Home Forums General Discussion Does Anyone Take 3 generic minocycline a day?

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    Hi everyone!

    I had my appointments with Dr. F this week.  They went well and I really like him.  Since I am on generic minocycline, he told me to take 2 mino in the AM and 1 in the PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I started AP in 2006 and have been taking 2 daily but have been badly sporadic in the past couple months.

    I took 3 pills on Wednesday and have been in horrible PAIN the past couple days.  Every joint is feeling sore and I feel so fatigued.  I'm surprised by this, as I never had these problems when I was on a daily dose, but I think adding that extra pill really set me off.

    I've never herxed in the past, but is that what this sounds like?  If so, should I continue with the 9 pills/week or scale back to 6?   I want to follow Dr. F's plan but I'm feeling nervous about taking another pill tonight.  Is it worth toughing it out to see how I do over the next week or so, or is this too much considering I haven't been regimented in my dosing schedule the past couple months?

    i'm also curious if anyone else takes 3 pills a day?  Dr. F said he recommends this if one takes generics.

    Thanks in advance!


    Serenity – sorry to hear you're in pain and it is almost certainly a big herx. The good news is that the drug is hitting the target!! IMO, Dr F would probably have recommended 3 generics a day so that you get the equivalent amount (or probably a litle more) of the actual drug as is in the brand – think there's about a 20% leeway in terms of fillers. He's no doubt worked this out through trial and error with his patients over the years. The herxing is almost certainly a result of the change to pulse dosing…….daily dosing tends to support the anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating properties of mino. Pulse dosing tends to be aimed more at killing pathogens. Your body is probably both feeling the absence of the anti-inflammatory action AND feeling the effects of cell die off. Make sure you drink plenty of water to help the body flush the toxins. Is the pain tolerable? If yes, perhaps you could give this a week or so and then re-assess. Perhaps after this, call Dr F's office for advice. I'd be looking for some pain relief options and/or look to winding back the number of pills to begin with and working up to the 3 pills a day a little more gradually. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Hey Serenity,

    You are lucky in that you are seeing one of our best AP docs so you can be comfortable in the fact that he knows what he is doing.  I would call his office with your concerns and ask about working your way up to the dose he would like you on, as Lynnie suggested.

    If you have access to a sauna it may really help with the detox, but remember to drink water before, during, and after.

    Hang in there……..kim


    Thanks Lynnie and Kim. I ended up taking my 3rd pill last night and within 1/2 hour, my left wrist was on fire. I'm hoping it actually is a big herx, so I will put up with it as much as I can. It helps to picture the micoplasma bacteria being killed off in my body. 🙂

    I'll def try the sauna and upping my water intake. Cheers. 🙂


    I am taking Mino 100 mg twice a day on alternate days for the past six months. Still my wrists hurt and my feet get red after an hour whenever I take Mino


    [user=1212]APbeliever[/user] wrote:

    I am taking Mino 100 mg twice a day on alternate days for the past six months. Still my wrists hurt and my feet get red after an hour whenever I take Mino


    Is the pain less than it was 6 months ago when you started?  Did you play around with the dosing, etc.?


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