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    I attempted to contact the Virginia person on the network contact list bt my email was returned.  Does anyone know of a Rheumatologist in my area who supports antibiotic therapy.

    I have RA and osteo arthritis. I brought up antibiotic therapy  to my rheumatologist and he did not respond favorably.  I currently take a whole slew of meds including  Mobic, plaquenil, metheltrexate, folic acid, and prednosone. I have also taken celebrex, pain pills and muscle relaxers.  Unfortunately, the only think that seems to make any appreciable difference is the prednosone.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Cheryl F


    Please send your request to the email address: apdoctors@roadback.org, you will receive a response promptly.

    Thank you for the heads up on the VA contact email address not going through.  I will check to see if there is a problem with the system (it wouldn't be the first time).

    Also, reading and participating on this forum, is, in my opinion, a very good way to learn good information to help you navigate this treatment and make good decisions for yourself.  WELCOME!

    Cheryl Ferguson


    Thanks, Cheryl, for eth quick reply and the welcome:D


    Cheryl F


    The email came through (I saw it).  Our volunteer, Diana, will respond with the list for your area.  Sorry your Rheumy was not receptive.  I don't understand that, Minocycine is an approved DMARD for RA.  The Rheumy who diagnosed my daughter with systemic scleroderma told us that AP is a “HOAX!”  I decided that we would try it anyway, as it didn't seem like there could be any harm in it, seeing that millions of other teenagers are on the same drug for acne.  We a pretty glad that we didn't follow that first Rheumy's recommendation of Methotrexate.  I doubt that she would have been able to continue her competitive swimming career and participate at the NCAA level while taking methotrexate. 

    Good luck in your search for a doctor who will use AP therapy.



    HI Dee,

        I see Dr. K in northern virginia. You can send me a PM if you have questions. Like you, prednisone was the only one that seemed to help with my symptoms but you can't be on it for long. Mobic gave me a rash!

        – Susan (AP for 19 months and doing better)

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