Home Forums General Discussion doxy vs mino

  • This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Maz.
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  • #301998

    Hi all,

    I notice when I read people's signature line some are on doxy and some are on mino. Now I know doxy for the lyme people but what is the differance between the two for non-lyme people? The reason I am so curious as my doc asked me which I wanted and I said mino now I am wondering if doxy kills differant bugs maybe I should have asked for that. Or at the very least rotated both?

    Anyone's thoughts are appreciated I wish there was a site that listed what L form bugs what med kills



    [user=310]patchoulee[/user] wrote:

    I wish there was a site that listed what L form bugs what med kills

    Hi Angela,

    There is! See Appendix A on the Historical Protocol of the Physician's Packet on the main site to see which strains of myco respond to which abx here:




    You might also find this article interesting in this context:


    Why Test for Mycoplasma? Drug Response By Strain.




    As for the doxy vs mino question, here is some further info (see points 4 & 5):




    Lots of great articles on the main site…they take some wading thru, but some interesting stuff.


    Peace, Maz



    Thanks Maz,

    Funny thing is I have never been past this message board. Someone sent me the link when I got sick and I didn't even think to see if there was more to the site.. :blush::blush: not that bright of me..

    Thanks again going to poke around.




    Doxy and Mino are both from the glycylcycline class of tetracylines.  They both act the same  – Mino is supposedly slightly more efficient and less likely to be made ineffective with food.  Doxy is gentler on your stomach and supposedly helps the

    cartlidge  healing process better.  Mino has an extra molecule added and is missing two molecules that Doxy has – so each can treat bacteria that has become tolerant of the other.  Alternating them is a brilliant idea – one we plan to use ourselves.
    Oh yes, and Doxy is lots cheaper.



    [user=310]patchoulee[/user] wrote:

    Funny thing is I have never been past this message board. Someone sent me the link when I got sick and I didn't even think to see if there was more to the site.. :blush::blush: not that bright of me..

    No worries, Angela…I understand…who wants to research when they feel like crap?…maybe crazies like me :roll-laugh:, but it's not everyone's cup of tea, for sure. I saw another article on the main site only this afternoon re: doxy and mino and have not been able to retrack it down for you tonight. If I see it again, I'll make a mental note to send it to you.

    Peace, Maz


    Jo, not sure what dose your hubby takes but if he is on 200 a day will you do mino am say and doxy at night or just one week mino one week doxy.. I can't decide how I want to rotate.

    Rosey UK

    Hi Angela

    I'm on doxy because of lupus, however some AP docs think its fine to have mino. Originallly the side effects for doxy was it could exacerbate lupus (drug induced).  But I would like to try minocycline really.

    Take care!


    Eva Holloway

    Hi Maz,

    I have been bussy trying to find some info for my other post about doxy and I found this place where you had given out the info. I know there is a ton of stuff to go through so I really appriciate your work. this post really helped a lot. I am just wondering if I should talk to Dr. K about maybe putting me on doxy for a little while. Right now I am only taking Biaxin because of severe allergies, but have to go back to pulsng with mino down the road when I am a little better.

    I am also taking grapefruit seed extract, but I have so much mucus right now I wonder if it is helping.

    Thanks again, I have read the links you put in your msg.


    Eva Holloway


    [user=236]Eva Holloway[/user] wrote:

    I have been bussy trying to find some info for my other post about doxy and I found this place where you had given out the info. I know there is a ton of stuff to go through so I really appriciate your work. this post really helped a lot. I am just wondering if I should talk to Dr. K about maybe putting me on doxy for a little while. Right now I am only taking Biaxin because of severe allergies, but have to go back to pulsng with mino down the road when I am a little better.

    Eva, thanks for your patience….I spent an hour or so searching the other night on the doxy/mino question and did not find anything better than the links above! In terms of pathogens targeted, there are slight differences between doxy and mino (according to a veterinary article I happened across!), but in the main it seems that mino has superior capability for lipid soluability and, therefore, better tissue penetration, as a result (as per the link above on the main site). It also has an extended spectrum of activity in the body…a longer half-life. So, mino would seem to be the superior choice, all in all, but doxy is still doing the job. In fact, it occured to me that the more precipitous rising and falling serum levels due to doxy's shorter half life might even promote greater herxing, but that is just speculation on my part. 😉 I think, as Jo said above, that doxy has also been shown to have cartilage protective effects in those with osteoarthritis. Could be that mino does, too, just that studies were done on doxy in this respect.

    Probably the very best person to ask about the differences between doxy and mino is Dr K, as no doubt she has preferences in their use with individual patients. In my own case, when I have used doxy, I have found I had initial nausea to work through which I have not had with mino. Mino, on the other hand, does cross the blood-brain barrier – it's why they have found it so beneficical to administer to stroke patients soon after the event to reduce the effects of the stroke. I think this has to do with its angiotensin-inhibiting capability. As a result, though, some early cranial benign cranial hypertension is possible, which is why some people find they have headaches and dizziness when they start mino…but this soon passes.

    That's about all I can drum up for now and it's not much as it's off the top of my head, because I wanted to produce some articles for you! Sorry about that, but I will keep it in mind and, if I come across anything relevant I'll be sure to send it to you, Eva.

    Peace, Maz

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