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    Thanks for these wonderful reminders. I did quit taking Vit C after reading it from this board that it could cause more pain. Since I have been herxing, I just did not want to add more pain. I need to go back to take it again to save my “face”…..

    I went to see my local rheumy this morning. He told me he knew and prescribed minocycline to his patients and several of the RA patients have had some amazing success. He does not do IV and he recommended me talk to “Cancer Care Center” and they normally send a nurse to a patient's home to do IV.

    He also said I was “very dark” comparing to Feb (before I was on AP), and he asked me where I have been…. and he told me I needed to stay away from the sun while on minocyclin. I am glad to hear that he and his colleagues have been using mincin and minocyclin to treat RA.

    He is very encouraging. He said just keep taking the mino, and go back to see him every six month so he can monitor my liver and kidney.  Today he ran liver and kidney tests for me. Pray they will be normal. I will find out tomorrow.

    Kat, perhaps you could see if Dr. S could prescribe the IV and you could find your network facility to do it for you.



    Hi Elizabeth,
    I have been on Minocin for about 8 years. This last year my nose, chin,and several other areas on my face have turned blue. It has gotton to the place where it is impossible to cover it with make-up. Dr. S has changed me to doxy, and every two weeks I take clindy by mouth. He thinks that it may go away in a year but I have read that often you need laser to get rid of it.



    curious about your clinda dosage? how much do you take and has it helped? oral? any side effects?




    [user=266]JBJBJB[/user] wrote:

    He is very encouraging. He said just keep taking the mino, and go back to see him every six month so he can monitor my liver and kidney.  Today he ran liver and kidney tests for me. Pray they will be normal. I will find out tomorrow.

    JB, how refreshing to hear you're getting such support from your rheumy and to hear that he's having success with other patients on mino! 😀

    Was he able to explain the itchiness with the patches you have? I forgot to mention that I had some weird skin patches that started last year at this time and went on for about 6 months. It might have just been dry skin during the winter months, but also could have been herxing, a mild allergy to something or detoxing.  I never really figured it out, as it resolved on its own. My doc mentioned the possibility of psoriasis, but even he said it really didn't look like psoriasis. I've heard a few other people mention this on the BB over the last year or so. Thyroid can also cause dry, itchy skin.

    If it persists or worsens and is concerning you, a dermatologist might not be a bad idea.

    Peace, Maz


    I take 300mg twice a day on the 14th day.
    No trouble from the pills, but had horrible diarrhea from the week of IV's after I came back from Iowa.


    This skin pigment (and tooth discoloration) really worries me.

    How many of you are on Vit C and Mino and is it really working or are you still having the pigment issues? It's recommended to say away from the sun if you are on minocycline (or any tetracylcine) but really, that's impossible. We spend a lot of time outside in the summer or on vacations. I don't want to have to live in a cave. I always use sunscreen (on my face daily) and on my body if we're outside all day or by the pool. I'm fair skinned but tan pretty nicely.

    If I'm out in the sun, even with suntan lotion (50+), will I be turning REALLY dark brown while on minocycline? Or burning…?


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