Home Forums General Discussion Does Herxing create thigh/leg/tendon pain too??

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    Hi there,

    I've been on Minocycline now for 4 months and have been herxing a fair bit on and off since, but am definately starting to feel better. But for the past couple of weeks I've been getting a pain in my right upper leg (and it feels inflammed). Is this part of the 'herxing'? has anyone else had this? I'm hoping it goes away soon!!!!


    Hi, and yes …..

    My flares used to attack my thigh muscles and now the herxing too every now and again — so as far as I am concerned it's all good, hang in there, from my experience (5mths on AP) it does get better.. herxing for me is a far better option than having to put up with the excruciating pain of my flares.

    Forgot to say that my doctor told me with herxing I would probably feel pain/aches in places that I never felt it before – so not to worry.

    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics


    Oh thank-you so much Maz! I'm so glad I've found this forum!! It makes me feel so much better and less alone to discuss this with people who are going through the same thing.. thanks so much


    Scottishproncess – I notice your posts are coming through twice. Perhaps you are pressing the 'send' button twice or holding it down too long. If something else, let us know if we can help. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Hi SP,

    So glad you found us, too! These diseases can be lonely to navigate alone and you've found a place of hope with lots of great people who will make you feel at home.

    What is your diagnosis, if you don't mind me asking? Sometimes people add their diagnoses, meds and start date on AP in their signature line, so every time you post it comes up. It can really help to know how to answer a post when this info is added and you don't have to repeat yourself all the time. You're also very welcome to add your story on the Personal Progress threads (under the main discussion threads when you first log in to the bulletin board). You'll see the link to mine below.

    To add your details to your sig line, just go to the top of the page and click on “My Account.” You'll see some tabs on the that page…just click on “Profile.” A form will pop up for you to fill out as much detail as you want. Right at the bottom is where you can add your signature line. Then just click on “Save.”

    I never had tendon pain in my thighs, but had excruciating tendon and muscle pain in my biceps. So much so that I couldn't lift my arms and my shoulders eventually froze up. Fun..:sick: NOT! As I improved on antibiotic therapy, this eventually went away, but I will still get little herx reminders now and again that last for a few hours or maybe a day. It's like phantom pains, very similar to what Maz described above.

    Weirdly, as I've improved with time, these phantom episodes are occuring in joints and muscles that were the first to become affected. At one point I was concerned that I was going backwards, but my doc said it was a good sign, because often as things progress, the original symptoms try to make a comeback, but they're like weak, aborted attempts.

    Herxing can be strange, to say the least…it can cause a worsening of existing symptoms or the start of new ones. Four months in is still fairly early days for you, but you should begin to see a significant difference in symptoms by the end of this first year, depending on severity.

    Just out of interest, how did you find a doc in Scotland to prescribe minocycline for you…assuming you're in Scotland, that is! 😉

    Welcome to the RBF gang!

    Peace, Maz


    Hi Maz,

    and thank-you! So glad I found the RBF!! I'm actually living in Melbourne but I'm originally from Scotland.. been here 6 years 😀 I was diagnosed with RA 5 years ago.. well the weird thing is my blood tests came back as having no Rheumatoid factor but the doctors just decided to say that's what I had because they couldnt figure me out.. The first 2 years the pain and swelling were just in my left ankle (and ofcourse I had the fatigue/brain fog etc) then it moved to my right ankle.. I've tried the methotrexate, steroids etc but none of them worked and I didn't want to take them anyway! The main difference that I decided to make after stopping the metho was cutting out dairy and red meat, and boy did that help! Then moving forward, 3 years I discovered the RBF website, purchased the book and have now been taking 100mg mino every m w f. and am very positive that it's going to work!! it has too!!

    thanks again and take care 🙂


    [user=946]scottishprincess[/user] wrote:

    I'm actually living in Melbourne but I'm originally from Scotland.. been here 6 years 😀 I was diagnosed with RA 5 years ago..

    Hi SP,

    Well, you're in good company here, as we have a strong contingent of Aussies and they are all a lovely bunch of folk!

    I always find it interesting how docs come up with these diagnoses when they're seronegative and atypical to boot. Well, sounds like you're well on your way to healing your gut and that it's making a difference for you. My ankles have been a bit persistent in terms of swelling…not a great deal of pain…but the swelling is finally starting to come down. Can't wait to wear some pretty shoes again!

    We'll have to compare ankle notes as we both progress!

    Peace, Maz


    [user=946]scottishprincess[/user] wrote:

    Hi Maz,

    and thank-you! So glad I found the RBF!! I'm actually living in Melbourne but I'm originally from Scotland..


    Hi there,

    I'm from Melb too !!  (Devon Meadows…..)

    Where are you??


    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics

    Rockin Annie

    Hi there Scottishprincess!!, from one aussie to another, so glad you found us…………..Annie

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.


    Hi Maz! I'm from Doncaster (east suburbs Melbs) Where's Dev Meadows?

    It's funny but I feel less alone now!! 🙂


    Hi Annie!!
    Another aussie this is great!! I'm actually an aussie-scot! Permanently here now but was brought up in Scotland 🙂 Been here for years moved here when I was 21!:D


    [user=946]scottishprincess[/user] wrote:

    Hi Maz! I'm from Doncaster (east suburbs Melbs) Where's Dev Meadows?

    It's funny but I feel less alone now!! 🙂

    Devon Meadows is on the right heading down on the South Gippsland Highway just before Tooradin …….So we are about 1/2 hr away

    And not to mention that although I was schooled here I am Scottish too .  !!  I was born and raised in Falkirk, my dad from Edinburgh, mother from Newtongrange.

    So yes —- we are just around the corner from each other,,,,, should have coffee sometime !!


    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics


    Hi Lynnie,

    What diet are you on to heal your gut??  What are your main symptoms.  I also am having gut issues, although much better than 1 year ago, I still have a “sour” tummy.



    Hello Scottishprincess,

    Just wanted to let you know that last year I was having terrible pain in my thighs, I thought it was fibromyalgia. My doctor said that was a possibility, but there is a nerve that originates at the hip joint and runs diagonally down our thighs and attaches to the inside of our knees. If there is inflammation of the hip joint, it can irritate that nerve and cause thigh pain. He gave me shot of cortisone in my hip and the pain receded a little. Unfortunately, when our joints swell they affect whatever tissue is close to them. I hope you can find some relief soon.


    Rockin Annie

    [user=492]maz.aust[/user] wrote:

    [user=946]scottishprincess[/user] wrote:

    Hi Maz! I'm from Doncaster (east suburbs Melbs) Where's Dev Meadows?

    It's funny but I feel less alone now!! 🙂

    Devon Meadows is on the right heading down on the South Gippsland Highway just before Tooradin …….So we are about 1/2 hr away

    And not to mention that although I was schooled here I am Scottish too .  !!  I was born and raised in Falkirk, my dad from Edinburgh, mother from Newtongrange.

    So yes —- we are just around the corner from each other,,,,, should have coffee sometime !!


    I'm a Aussie /Pom, with a scottish granddad, if that counts, am so jeolous, wish you guys lived just around the corner from me, so I could join you for coffee……….Annie

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.

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