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    has anyone with sd and reflux experienced esophogus spasm.



    What exactly do you experience with the spasm?


    terry,  this afternoon i had salad with chicken pieces, i thought i was getting reflux, but as it went on esophogus clamps down and won't let anything go up or down.  it lasted a very long time today. kind of scary.


    Hi Tish,

    Ah yes…those symptoms!  I have to have my esophagus dilated 2 x a year becasue food gets stuck.  In fact, I just got done vomiting again, so its time to go back to the  Gastro doc and go through that procedure.



    hey diane, just went to gi, he told me it didn't need to be stretched just having slow mobility, well that was real slow.  i'm on nexium but don't think it's helping as much as would like.  i understand that when you stay on proton pump inhibitors it cuts acid off totallly then the food doesn't get digested at all.  i'm really having a problem eating at all and no appetite cause i know what goes down doesn't want to stay down.  he also said the valve was staying open causing food to come back up.  i would not wish this on anyone, even my worst enemy.



    Thats exactly what I have!  Take the meds.  I use Digestive Enzymes with my meals. I get the ones through Life Extension.  I also take Acidophalus. 

    Does it hurt in your back?  When I have a problem with it, it feels like its stuck in my back.  My belly swells to an enormous size, like 7 mo. pregnant. 

    I also message between the rib cage by starting at the top and pushing in and down. Sometimes that helps.  Has he checked for a hernia too?  I also have one of those going on.  In time I may need surgery. 

    The valve stays open on me too and spews acid upwards.  About half the time I vomit acid and very little food.  Surprisingly, bread and mashed potatoes plug me up fast.  It makes no sense in my mind because both foods are soft.  It would seem that meat should be the problem, but not normally for me.

    Since my condition has gotten so problematic, I do not like to go out and eat.  If this continues for you and you can't get relief from digestive enzymes, the acid blockers etc…go back to the gastro doc.  Maybe something has changed.  My symptoms can drastically change in a matter of weeks.

    I always tell people that right now my worst symptoms are my head, my heart and and my esophagus. 

    Oh…if you are taking Minocin etc…it makes the condtion worse.  I must take the Protonix with Minocin or I'm in a flair in a matter for two hours.



    diane, i just started back on iv's last week (had 5 900mg.) finished on thurs.  of week before then started minocin on mwf and i seem to be flaring or herxing.  i couldn't hardly swallow a pill on sunday.  so called doc, they're not very helpful.  don't really understand.  yes, my back does hurt, also right at lower spchinter.  whatever was stuck there for about 3 hrs. thought i would die.  how are you doing other than the gerd (which is a major biggy).  i am trying to go gluten free, just started so don't know if this will help sure hope so.

    A Friend


    Back in early 1996, after living in an apt for several months while building a home, I had a sudden  sharp severe pain between my breasts.  I'd been looking pretty gaunt and awful and not feeling the best before this happened. 

    (A heavy slimy mold problem was found in the heating system at that time, but that was before peopple generally were aware how dangerous this can be.  It was only later that I associated the two problems as being “cause” and “effect”.)

    The sudden pain onset felt like I thought a heart attack might feel.  At the time, I thought I might have to go to ER, but it subsided.  So I (stupidly, because it could have been more serious) did not go to the ER, but made an appt with my new internist (had just moved to this city).  The lab results were RA (but technically it was not RA, but internist thought was MCTD). 

    The internist made an appt for me with a rheumatologist, and also sent me to a pulmonary physician to check out the cause of the intense pain.  A procedure was scheduled in the hospital for what I believe was endoscopy.  Anyway, under some type sedation, a tube or scope was inserted down to my esophagus and a stretching procedure was done.  I seem to remember that before the pain attack, I might have been having some reflux (which would have been new for me). 

    The stretching procedure helped tremendously, and I've never had any more problems with the pain between my breasts or any reflux.  (I have recently had problems in this general area, and I have been referred to a cardiologist.  It may be related to the old problem (but I'm still not having reflux), or may be something new.  Just had the appt a couple of days ago.)

    Looking back, my best guess as to the cause of the above would be the organisms related to the mold.  When we moved here in January, there was ice and snow everywhere, and the heating system ran all the time.  So, lots of exposure to the mold organisms. 

    Hope this is helpful,



    Tish, for a short time, until you get better, it might help you to go to a mostly liquid diet. I believe this would give you less reflux than solid food. Use Ensure or Carnation Instant Breakfast. Use also protein powders (made from whey, soy or rice) to get your proteins in liquid form.


    so you're doing ok now i hope.  but what about heart thing.  oh yey i'm still wondering how you found out about metabolic typing.  i took a hcl and not sure if that caused a problem with me or not.  i would also like to know if you have acidosis because of low acid how do you find that out only hcl cause the pill seemed so big it about killed me and then i had the spasm but took more than just that.  what about mold, still running heater some, what do you do about that? thanks for all info.



    I have been on Nexium since it about came out —I have no problems at all with digestion whatsoever –it is a proton pump inhibitor –the acid production gets drastically reduced not totally cut off

    adding HCL totally counters the action of the nexium –you are just adding acid back –Doesnt make sense to me —Adding digestive enzymes -while I dont know too much abbout them -makes more sense to me



    Hi Tish,

    When I'm in a major flair, I can't get food to pass through hardly at all.   I actually think that areas nearly swell shut.  I take my Protonix, drink papaya juice and  aloe-vera gel with a little water and sip. 

    When I have food that gets stuck and I really try not to vomit, about 50% of the time, I can twist and turn and bend backwards and hold it for a time and the food will go through.  It sounds crazy but it has worked.  When all of my common techniques stop working is when I go to the gastro doc and have him stretch it.

    One night on PBS, I saw people that were in med school studying to be Gastro specialists.  They were sitting in front of their computer screen attached to the endoscopy equipment and they were doing their own scoping.  Pretty cool!  I suppose once they spray their throats to numb the gagging reflex, they can then scope themselves fairly easily.

    It is very difficult to enjoy going to parties when one has this condition.  One never knows when its going to reoccur.


    Karen R

    Hi Tish,

    That happens to me all the time but when I take the digestive enzyme Creon 10 it goes away. In my opinion it is the esophagus swelling because of the bacteria and when I take the enzyme it promptly goes away.


    A Friend

    Tish wrote:   oh yey i'm still wondering how you found out about metabolic typing.  i took a hcl and not sure if that caused a problem with me or not.  i would also like to know if you have acidosis because of low acid how do you find that out only hcl cause the pill seemed so big it about killed me and then i had the spasm but took more than just that.  what about mold, still running heater some, what do you do about that? thanks for all info.

    AF replies: 

    Tish, you didn't give a name that you were sending the above post to, but I want to add that the information I read about HCL, and on the bottle itself, it had some cautions and some general information. 

    In an article about HCL, I'm pretty sure it said one should not take HCL if they were on pain meds/NSAIDs, etc., or had inflammatory problems in the gut lining.  I believe I posted a link OR the information about this with HCL information.  In the cases where people have digestive lining problems already, I feel they should definitely discuss taking HCL with a healthcare professional (even a Certified Clinical Nutritionist or N.D.) before they actually take it).   

    While I believe HCL is often desperately needed by many people to break down proteins and other foods so they can be digested, my reading on HCL says to “take HCL AFTER the first few bites of food are consumed; and if two HCL's are to be taken during the meal, then take the 2nd pill during the last half of eating the meal.  IF ONLY FRUIT or VEGETABLE SALADS ARE EATEN AT A MEAL, NO HCL SHOULD BE TAKEN (have read raw vegetables and fruit have enough enzymes for digestion already). 

    Hope you solve the problems soon.


    [Reposting test for HCL use, and explanation of what HCL does and how illness is affected by it.]


    To test for sufficient hydrochloric acid –

    You need betaine hydrochloride tablets plus enzymes – they are available from health food shops.

    Take half a tablet before the last mouthful of a main meal. Burning or indigestion means you have plenty of hydrochloric acid. Don't take any more tablets. Use antacid or teaspoonful of bicarbonate to relieve discomfort.

    If no burning or indigestion, next day take 1 tablet in the same way. If still no burning or indigestion, next day take 2 tablets in the same way. If still no burning or indigestion, then you need more acid.

    There are other tests for stomach PH but they're all invasive.
    So if you need more acid, then you take 2 betaine hydrochloric acid tablets with main meals and 1 tablet with small meals. Swedish bitters can also help, as can wine with meals and eating calmly and enjoying food.


    In general terms it could be said that the response of a sick individual to accept the therapeutic measures whether they be serums, vaccines, X-ray, radium, surgery, intravenous medications, blood transfusions, glandular therapies, re-mineralization, vitamin therapies, hyperpyrexias, refrigeration, osteopathic or chiropractic manipulations, the new wonder drugs, and so forth, the best we could say of those is that they are of a hit or miss proposition.

    To date, no branch of the healing arts has as yet found a logical or truly scientific basis on which to study the cause or treatment of functional chronic or degenerative disease. The practitioner frustrated by lack of satisfactory physical and mental response among chronic patients has been skimping in his efforts to rehabilitate them. However, he can and does justify his mere routine consideration with the thought that the acutely ill need all of his time and attention and that the chronics whom he generally dismisses as hypochondriacs will manage somehow to get along. This attitude for sometime has deeply concerned both medical and public health men who are in a position to know the facts. Why is there this appalling and utter disregard for treatment of the chronic patient?

    The medical man claims dogmatically, “I am the true physician and mine is the correct approach of therapeusis.” However, major aspects of the general public are continually faced with incompetent diagnosis such as just plain nerves, or neurasthenia, or nervous digestion, or exhaustion of nervous energy, or nervous dyspepsia, or nervous stomach, or hypochondriasis, or psychoneurosis, of essential hypertension, or general asthenia, or imaginitis, and let it go at that. There is no question but that American medicine and its allied healing arts have utterly failed in their mission. We have for some reason allowed our medical practice to lag at least 50 years behind the times and are not only content with, but are insisting upon, the same old unnatural therapeutic approaches to the chronic disorders of age. Adequate medical care, the traditional American dream is not even obtainable by the very rich!

    We must attribute this failure to the fact that in the study of chronic and degenerative disease, for too long a time, medical science has passionately and blindly concerned itself with the study of end results without due consideration of first, the manner in which your health comes about, and second, the physiological alterations that are occasioned long before tissue pathology sets in and thirdly, the environmental conditions which have contributed to its development and fourthly, that the disease is not a separate entity or process all by itself but rather that it effects and is effected in turn by the organism as a whole.

    The pathological anatomy, the visible or palpable changes in the structure that is found in the organs and tissues of the body was, and still is, the foundation of practice of those who have not kept abreast of the changes that modern science has brought about. And yet there is a basic phenomenon which occurs over and over again in the practice lives of physicians and healers. Every practitioner at one time or another has seen or heard about one or more persons ill with an acute disease hopelessly beyond human aid or of others afflicted with an incurable chronic disease to have been able in some inexplicable manner to reverse the vital processess of injury and repair, action and reaction so that the body having acquired natural immunity, or shall we say having increased the body's resistance, there results an increasing cellular or tissue reaction followed by destruction of the invader, restoration of balance, repair of all injured and diseased tissues and a seemingly miraculous recovery takes place.

    As yet no one has come forward with an intelligent explanation except to call them spontaneous recoveries, or better yet MIRACLES.

    In search for a remedy that would stimulate the reticulo-endothelial systems of the body, I performed a number of experiments. One experiment was to introduce a number of substances under the cover- glass slip of the microscope slide while observing the red, white, and bacterial cells under dark field microscopy.

    I experimented with serial dilutions of EDTA as a chelator and hydrochloric acid (HCL) as a reducer. Once I had the dilutions down to the point where red cell damage did not occur visibly I made the discovery that I was looking for.

    Two things were obvious by direct vision of the infected human blood before my eyes:

    1) The EDTA dissolved the bacteria.

    2) The hydrochloric acid increased the activity of the white blood cell.

    The white cell observation was astounding and led me to a search of the worlds literature on the use of hydrochloric acid in the human body. The reports that came in were old but fascinating, I had no alternative but to begin to give myself the treatment and watch the changes in my own blood.

    A number of excellent reports were made by Drs. B. Ferguson, W.B. Guy, I. Howell, W.G. Brymer, M.A. Craig, A.M. Allen, F.J. James, O.P. Sweatt, R.L. Sills and E.D. Jackson, and perhaps the largest concentration to the world's literature was by R.R. Garcia.

    It was on the strength of their efforts and the years of clinical work done by my mentor Dr. Black that I made this profound discovery.

    When hydrochloric acid is injected into the body in very dilute, physiologic amounts, the white blood cell systems increase their activity, the blood pH returns to normal regardless of whether it is too acid or too alkaline and the number of white cells increase.

    What follows are some random thoughts on this subject. [MORE…….]

    [Much more of this article follows. Click the above link to read the rest of the article. AF]



    yes ive experienced this before…well sort of nothing goes down and if it trys it comes back up. ive noticed just relaxing for a bit and lying down for a few hours helps. ive only experienced this 3 times but chewing very well and eating very slow seems to prevent this from happening.

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