Home Forums General Discussion Dr. Fuhrman's Newsletter on Autoimmune Diseases

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  • #300390

    Thought this may be of interest to folks.  It definitely supports what many of us feel: that meat, dairy and gluten are big triggers for joint pain.  I met Dr. Fuhrman last year, and I would love for him to be my primary care doctor if I only lived in New Jersey.  🙂

    Curious if anyone has ever done a supervised fast to “reset” you immune system?

    Cheryl F

    Very interesting link. And I have heard of the fast to reset the immune system, but, I am skeptical about that. I wish it could be done with a supervised fast.

    Susan LymeRA

    Excellent article.  So many doctors today are claiming to be nutritionists but they really just sell supplements.  How I have longed for a doctor who would give specific foods to eat and recipes to gain nutritional balance.

    I would travel to NJ for this guy.

    Thanks Serenity!



    Thank you for this article! Anything that helps us get better!:)

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