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    🙂 Hi, I was wondering what some good and known to work detox options that for sure work for mctd?? i am on a candida free diet…so anything that interferes with that, like vinager or anything, I can't use…so please give me some options…


    sweating in a sauna, coffee enemas, lemon olive oil drink, epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath.


     My liver enzymes are high and I also need some way to flush the toxins out. My stomach can't handle the lemon/oil drink. I had the Remicade infusion but it did not help and I'm starting to get a little panicked now. If I can't get my liver enzymes normal I will not be able to continue with the remicade; and then the domino effect begins. Increase prednisone, gain more weight, side effects, high blood pressure, increased inflammation, increase prednisone, etc, etc.

    I do use the peroxide baths, but I don't know if they detox the liver. I've started taking flaxseed oil 3x/day. I'm seriously thinking about seeing an endo to talk to her about a lap band surgery to try and stave off type 2 diabetes,or possibly liposuction to get the extra weight off my stomach, which pulls on my back and shoulders and makes them worse- it's just a vicious cycle right now. There have been too many delays between remicade infusions for it too work, if I can get my liver squared away I'm going to insist that I get infusions every 6 weeks until I'm much improved, now that all of the financial obstacles with the insurance have been overcome. Insurance, which is supposed to help us with medical care, has prevented me from getting the med I needed at the correct time; the result is that now it's not working. Sorry for the rant, but I'm very frustrated, the train of life just keeps on pulling out of the station with out me. I feel like I've been back at square one so many times that it's become my permanent address!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang:


    [user=11]linda[/user] wrote:

     My liver enzymes are high and I also need some way to flush the toxins out.


    Linda, really sorry to hear you're having setbacks. Have you tried milk thistle to help with your liver enzymes? What was the outcome of your liver scan? Did they ever get to the bottom of that for you? Some people do liver flushing to help bring down the liver enzymes and do a good detoxing clearout, too, but not sure if this would be an option for you.

    Peace, Maz


    Hi Maz,

    The results of the test for my liver were inconclusive. I have a small cyst, which they didn't think could be causing the problem. When I dc'd the mtx the pain in that area gradually went away, so the feeling was that the mtx was too hard on my liver. We switched to Imuran, which is not as effective as mtx, and I did pretty well for a few months, but the pain is back and I wasn't surprised that the enzymes were high. I dc'd the Imuran until I get the latest lab results.

    Milk thistle was the one I was trying to remember, I'll have to go and get some. I just feel like I'm running out of rope. I could switch to Orencia, but it has a higher incidence of risk factors. I'm still doing the zith for one week a month, which may be why I'm feeling so cruddy. I 'd hate to have to resort to something like liposuction or lapband, they're not high on my list of procedures that should be done on a whim. However, I've now gained over 50 lbs in the last year and am at an incredible risk at this point for diabetes. My blood pressure at my last visit was 150/100; my normal is 100/60.

    You know, it's really late and that always colors my posts, I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow morning and be slightly embarrassed at my rant!:blush:
    Thanks for replying, tho Maz, the road is definitely rough right now.



    Hi Linda,

    I know what you mean about late night posts – seems we're at our most vulnerable when tired.

    As you can't tolerate the lemon/olive oil detox drink, probably the full liver flush is out, too. Part of a full liver flush, though is to clear out the colon, which is sometimes a good part of the problem and where all the problems begin….backed up waste and recirculating toxins. Have you thought about getting a professional colonic done or even doing a home colon cleanse or coffee enemas? I know this sounds really bizarre, but it may help to start healing your gut. This is done alongside very careful eating (avoiding bad fats) for a week prior to the flush. When people can't do the full flush immediately, they just continue with this type of program until they do feel well enough. Also, if you can get on a recumbant bike somehow and just do gentle cycling for half an hour or so every day, perhaps this might help with warding off the type 2 diabetes. We bought a second hand tredmill from the local paper, but Craig's List might have a recumbant bike someone is trying to offload.

    Also, just wondering, is there a reason you're taking zith one week a month rather than shorter pulses? I.e. one zith every other day or every week, say? It's possible this is contributing to your setbacks. These wide-spaced pulses that I also did for Lyme nearly did me in last year. I'd do two weeks of antibiotics, then have a week washout, then two weeks of diflucan, then have a week washout, and so on… caused some very big herxing and hypersensitivity issues. Of course, with Lyme that is the idea, but as a rheumatic patient, our tissues are just too reactive for big herxes.

    Just trying to think of some ideas for you, Linda….perhaps you've already done some of them or they don't appeal, but maybe something will help or someone else will have some good insights for you.

    You're in my thoughts…

    Peace, Maz


    I've heard great reports about Milk Thistle getting the enzymes down.

    As for coffee enemas, I resisted and resisted until my pain was just getting to me. Once I did one I realized it wasn't such a big deal at all. My pain is much better, whether because of that or something else.


    Thanks Maz and Lauram,

    I'm going try the milk thistle. I've also considered the colon cleanse as well. I'm really tired of my stomach hurting ALL the time no matter what I do. I've read some reports that some people dx with FMS have unexplained abdominal pain that just doesn't respond to any treatment, but I don't know whether that includes abx.

    I was trying the one week a month abx schedule to try to give my gut a break for 3 weeks a month. I'm frustrated because my stomach can't tolerate the meds, and with my liver enzymes I'm nervous about trying IV abx. As for the recumbent bike, that's also something I'd like to get. We got my mother one last year for Christmas following a total knee replacement and she loves it. My problem is that the weight is all in the midsection of my body, like most people on steroids, and I need something to work my core more than my legs. I'm not in good enough shape to work out long enough to burn anywhere near the calories I need to in order to lose weight. I'm still walking about 20 min/day, but so far the only benefit is that my little man, my 10 y/o chihuahua, Cisco, has lost his double chin and we've located his waist again!:PHe's hot stuff now!

    Annywway, I'm about sick of myself complaining. I think for now I will try the zith once a week and see what happens, get started on the milk thistle, and also get back to acupuncture 3x/week. You guys are great for putting up with me, I really appreciate it.


    Good luck, Linda. And give Cisco a hug.:)


    Ginger tea is an anti-inflammatory and is great for settling the stomach.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    [user=11]linda[/user] wrote:

    I'm not in good enough shape to work out long enough to burn anywhere near the calories I need to in order to lose weight. I'm still walking about 20 min/day, but so far the only benefit is that my little man, my 10 y/o chihuahua, Cisco, has lost his double chin and we've located his waist again!:PHe's hot stuff now!

    Hi Linda…I empathize! It really is tough to expend enough energy to lose weight when out of shape and in pain at the same time. It's a slow process, but you're doing great to be walking 20 mins at a time. I'm now managing 30 mins a day on the tredmill…not the power walking I used to do, but at a 2.2 mile per hour pace. Not bad considering my knees are pretty dicky. I do prefer the recumbant bike, just to take the pressure off them, though…but that means making myself get out to the gym!

    One thing I also do is use one of those large gym balls. You can get them from Walmart pretty cheaply and they're a nice way to do sit ups without putting too much strain on the back. I sit on it and do light hand weights, too. You have to build up slowly with the situps, maybe starting with 2 reps of 10 and adding 5 more a day…something like that.

    Hope the zith spaced out is easier on your stomach for you and helps to get those liver enzymes down. Milk thistle is supposed to be great for that. Keep checking in and letting us know how you're doing, Linda…although the move was a good one for you, you might also be feeling the after-effects of that shift. At any rate, I have my fingers crossed for you….you've been hanging on so long now, you really deserve a break.

    Peace, Maz

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