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    Hi, everyone! I have not been on in a VERY long time!  So, I just had a very “aha” moment. I was talking about fingers to my family members. Do you all know about the finger test? They've shown it on Dr. Phil. Where a longer pointer means more estrogen, and a longer ring finger means more testosterone. A longer ring finger usually means a better athlete, better at math, music, more aggressive, etc. It has to do with hormone levels when fingers are forming in the uterus. My pointers are extremely longer than my ring fingers. Anyhow, my estrogen levels were high when Dr. F tested them. All my life I have known my hormones were off. But I always figured it was the opposite. I thought that maybe my testosterone levels were high. As a teen, and even now, I had back acne, odd hair growth, extreme moodiness during PMS, etc. Well, I looked up side effects of high estrogen and all of these things are symptoms of high estrogen– guess what else is a symptom of high estrogen? Lupus and RA! Women have RA more than men, makes sense, huh? Estrogen levels increase during pregnancy, many women get RA right after pregnancy. I had severe vomitting and nausea during pregnancy– another symptom of extremely high estrogen levels. Then, guess what, I looked up estrogen and antibiotics. And the reason antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the pill, is because they reduce ESTROGEN levels!! Guess one of the main ways to reduce estrogen levels? Reduce stress. Stress causes increased estrogen. What if the entire reason RA exists is because of too much estrogen? What if antibiotics work because they reduce estrogen levels? Feedback appreciated! ~Karin


    Oh, too much estrogen causes inflammation and high blood pressure, too!


    You may also want to look up the Centers for Disease control and look into the in-utero drug diethylbestrol or DES.  You possibly could have been exposed unknowingly in the womb by your mom taking a “doctor-prescribed pre-natal vitamin”.  It's in our (mine) DNA now and being passed down to our children. 

    America's dirty little secret.  Eli Lily developed this drug for the bigger better Aryan baby and tested it on Holocaust victims, and more and more victims (like me, DES and AI) keep piling up at the doorsteps of our baffled doctors.  I haven't had one physician who has heard of this drug boo boo. 



    You might be on to something.

    I'm going to check into this.


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