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    @vera wrote:

    a bad taste in my mouth compared to normal. I sniffed it closely and it just didn’t smell right. Then after pouring some into a clear container, I noticed it had yellowed – normally CO is clear!

    Great reply. Thank you. Mine still smells fine, is clear and is fine while oil pulling, just this very fleeting off taste (lasting 1-2 secs) when I was ingesting it. I think it will be 2 years old in May. I think I’ll dump it when I get a new batch.

    @Lynne G./SD wrote:

    …….had just brushed my teeth and …..took a big glob to swallow.
    Would you believe that the after taste of the toothpaste totally canceled out the taste and texture of the oil.Amazing!

    Thanks! I adore simple solutions! πŸ˜†


    I’d definitely dump the coconut oil being 2 years old! There should be no ‘off’ taste at all. Sometimes I’ll keep a very small amount on the counter (couple days worth) – but leave the rest in the fridge – keeps forever that way!



    Another source is Tropical Traditions -they sell organic virgin coconut oil from the glass jars various sizes to big plastic pails. i use it in my cooking much to my hubby’s disgust – who has alzheimers behind him in his Dad. I just sent this same link to his family to be aware of for his Dad. There is a stronger version by RX only from a Doc called Axona I cant help but wonder if this would not only help in the arena of dementia but since stronger if it would also be antiviral –

    Caprylic Acid for Alzheimer’s

    According to an article in Alzheimer’s Weekly, coconut oil contains active ingredients that can provide the brain with the ketones needed to improve function in Alzheimer’s patients. The article advises, however, that Alzheimer’s treatment should always be supervised by a physician, whether the remedy is coconut oil, caprylic acid capsules, or the prescription-based Axona.



    I have been using coconut oil for about a year and a half now. It has healed up many open areas on my arms, face, fingers, and back. It has been especially helpful to rub on the places where my bones were coming up through the skin. I began using it in smoothies about a year ago and I beleive it was helpful for stomach issues. I bought it by the gallon also and I use it in a lot of cooking. My husband and son are not as interested in health benefits as they are taste, but they do not mind it with fish or in a pie crust. I used it in place of oil in a pie crust for an apple pie and it was amazing.

    Krys, I read a book about coconut oil – maybe The miracle of coconut oil or something like that and they mentioned that you can buy coconut oil that has the taste removed. I am sure there is some processing done it get it that way, you could check it out. Sorry I cannot remember the name of the book. Maybe I need some more coconut oil for memory loss. πŸ˜† Louise


    You are very sweet, Lori. Thank you. My memory failed me. I checked and it will be 1 year old in May. I have very acute sense of smell and taste and it is totally fresh during 20 minutes of oil pulling, so I think it may be on the verge of starting to turn bad. I think I’ll start taking it diluted (from new batch). The prospect of having to swallow it and then having to keep clearing scratchy throat for the next 5 hours is :mrgreen: !
    @cavalier wrote:

    Another source is Tropical Traditions –
    There is a stronger version by RX only from a Doc called Axona

    Good to know! Thank you.

    @mlouise wrote:

    It has healed up many open areas on my arms, face, fingers, and back. It has been especially helpful to rub on the places where my bones were coming up through the skin. I began using it in smoothies about a year ago and I beleive it was helpful for stomach issues.

    Louise, how lovely to hear that! How long does it take for those areas to heal? It is my new symptom, and I cannot understand why it is taking so very long….
    Pie crust and smoothies sound yummy (and better still: the oil is diluted!!! Yay!).

    ….you can buy coconut oil that has the taste removed.

    Another excellent idea. Thank you!
    I liked it in coffee and you have just inspired me to try adding it to coconut milk. Coconut milk always tastes too skinny!:lol: Krys


    Hi Krys,

    Well, if it has been sitting out for a year – yes, I’d toss it, especially if it has any smell. I work part-time an odor assessor, so everything gets sniffed before I eat! Pretty comical around my house πŸ™„ . But, I’ve had coconut oil in the fridge for a year and it’s just fine. I guess smell and taste is our basic gauge. You could be an odor assessor with your keen sense as well! πŸ˜€

    Take care!



    The areas on my skin that were open, but not on the bone only took about a week of 2x/day coconut oil doses. The areas on the bones took weeks and then there are a few stubborn ones that are still annoying me. These are especially on the back and shoulders where the skin is very tight. I douse them in coconut oil at least 2x/day. thankfully I have no scars on my face and neck, although, I cannot see it, but my husband tells me that there are quite a few scars on my back. I hope you can get some releif with the coconut oil. I love it!

    A Friend

    @vera wrote:

    I used to keep a jar of coconut oil on the counter so I wouldn’t have to warm it up in warm water each time. Discovered one day it had gone rancid – after maybe several months only. So now I keep it all in the fridge and warm up what I need. I’m probably the only one to ever have had coconut oil gone rancid!



    I’m wondering if the coconut oil you mention has written on it under ingredients: “Pure Virgin Coconut Oil.” The holistic MD I recently saw wanted me to add this to my regimen, but told me to make sure I used only the Pure Virgin Coconut Oil.

    He added a number of items to my previous list of supplements. Curious about his specific reason for adding the coconut oil to my list, he said it was for healing and improved absorption. I respect him and his knowledge, but like to know his reasoning.

    I believe among the primary reasons for some problems that have shown themselves in myself the past couple of years, in rather serious ways, is because of inability to especially properly digest protein, as well as inability to ABSORB other nutrients. “It’s not what we take (i.e. supplements, etc.) and eat that are solely important; it’s what we can digest/absorb. I’ve had somewhat a “false sense of security” as I’ve been toeing the line pretty well for years and staying afloat most of the time, but even with doing this, we can slowly drift downhill unless we improve our digestion. Just my thoughts on this.

    Thanks for the cautions that it’s possible for it to go rancid…. because some of the things I read led me to think it would not go rancid. What I am doing now is to refill the smaller jar I first purchased. The 2nd time I purchased it, I purchased the larger jar — so now I will just refill the smaller one, and refrigerate the other.



    A Friend,

    The kind of coconut oil I buy is organic, extra virgin, no added ingredients. It is amazing when fresh – I can eat it right out of the jar. Any oil can go rancid, especially when exposed to any amount of light and heat. I, too, read that coconut “keeps indefinitely”, but evidently, that’s not the case! Now, I always keep it in the fridge, and as you are doing, take a small amount out of the larger container, and work from that.

    I’d love to know why your doctor put you on the coconut oil as well! If you ever find out please let us know! I take it twice a day on my almond “bread”, and also do oil pulling with it. Also, it makes the most wonderful moisturizer for the face (and it’s dirt cheap πŸ˜† ). I know it’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, etc. Being on Enbrel, I’m especially concerned about fungal infections, so that’s one of the reasons I’m taking it.

    Take care!



    I too am a great believer in Coconut Oil

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