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    I went to my rheumatologist who I hadn't seen since I started AP(over a year ago) and I just need to vent. I initially went to her to ask and maybe see if she was willing to do AP IV's and monitor me as far as bloodwork and the whole arsenal of tests I need to do. She was always so nice and understanding so my mom and I thought we'd try. She walked in the room serious and basically said I was worse and was just awful. The worst part was when I told her I did not want to start enbrel, humira, etc again because it didnt help and were just toxic and I had bad reactions to them. I told her I wanted to be honest and then she suggested I sign a Do Not Resistate DNR order just because I rejected the common therapies. She made it seem like I was already a lost cause and I am only 21. I just can't believe how cruel doctors are. But the funny thing is I didn't get to mention AP and she wrote me a knew script for mino (I mentioned my meds to the nurse) without me asking for it. Anyhow, I am no longer upset, but I just had this on my mind. Needless to say, I am not going back to her. I see dr S again next week and get another round of IV's and can't wait. I am doing better but know its slow but am being patient and trusting in God.

    I do have one question though, has anyone done the lemon olive oil drink and noticed it helping liver tests? Mine were slightly elevated but dr S felt it wasn't a big concern and he'll repeat tests when I see him.

    Thanks for reading and hugs to all.

    hang in there guys, drs don't have the last say, esp. ignorant close minded ones 🙂


    [user=166]Eggs[/user] wrote:

    I do have one question though, has anyone done the lemon olive oil drink and noticed it helping liver tests? Mine were slightly elevated but dr S felt it wasn't a big concern and he'll repeat tests when I see him.

    Hi Eggs,

    Really sorry to hear you had this disappointing visit with your rheumy. It really is a shame when any physician treats you like an ignorant child (I know you're still young, but it happens at any age :() and doesn't respect your right to choose. Do you mean she asked you sign a waiver, because you rejected common therapies or that she asked you to sign a “Do not resuscitate” form? If the latter, that's pretty shocking behaviour! 😯 Was she just being sarcastic, do you think? Don't blame you one bit not going back to have to endure that type of abuse.

    The best thing to help bring down liver enzymes is to take Milk Thistle. You can buy these pretty much anywhere and, as you say your levels aren't too high, it shouldn't take too long to bring them down with this supplement. The lemon and olive oil detox drink should help the process along, because it's a nice gentle liver cleanse. If you take it daily, best to do it 30 or 60 mins before bed, because it's at night when the liver does its dumping.

    When you see Dr S that should help to bring your spirits up again! Let us know how it goes for you, Eggs. Keep your chin up! We have to stay strong to deal with these wretched diseases and you're amazing to be dealing with it with such strength at such a young age.

    Peace, Maz


    Sorry you had that horrible experience with your doctor.  I think she was way out of line to basically tell you that you are at death's door.  At 21 you had an eye opening experience, and people either cow down or learn to make the system work for them. 

    You didn't even get to approach doctor about IVs but you also know now that there's no way she'd go for something like that.  Great – You know where she stands and now you can start looking for a different doctor.  The one that will give you the treatment that you need.


    Eggs – Your rheumy says you are worse etc. How do you feel? Do you think you are worse? What is she basing this on? Hang in there.


    She asked me to sign a DNR and actually gave me the form and told me to make copies for ER staff and other DR's I see. I was shocked and didn't really know how to react…my mother on other hand was furious. Despite this though, we are still smiling and like always you gotta keep going. :roll-laugh:

    Thanks Maz, for the milk thistle and other info. You are truly a blessing to all of us on the board!:D


    I am feeling better and have seen my skin returning back to normal plus my joint pain is better. her basis was on the fact that I am very thin(84 lbs) and claimed I lost all the weight after I stopped seeing her but she didn't realize while i was seeing her I was already loosing weight. her assesment doesnt matter, i know i am getting well and that is all that counts.


    Eggs, if this is any help…you mentioned going to see Dr S in Ida Grove soon. However, I think Dr RK in Lufkin, Texas does the IVs. Have you considered her as an AP doc option closer to home? I believe that there are low cost accomadations where you and your Mom could stay while having the IVs. A Friend can tell you more about this, as she goes to see Dr RK. She also specialises in gut/diet, which may help if you're having absorption issues. 


    This doc brought her mother's RA into remission using AP and is considered to be one of the best AP docs down in Texas. Here is the story of how she got into AP:


    Peace, Maz


    Well if your skin is better and joint pain is abating that sounds like good news. Have you stopped losing weight or does that continue? Can you eat OK?




    I wanta smack someone!  I think the gutter would be a step up for that one.  There are no words.  But I'm saying some under my breath anyway.  Bless your heart for keeping your chin up.




    Hi Eggs..

    I am sorry to hear about the experience with your Dr. I had a similar experience, so I fired her. 😀

    It still took a bit of a sales job to get my primary care Dr on board, but she is now and I feel a lot better knowing that she listens to me.

    Best wishes!



    [user=21]JeffN[/user] wrote:

    Well if your skin is better and joint pain is abating that sounds like good news. Have you stopped losing weight or does that continue? Can you eat OK?

    Its just so hard for me to keep the weight on. I eat ok as far as swallowing and chewing. I just take my time but man it seems like its a constant battle. My appetite comes and goes as the weeks and months go but I guess its more me trying to force myself to eat and drinking ensure plus shakes in between meals. Just another thing to work, but i'll get there.:roll-laugh:


    Sorry you had such an unpleasant appointment.  Since you are in Texas, have you considered Dr. K. in Lufkin?  She uses IVs, and is a great AP doc. 


    Have you tried the Lemon/Oil drink?  I used to give it to my husband quite a bit to help with his weight.

    Oh and I just saw that A Friend has reposted lots of information about it saving me all sorts of time!


    Great spirit eggs, Keep plugging.

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