Lynne


    The article was very short, not much longer than my post. It didn't specify a time frame. I have read posts from people on sites about drug side effects who have suffered permanent damage and needed surgery after taking levaquin, but they seemed to be extreme cases and were experiencing a lot of pain. I don't want to cause unnecessary concern in you, I think you would be more than just sore if you had a tendon rupture. Still, it might be a good idea to let your doctor know about the new warning and your symptoms.

    I'm so curious as to why this class of abx causes this particular side effect. I wonder if it's an extremely severe herx in people who have some kind of dormant mycoplasma infection?


    There are several websites out there that talk about people who have been “floxed” (the nickname for people with quinolone damage).

    I had a horrible experience with Cipro, not the tendon damage they talk about but the neuro symptoms and stomach problems. It lasted for years. I don't know how much damage I still have, I think most of my symptoms these days are AS related. I always tell my docs I am allergic to quinolones so they won't give them to me.

    I was so happy to hear about the black box warnings, it's about time.

    Todd WI

    Hi Lynne,

    I seem to recall it took a couple of months for my tendon pain to completely go away after I stopped taking Levaquin.  But that was starting from a particularly bad spot.  The orthopedic doc told me I was lucky that I hadn't had any tendon ruptures (it sounded like he wouldn't be particularly surprized if I returned with ruptures) and  then presribed oxycodone for the pain.   I needed it, I was in a world of hurt…



    🙂 I have taken Levaquin when I get a calcium deposit infection for years. I really like the drug. I don't recall any side-affects. Good to know though.


    One drs. opinion on this:


    “Black box warnings used to be for very serious, life-threatening problems in drugs.  Now tendonitis and tendon rupture are life threats, or are so serious they warrant a Black Box?  The elevation of known, well-documented drug side effects to Black Box status dilutes its meaning, and will ultimately require the formation of a new class of warnings.”

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

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