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    Goodness!  Really slow to realize that I failed to state WHY the coffee enema in the middle of the night was necessary…. and what it helped.  Constipation was not involved in this.   

    My AP physician 2-3 months before this middle-of-the-night episode had added Zithromax pulsed to my Minocin pulsed.  During the first month or so, I had begun developing what some called sciatica-like symptoms (though I'd never had sciatica); also was developing much stiffness, and not feeling as well as usual. 

    One Friday morning when I put my feet on the floor to get up, a lightening bolt of pain went through my body… like I'd imagine a tazer would feel. This excruciating pain event I've shared on the old board before.  It was about the next night that everything was so bad, and nothing was helping. 

    This was the time that I remembered and tried the coffee enema.  The relief it brought was truly amazing.  Apparently, my liver was clearing out the by-products in the bile, brought about by the two meds and perhaps the die-off of whatever was being hit by them.  I had read that Zithromax can be very hard on the liver, and I'm sure the meds and my liver were factors that caused this “terrible tazer” night.  Constipation never played a part in this, and I felt that this needed to be clarified so all of you would know the extended powers of the coffee enema. 

    Hi All,

    The first time I tried using a coffee enema (which I'd heard about over the years, but had not had occasion THEN to take it seriously) was the only thing I tried in the middle of the night to relieve what can only be termed as an episode of agony in 2003, when nothing I did gave me any relief.  Now, I'm a true believer.  Dr. Sherry Rogers (with five medical degrees) has written about these also in two of her books that I've seen “Painfree in Six Weeks” and “Detoxify or Die”, but it has also been written about for years and years about helping the liver dump its toxic wastes. 

    Here is the first link I found just now, and I liked the reference to the original author of it and am pasting it here for “educational purposes only.” 




    Thank you, AF!


    How does it affect those with irritable bowel syndrome?

    A Friend


    [This site was found doing a search for “Coffee Enemas + Irritable Bowel” and is posted here for information only and not intended to recommend the purchasing of anything.  Note the disclaimer at the end of the long article about sharing this information.  Also, see additional links on this subject following this article/link at bottom of post.  AF]





    In general, I think avoiding contipation is a must to being healthy. Whether it be with enemas or any other way. I find Metamucil works really, really well for me. I take 2 tablespoons, twice daily. I highly recommend it.

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