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    has anyone with sd had success with doxy.  i think i am allergic to minocin right now.  never has happened before but now seems to have horrendous effects. hard to swallow, burning, sore throat, coughing, joint pain.  would love it to be herx, but is not seeming that way.  any help would be appreciated. thank you in advance.

    Cheryl F


    I hope others with direct experience will chime in on this to help you, but what I do know for sure is that Dr. Brown was helping Scleroderma patients get better long before Minocin exsisted, SO, I suspect that Doxy or Tetracycline was used.  I know of one SD patient who does Tetracycline because he got the “Mino Tan.”  Jess may also have the “Mino Tan” but she thinks it is a great benefit.

    Cheryl Ferguson



    Mino tan is great !!!!!!!!!!!11111 I tell everyone I am from California !!!!!!!!!!!!:)  While dr Brown used doxy and tetracycline before minocin –bear in mind he started SD patients off with IVS —-I would think all the meds Tish uses have to be looked at for reactions and bad interactions



    Hi Tish,

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I am having the same difficulties.  My system is not tolerating Minocin anymore and it creates large volumes of stomach acid which I often will vomit from.  Even taking the Protonix does not control it.   I am wondering myself as to what to do with this issue.




    Just need to chime in and tell you my experience-  I became ultra sensitive to Minocycline and couldn't take it anymore—even tiny doses.  Dr. S switched me to zithromax (which I was only able to tolerate for 2 months before my liver enzymes soared).  Currently I take nothing, but Dr. S did say that the next one for me would be doxycycline, if I choose to take anything in the future.  IV clindy–I did well on at 900 /day for 5 days.  He also suggested oral clindy, which I won't take but I think others who are sensitive to mino have tried.


    hey diane,  i've been wondering where you are.  i hear ya girl,  i haven't vomited yet, but am having major problems.  Dr. s. said to lower dose.  i 'm still not sure my stomach can handle it.  cannot eat very much and am doing protein shakes.  i just pray i can take this, as i have a narrowing in my small intestine.  it's very painful if i eat real food.  how are you doing overall?  the doxycycline is my next choice, but i'm not sure i can take that even.  my stomach is always burning, and upset. but now when i eat it feels like a snake swallowing a rabbit, or something on that order.


    I havent taken the doxy yet but the CA dr. prescribed it… He is a great dr. He must want me on it but I am scared…
    I didnt get my lab reports and I am confused, He probably wants me to take it for a reason although he said my levels were normal he suspected my inflammation was from a mycoplasm infection.
    I should probably take it,
    diet is so hard. I don't eat bad.. I just struggle with the restraints.
    I just want my hands and health back.

    John McDonald

    I know of one patient on this bulletin board who had trouble with even very small amounts of Minocin and feared that she might have an allergy to it.  But she discovered that she could comfortably  tolerate much larger amounts of Minocin with Benicar per the MP formula. This wasn't stomach issues, but it is a possiblity.



    I have heard some people do well.. others up and down. I am a whimp… I should probably see if it works for me. I go back to the dr.in Jan. although he wanted to see me in 3 months, I will be in school and busy.
    I am going into nursing school and I need my hands. I am scared to catch things during clinical rotations.
    I am probably going to try it this weekend.
    Just seems like I might get worse, some crazy reaction or who knows.
    I just went through a flare that was terrible.

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