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    I had severe esophageal issues with RA……..actually felt like I was getting ready to die.
    I take an Ionic, Organic liquid whole food that cured it within 3 weeks. Write me privately.



    Thanks Maz and Healer, I appreciate both of your suggestions so much.  I am happy to make the 9 hour drive to meet with a great LLMD next week and hope that we will be able to come up with a plan that I feel comfortable starting with.  I also have a second appt later next week with the LLMD's assistant in my town, so it will be nice to get a feeling for both offices and figure out where I feel most comfortable getting treatment advice.  I do plan to take action on the lyme.

    Healer I will send you a PM to find out about that great treatment for the esophageal issues!

    I wanted to let you all know that in a moment of desperation yesterday, when the acid and burning was so intense I thought I was going to start vomiting, I picked up a special probiotic “shot” (not a yogurt, more like a small amount of liquid to drink quickly) at the natural foods store and within 30 minutes of taking it I felt almost normal again.  It contains 50 billion live friendly bacteria, and I must have really needed them to join the party in my gut.  I've had two more of those shots since and today is the best I have felt in weeks.  It is wonderful to finally have found a probiotic that I can take that actually works for me without giving me more problems.  I am lactose intolerant so most probiotics don't help that much.  This one is dairy-free, wheat-free, soy-free and I am feeling human again.

    If anyone reading this thread ever needs or wants to know what this particular probiotic brand is that I discovered, just send me a PM.  I'm very happy to share the information 🙂



    I recently learned about another approach to treating acid reflux. Apparently it can be caused by too little acid/HCL in your stomach, not too much. The treatment is to add HCL to your stomach. I bought some HCL with pepsin and I've been doing this for a week. I also quit taking the acid reducer omeprozole. So far so good. I'll keep ya'll posted.


    Hi hopefulmama,

    I'm glad you are feeling better and that you found a probiotic that seems to be doing you a lot of good. You should probably go ahead and post the info about it, though. Otherwise, you could be getting a lot of PMs. 🙂


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Thanks so much for letting me know about the HCL with pepsin.  I wonder if that comes in a liquid form?  At the moment I can't swallow pills – but I'm thinking about seeing if I can get hypnotized to get over that problem… I'm pretty sure it is a psychological block.  Sure seems like it would help if I could swallow pills.

    Keep me posted about the HCL.  I tried taking DGL (licorice) before meals and it made the burning soooo much worse. 

    Take care & thanks again.  BTW it is so great to hear that you've been on AP for three years and are doing really well!


    Got get 'em Phil……great quote!



    LOL Phil 🙂

    Are we allowed to post brand names on the Board?  I don't want to break protocol.  If it is okay I am more than happy to share the name of the probiotic that is helping.



    [user=2523]hopefulmama[/user] wrote:

    Thanks so much for letting me know about the HCL with pepsin.  I wonder if that comes in a liquid form?  At the moment I can't swallow pills – but I'm thinking about seeing if I can get hypnotized to get over that problem… I'm pretty sure it is a psychological block.  Sure seems like it would help if I could swallow pills.

    Keep me posted about the HCL.  I tried taking DGL (licorice) before meals and it made the burning soooo much worse. 

    Take care & thanks again.  BTW it is so great to hear that you've been on AP for three years and are doing really well!


    I went to a “Heilpractiker” in Germany this summer. She told me my problem was actually hypo-HCL in my stomach. I started the first day by taking one HCL capsule during each meal. My stomach felt fine so I increased to two capsules each meal the second day and three the third day. The fouth day after 4 capsules I felt burning in my stomach so I went back down to three capsules and that is what I'm taking regularly right now. No signs of reflux so far. 

    Yes, I'm completely off antibiotics now. It's been one month! I'll keep you posted on that development too.:roll-laugh:



    [user=2523]hopefulmama[/user] wrote:

    I wanted to let you all know that in a moment of desperation yesterday, when the acid and burning was so intense I thought I was going to start vomiting,


    Hi Andrea,

    Sorry if you've mentioned this before, but have you ever been tested for helicobacter pylori (H. pylori, for short)? If not, you might consider asking the new LLMD about getting tested for this stomach infection. Treatment is similar to Lyme, anyway, because it's a spirochetal infection, but just thought it worth a mention. 😉

    No problems mentioning your probiotic brand, by the way! The guidelines aren't intended to stop people sharing what's worked for them. We're all just not supposed to offer prescriptive advice…i.e. “take xyz brand at such-and-such a dose.” The guideline is really intended to prevent advertisers using the forum as a place for profiteering.

    Hi Merla,

    What TERRIFIC news!!!!!!! So happy to hear you're in remission and off your antibiotics! Wow, I'm doing the happy dance for you, right now! Okay, so gotta ask…do we have your testimonial for the main site? If not, would you be willing to do one for us?  

    YAYAYAY! :dude:

    Peace, Maz


    [user=2523]hopefulmama[/user] wrote:

    Are we allowed to post brand names on the Board?  I don't want to break protocol.  If it is okay I am more than happy to share the name of the probiotic that is helping.

    It's perfectly fine; people do it all the time. You're just letting people know what helped you. It's okay to mention the name of the product because you're not telling people they should use the product and you're not recommending the product because you stand to gain monetarily.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    SO WONDERFUL. We're right behind ya.



    I'm really happy to share the probiotic brand that is helping me.  There is still a little acid, I'm not totally out of the woods, but it has taken it from intolerable to only a bit annoying.

    I got this at my local “natural foods” store.  It is called “Good Belly BigShot 50” and here is the URL: http://www.goodbelly.com/probiotic-drink/big-shot-50.  They make a few different kinds of GoodBelly but the kind I am using has lemon and ginger which are also supposed to be good for digestion. 

    Hope it helps you too!

    Maz, I've been in a bit of an ironic conundrum with the H.pylori infection.  I too think it is very possible that I could have one.  Dr. F asked if I had been checked for it.  I said no, not yet, but I would like to be.  He said “Your GI likely tested for it when he did the esophagoscopy”.  But when I spoke to the GI the next day, he said he had not tested for it and did not think it was necessary.  The other GI he referred me to for the manometry said, “If I was your doctor, my next step would be to test you for h.pylori”.  So I asked “Can you be my doctor?” and he said no, only if the other GI transferred me to him.  I asked my GI again about the h.pylori and he said, “I don't think it is indicated at this time.”

    The local LLMD asst did write up bloodwork for me to see if I have serum antigen to h.pylori, but she did it on the same form that is for IgeneX for a followup on bartonella and babesia.  I haven't done the provocation yet for b and b, so they haven't done the h.pylori bloodwork either.  I hear the breath test is best.  I'll definitely ask the new LLMD about that next week.  Maybe he can refer me to that 2nd GI.

    I'm ready to retire from my job of being a full time patient LOL!!! 

    Congratulations Merla, that is such exciting news!!! I am going to see if HCL-Pepsin can be taken as a liquid.  Very happy for you. 🙂



    WAY TO GO, MERLA!!! :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:  Can't wait to read your “testimonial”.

    Andrea, I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you really are making progress.  The process of elimination is all part of getting to a firm diagnosis, and although frustrating, is a necessary step.  Hang in there, you're doing great. 😉

    Take care…..kim


    Great news Merla!!!:dude::dude::dude::dude: – also looking forward to your testimonial. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Hi Merla and any that use HCL,

    Just a heads up.  I am a believer that in most people,  “too low acid” is way more  prevelant than “too high acid”. The symptoms, ironically, for both conditions are the same!  And drs. usually don't check if the acid is hyper or hypo. They just hand out antiacids like candy!   I have stuck to my guns on being “anti” antiacid (LOL) with all the many drs that wanted to give them to me.   If people knew about what proton pump inhibiters really do (besides shut off the acid) and the long term repercussions of their use…they would reevaluate whether they should use them or not.

    Please understand that I am not saying they should never be used or are not needed, but rather I believe we should be educated more fully on the situation of hypo-acidicy  to increase our awarenes.   My eye opener on the subject came when I read a book a couple of years ago,  “Why Stomach Acid is Good for You” by Jonathan Wright.  I highly recommend this book.

    After reading this book, I started taking the HCL capsules the way you are taking them Merla.    I worked my way up to 7.   I had no problems and it helped a lot.  I did this for a couple of months.    

    But then one day, I took it and I believe somehow the capsules didn't burst in my stomach the way they should have.   Instead, they must have gone out the pyloric sphinter into my deuodeum (small intestines)  and burst there.    I was in dire pain for about 3 days!  That was when I stopped taking the capsules and have only taken them very few times since at the dose of not more than 1 capsule each time.  I never want to experience that again!

    The point is to proceed with caution while taking HCL.  

    If something similar happens to someone like this,   drink lots and lots of water to try to dilute the acid a quickly as possible.   I did not think to do this.

    Another brief point to make is that often times some of us may have the perfect amount of acid in our stomach, but we have damaged sphincters that open when they shouldn't and allow the acid to move up to the esophagus or into the small intestines where it was never meant to be.   In this case…the question is  Should we get rid of all stomach acid due to the technical problem of our sphinters malfunctioning?   If we do this, we set ourselves up for all kinds of infections and health problems since the acid is not there to protect us from harmful bacteria which it normally kills.

    Also, if one has low stomach acid, they increase their risk for H pylori.   I had this bacteria and was treated for it.  This was the only time I did take antiacid as part of the treatment protocal.   But after two weeks of its use I had to quit.   The antiacid gave me problems.   A natural alternative to kill h pylori is Mastica (mastic gum) found only on one island in the world called Chios. You could google it.

    Also the Hummaworm parasite cleanse product is supposed to kill hpylori as well.

     Just rambling.   Hope this helps




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