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    Does anyone read this book or know this doctor?

    I have subscribed to this website few weeks ago. the name is:


    And they keep marketing very strongly the book by Dr. Mark Stengler The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies, 

    they say this:

    “Dr. Mark Stengler is being hailed by fellow physicians as “a genius” and “the nation's leading natural doctor.” PBS featured him twice in TV documentaries… and his thousands of grateful patients include Hollywood stars, sports legends and CEOs of Fortune 500 firms. Now, for the first time, he's revealing his lifesaving secrets in a blockbuster volume that stunned health experts are calling “the miracle book”…



    Years of Crippling Arthritis reversed in just two days

    • Showcased on Larry King Live, treatment makes dangerous steroids obsolete [/*:gdusef50]
    • Pain recedes and inflamed joints visibly shrink with stunning speed

    Joseph couldn't walk a step without limping when Dr. Mark Stengler first saw him.

    For years, his osteoarthritis had been steadily getting worse. Now his painkillers were giving him ulcers, the agony was unbearable, and he envisioned a knee replacement in the near future.

    But Dr. Mark Stengler did not give him steroids or even an aspirin tablet! Instead, he told Joe about a natural compound so harmless, even pregnant women can take it safely.

    Just two days later, Joseph called the doctor in amazement…

    His pain had already faded dramatically! Day by day, things just kept getting better, and soon Joe was walking around again like his old self. Best of all…

    Joseph's success has now been repeated by thousands of patients…

    And some start getting better in only one day. It also appears to work just as well for joint pain caused by lupus, scleroderma, fibromyalgia, and other “incurable” conditions.

    Yet these miracles are accomplished with one of

    An organic compound of plain old SULFUR. As Dr. Mark Stengler explains in your FREE PREVIEW volume of The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies, sulfur is a key natural building block in virtually every living thing. If you don't get enough of this “missing link,” your cartilage ages prematurely.

    But if you restore it with the natural supplement he tells you about on page 336, your entire body responds with breakneck speed. The results are so startling, they've even been showcased (and argued about!) on Larry King Live.


    Dr. Mark Stengler is being hailed by fellow physicians as “a genius” and “the nation's leading natural doctor.” PBS featured him twice in TV documentaries… and his thousands of grateful patients include Hollywood stars, sports legends and CEOs of Fortune 500 firms. Now, for the first time, he's revealing his lifesaving secrets in a blockbuster volume that stunned health experts are calling “the miracle book”…

    “Seeing is believing,” say astonished experts, as clinical studies and case histories prove:

    • ARTHRITIS that worsened for years recedes in 2 amazing days. Page 336 [/*:gdusef50]
    • World's deadliest CANCER defeated! Enzyme works 3 times better than chemo. Page 139 [/*:gdusef50]
    • CLOGGED ARTERIES open immediately! Heart pumps stronger, energy surges, blood pressure plummets. Page 254 [/*:gdusef50]

    Read on and meet Dr. Mark Stengler, N.D…. Find out why Hollywood stars and Fortune 500 CEOs are rushing to his famed clinic… and feel his breakthroughs transform your own health, FREE.




    I've never heard of him but would love to know what you find out. Whatever it is he uses claims to work on arthritis, scleroderma and lupus.



    I have his book and think it is worthwhile.  I don't know if he has a miracle remedy for the people here at Roadback (I didn't find one and I did look) but he has many things in the book that can be used for many ailments that come up. 


    Have not heard of him but the substance MSM is a sulphur compound , claimed to help with these illnesses.

    I have been taking MSM for 16 months and it definitely helps me. I wouldnt be suprised if MSM is one of the main supplements he uses.



    Okay, I've pulled the book out.  He does talk about MSM although the maximum he seems to recommend is about 8,000 milligrams.  He has patients start at 3,000 and increase until they experience relief.  For autoimmune conditions, he believes it can provide alot of pain relief but is not a cure. Oh, and the Joe listed in the above ad for the book did take MSM.


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