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    Hi everyone,

    After a LOVELY 😯 experience in the fitting room the other night, I have decided it's time to get off my butt and lose some of this weight.  So, I went walking yesterday morning and this morning.  After just a few minutes, my legs were itching.  By the time I was finished with my walk (with a tiny tiny bit of jogging) I wanted to just cut parts of my body off they were so itchy!

    My quick search on the net told me I could take an antihistamine (not going to do that), stop exercising when the itching starts (pointless to even begin!), or exercise when it's not hot as the increase in body temp. is what is causing the itching (45 degrees when I was walking, and I live in TX!).

    So, does anyone have a suggestion or do I just have to put up with this awful itching?  In your experience, will this get better once my body is used to exercising again?


    Jennifer — RA, AP

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