Home Forums General Discussion dental problem could be cause? any ideas?

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  • #318115
    Eva Holloway

    soooooooooooo funny:roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh: Kim.


    Eva Holloway


    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Wait a minute……….Maz has a list of dentists too???? :shock::shock::shock:  That girl is amazing! 

     Maz, I'm having trouble with my septic system, you got anything?

    Kim, such a cheeky monkey! :roll-laugh: No, I don't have a list of biologic dentists. Just found a link to a site for Eva where they listed these guys by state. 😉

    Do they have biologic septic tank specialists?! :roll-laugh: 

    Peace, Maz


    [user=30]lynnie_sydney[/user] wrote:

    Sierra – I had some extremely weird symptoms when I took amoxycillin too close to mino last year (detailed in my Personal History thread) which is when I found out they are contra-indicated to be taken together.

    Also, when I took a short, sharp course of amoxycillin for an infected tooth later in the year (no other abx taken for the duration), I had a mother of a flare for 19 days. My AP doc said probably the bugs were chased out of the mouth and into my joints. In my layperson's (and rather stubborn way;)), I also believe that it could  have been a huge herx. Your response may be different, just thought I'd share my experience with you. Hope your tooth settles soon. Mine has. Lynnie 

    I was surprised to see this thread pop up again, because my posts were from Sept. 2008. I ended up having the tooth pulled and am now in the process of getting an implant. I would be very, very reluctant to ever get another root canal.


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