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    Hi MMW,

    Thank you!  This information rounds out the thread very nicely and I think gives a balanced perspective on HCL.  It sounds like something valuable that should be used with respect and caution.  I guess I am not eligible for it anyway as I cannot take pills, for me it would have to be opened before swallowing (and probably like with the Wobenzym and Neprinol it would significantly irritate my esophagus and throat).  Oh well!

    I did try apple cider vinegar tonight and I think it helped!  When I first took it (right before eating) it burned like crazy and I thought “Oh no, here we go…” but as soon as I started eating the burning feeling went away and then when I was finished eating, I didn't get that yucky burst of acid that I typically do.

    I think maybe between apple cider vinegar and those awesome probiotics, I am on my way!  🙂

    I really agree with the low stomach acid setting the scene for other bacterial infections in the intestines.   After four weeks on Prevacid I began to experience debilitating nausea that felt identical to strong morning sickness. I would not be surprised at all if my gut was in terrible imbalance.  Thanks so much for letting us know about the Mastic gum and hummaworm cleanse — if the gum is something anyone can use, maybe I will try it “just to see” and possibly it will help!

    Take care,




    You mixed the apple cider vinegar with water, right?



    hi hopefullmama,

    sorry, haven't been around the board lately…just saw that you asked about the ACV.  we use the Bragg's brand because it supposedly has more of the good stuff than the highly processed brands (like Heinz).   And, yes, there is a big difference between apple cider vinegar & regular white vinegar.  just google “apple cider vinegar health benefits” and you'll see lots of info. 
    like Kim suggested, I hope you're taking it with water.  we drink 2 tablespoons in a full glass of water with a heaping tablespoon of honey.
    i hope it keeps working for you!



    Kim and mj47… I didn't know about the water.  Hahaha!  That may explain the burning!  I will DEFINITELY be adding water to my routine… because the ACV really does seem to be helping quite a lot.  (Luckily the Braggs kind was the one they had at Whole Foods on sale, so that is what I got.)

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Thank you!

    p.s. I also checked for Mastic Gum at both Whole Foods and the local natural foods store and they both said they don't carry it.  I guess it has to be ordered online.  Just FYI for anyone that is interested.

    Also, mj47 I will have to back up and read earlier posts… how many times a day do you take the ACV in water?  Before every meal?


    I was wondering if anyone has tried fermented Kombucha tea.  I have in the past and it seemed to work very well as a digestive aid.  It's a probiotic, and also has a “mother”, which took some getting used to.   Unfortunately the brand I was using was taken off the market due to the Lindsey Lohan debacle.  (She claimed the .05% alcohol content of her Kombucha pushed her over limit when she was arrested…  shhheeeeshh!)   So the FDA forced the brand off the shelves at places like Whole Foods.  It was GT's, the same people who make Synergy.   Anyway, I tried a couple of others that also worked pretty well.

    Just my two cents…

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