Home Forums General Discussion Coconut Oil… This made my day!

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    A Friend

    Hello Everyone,

    Hopefully, this video/audio link will be encouraging to many, and enjoyed by all. A lady M.D. is actually the one who is responsible for its content about her spouse and Alzheimer’s.


    A relative forwarded this information today. Ironically, I very recently saw a holistic DO for counseling about nutrition to specifically help with an eye diagnosis, and one of the things on his list for me to include daily was Coconut Oil (the kind in a jar). I had mentioned in answer to his questions that my thinking seemed ok, but my short-term memory could use some help. [I’ve purchased it in a jar from the health store, and it does not need to be refrigerated. Haven

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi BG;
    I have been using coconut oil for years.It makes the most wonderful hand/body cream and I don’t buy any more lotions.Once one is over 65 one sure looks for something. hehehe.This is about the best thing short of a small miracle for aging skin.Hubby and I use a whole jar every 2 weeks.Just make sure to blot off the excess.Even if you forget and end up having to was the sheets it washes out very easily.
    As to Altzheimer’s,there will be a whole big article in the Montreal Gazette next Sat.Remind me to post it .


    This has nothing to do with post, but I just noticed that you are in Eastern Ontario!!!!!!! Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t heard of anyone else on this therapy around here – especially since Mino is not a DMARD in Canada. I live in Ottawa. So nice to (sort of) meet you! Are you under the care of an AP doctor?

    (I have RA)

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Diana;
    I live halfway between Ottawa and Montreal in a small town called Green Valley.It’s just 5 minutes south of Alexandria.Do you also see Dr. A in YOW? If you ever come this way make sure to drop in,there is a map on top of my greenhouse. http://www.exoticorchidsplus.ca


    This is astounding!!!
    We’ve always known (here on RBF) that Coconut oil is great, but who knew that it will improve the brain function, too?
    I think the links in the past discussions of Coconut oil mentioned ketones and how they provide brain fuel when glucose cannot be utilized. Right now it makes much bigger impression on me due to pancreas problems I’m having and the fact that my autoimmune attacks always target pancreas and brain at the same time. I don’t know if there is a connection, but thanks to you and the video, I’ll investigate it further.

    And this video is just fabulous! So uplifting! And such a simple solution / aid to so many dreadful diseases.
    The link Maz offered on coconut oil in “Oil Pulling for RA” thread is amazing, too.

    Below some quotes from the video link:

    Alzheimer’s …appears to be a type of diabetes of the brain….It’s very similar to type 1 or type 2 diabetes in that you develop a problem with insulin. In this case, insulin problems prevent the brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, the cells eventually die. But there is an alternative fuel, ketones, which the cells easily accept. Ketones are metabolized in the liver after you eat medium chain triglycerides, which are found in coconut oil.

    So not only does coconut oil improve your cholesterol levels,…the way it helps the brains of some Alzheimer’s patients can be extended for people with Parkinson’s disease, ALS, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, and autism. …coconut oil is a natural antibiotic that also helps kill viruses like HIV and herpes viruses.
    …”So consider coconut oil to improve your overall health, and perhaps even …stay off life-threatening diseases.

    How I wish I liked the taste!
    Does anybody know of any way to take it so as NOT to feel the taste?

    Warm wishes, Krys

    A Friend

    @Krys wrote:

    This is astounding!!!
    We’ve always known (here on RBF) that Coconut oil is great, but who knew that it will improve the brain function, too?
    I think the links in the past discussions of Coconut oil mentioned ketones and how they provide brain fuel when glucose cannot be utilized. Right now it makes much bigger impression on me due to pancreas problems I’m having and the fact that my autoimmune attacks always target pancreas and brain at the same time. I don’t know if there is a connection, but thanks to you and the video, I’ll investigate it further.

    And this video is just fabulous! So uplifting! And such a simple solution / aid to so many dreadful diseases.
    The link Maz offered on coconut oil in “Oil Pulling for RA” thread is amazing, too.

    Below some quotes from the video link:

    Alzheimer’s …appears to be a type of diabetes of the brain….It’s very similar to type 1 or type 2 diabetes in that you develop a problem with insulin. In this case, insulin problems prevent the brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, the cells eventually die. But there is an alternative fuel, ketones, which the cells easily accept. Ketones are metabolized in the liver after you eat medium chain triglycerides, which are found in coconut oil.

    So not only does coconut oil improve your cholesterol levels,…the way it helps the brains of some Alzheimer’s patients can be extended for people with Parkinson’s disease, ALS, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, and autism. …coconut oil is a natural antibiotic that also helps kill viruses like HIV and herpes viruses.
    …”So consider coconut oil to improve your overall health, and perhaps even …stay off life-threatening diseases.

    How I wish I liked the taste!
    Does anybody know of any way to take it so as NOT to feel the taste?

    Warm wishes, Krys

    The holistic physician I’ve recently seen suggested getting it in the jar. I got it last Thursday, but just yesterday opened it (it’s kept at room temperature), and I found it delicious. Tastes just like coconut (which I like). It can be mixed with many things or into many things. Even suggests it’s one of the preferable oils to use in cooking. I’m sure there’s much more I will be learning — and all of this is before I received the e-mail from my vet cousin AFTER I had purchased it.

    Also, thanks so much for the great way you review and present the information. From my own experience, I can study and be very enthusiastic about something I’ve read or seen, but the reader (so often a patient) may not have the same reference of knowledge to see the BIG PICTURE in what is being read. You are fantastic at doing this for us!!! Keep up the good work (please). And hope some of these “finds” will work wonders for you, dear friend.


    A Friend

    @Lynne G./SD wrote:

    Hi BG;
    I have been using coconut oil for years.It makes the most wonderful hand/body cream and I don’t buy any more lotions.Once one is over 65 one sure looks for something. hehehe.This is about the best thing short of a small miracle for aging skin.Hubby and I use a whole jar every 2 weeks.Just make sure to blot off the excess.Even if you forget and end up having to was the sheets it washes out very easily.
    As to Altzheimer’s,there will be a whole big article in the Montreal Gazette next Sat.Remind me to post it .

    Hello Lynne,
    It’s always good to see you posting. We’ve been around here for quite a while, haven’t we?
    Well, my spouse “finally” is giving me some respect — he looked at the coconut oil video, and this morning said he thought he would have some of that oil in his oatmeal… and would be using it regularly.
    Ho, ho, ho — ๐Ÿ˜ฎ — thought this would never happen in my life time!!! ๐Ÿ˜†
    Hope you are doing well.


    Hi A Friend,
    Thank you for your kind words.
    I bought 1 gallon from http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/bulkoil/a-c.html one year ago, when there was a lot of discussion about it on RBF, for $59. It is organic, raw, etc., best used within 2 years of buying, can be kept in room temperature…but it does come in a plastic pail. I’m sure the plastic is of the quality that does not leak the chemicals. Mountain Rose Herbs is a very clean, health conscious company. But a glass jar obviously would be a better choice.
    I still have 1/4th left: I used it just like Lynne: as a body lotion! ๐Ÿ˜€
    I think I have a deeply ingrained penny pinching, so I guess next time I order it in a gallon container, I’ll transfer it into clean glass jars.
    @A Friend wrote:

    Well, my spouse ….looked at the coconut oil video, and this morning said he thought he would have some of that oil in his oatmeal… and would be using it regularly.
    Ho, ho, ho — thought this would never happen in my life time!!!

    Ho, ho, ho, here, too!
    My hubby started oil pulling with coconut oil, is willing to eat it, and expounded its virtues to friends at work!
    I could not and still cannot stand the taste. My throat does not like it (gagging) and it feels raw after I swallow it. Maybe because my mucous membranes are in for some big improvements?
    Well, the mind over matter always helps, so I’ll talk myself into liking it! ๐Ÿ˜†
    Once swallowed, my brain and my organs totally adored it! I would say that the energy that started permeating my brain and the whole body was beyond regular well-being. Even better than I experience after ImmunoPro.
    Oil pulling goes without any problems though in combination with 1tsp ingested oil, caused quite nice herxing! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    I am surprised. I did not herx last few months on abx and have not really herxed on all anti-microbial herbs I’ve been taking (well…except horribly, before AP, for a few months). Coconut oil is that potent, huh?

    Huge additional well-being + unexpected herxing makes a very lovely combination!
    Warm wishes, Krys


    Hi everyone,

    I too, am a huge fan of coconut oil. It has helped to drop my cholesterol levels, it works wonders on skin rashes & dry skin, and I truly believe it helps with viruses.

    The one thing I noticed when I first started taking it was that it can set off a nasty herx! I had to start super slow 1/4 teaspoon each day and work my way up. I have also used it for oil pulling and it gave me a whopper of a headache – so again, I had to go slower and pull for only a short time.

    Thanks for posting the great link to that video. I plan to show it to others.


    To add my 2 cents worth – I’ve been taking a couple tablespoons a day – and WOW, do I feel better. I have so much more energy all of a sudden. Hoping, however, that it doesn’t cause a herx as others have written!

    I’ve always used it as a moisturizer on my face after a shower – it’s anti-bacterial and keeps my face clear of blemishes, plus very soft. It appears to help keep wrinkles at bay, though can’t be sure it just isn’t the cleaner lifestyle with the AS diet of John’s!

    It works great for oil pulling and really whitens the teeth. Can’t say enough good about it.

    Most of all, I really appreciated the link someone posted about how effective it is on the brain and Alzheimer’s, dementia, candida, etc. Got my dad started on it for protective benefits. Thanks for the posting! ๐Ÿ˜€



    I love coconut oil.
    I’ll second everything that has been written.
    Great for dry skin, great for cooking.
    I add 2tsp to my coffee, haven’t tried oil pulling yet.

    I found this to be an interesting book: http://www.amazon.com/Coconut-Miracle-Previously-published-Healing/dp/1583332049 (though parts of it were a bit repetitive).
    I’ve read a lot about other cooking oils going rancid and still looking ok, so I just ended up tossing them (e.g. canola, peanut, etc). So far there are few things that coconut oil doesn’t handle in the kitchen; we keep a nice olive oil around for salads & pesto.
    Another article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mercola/coconut-oil-benefits_b_821453.html

    Just in case it helps, here’s my “supply story”:
    I started with a 1-gallon tub on Amazon; depending on what you order, it can have a very mild taste or a very “coconutty” taste – check the reviews, people are pretty good about describing it. For me it worked out to be cheaper than buying smaller jars from Whole Foods. I end up “melting” that (in the summer it will melt itself, in the winter I let it soak in the a sink full of hot water for a while) then pour it into mason jars just to make staging easier in the kitchen. I thought about ordering a 5gal bucket, coconut oil seems to have a multi-year shelf life but the 1-gallons are easy to manage / carry so I’ll just stick with that – I ordered a 4pack of 1-gallons this last time. ( The packaging is a bit odd; the latest one is double-bagged in plastic inside the main bucket, so the little red pour-spout on top doesn’t actually do anything: line up 5 or 6 mason jars, remove the top of the bucket, snip a *small* piece off the bottom of the bags after they’re melted and it transfers pretty quickly: be ready to pinch off the flow or you’ll have quite a mess ๐Ÿ™‚ ).
    I found several vendors on Amazon with good ratings for cold-processed virgin organic coconut oil: here’s the first one I tried: http://www.amazon.com/Centrifuged-Organic-Extra-Virgin-Coconut/dp/B00556FLQW, very mild flavor (almost none), so I’m happy with this brand. *shrug* there are lots of brands out there that look very acceptable.


    I used to keep a jar of coconut oil on the counter so I wouldn’t have to warm it up in warm water each time. Discovered one day it had gone rancid – after maybe several months only. So now I keep it all in the fridge and warm up what I need. I’m probably the only one to ever have had coconut oil gone rancid!



    @a50505 wrote:

    I add 2tsp to my coffee…

    What a brilliant idea!
    One short sentence and 2 problems solved: my skinny coffee (I use coconut milk) finally has rich, fatty taste that I like and no scratchy throat after swallowing plain oil.

    @vera wrote:

    Discovered one day it had gone rancid – after maybe several months only. Lori

    Lori, sorry for a dumb question: how did you know it had gone rancid?
    I’m asking because I’ve been wondering if mine is doing just that: a very fleeting additional taste reminiscent of some shelled walnuts?


    I seem to be quite sensitive to “rancid” oil, nuts, seeds. If it smells “off” it’s probably rancid. Note how fresh coconut oil – or anything you just purchase and open smells. Then, later down the road if that changes in anyway it is probably rancid.

    I accidentally killed my goldfish years ago because it’s food had gone rancid. I thought it started to smell “off” one day and 3 days later it was dead. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    Vegetable oils should have no smell whatsoever. I always keep all nuts, oils, seeds in the fridge as it doesn’t seem to take long to go bad – and they’re so expensive to replace. The only oil I don’t keep in the fridge is olive – as I dislike the solid nature of it trying to get it out of a tiny spout! But, I recap it instantly after using and go thru it quite quickly.

    It was a surprise to discover the coconut oil had gone rancid. I was doing oil pulling and noticed a bad taste in my mouth compared to normal. I sniffed it closely and it just didn’t smell right. Then after pouring some into a clear container, I noticed it had yellowed – normally CO is clear! I suppose it was summer when that happened and warmer than usual temps. Rancid oil is very harmful so am extra cautious!

    Take care!


    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Krys;
    You made me chuckle when you said that the oil made you gag.I have the same problem when trying to swallow anything with a weid texture.A few days ago I had a revalation.I always have my jar of unscented coconut oil on the counter top as I have my hands in water a lot and end up having to oil them a few times a day.My oil is more like a thick paste because the room is cool.Anyway,the other day I had just brushed my teeth and was going to lather my hands when I remembered I had not taken my oil from the fridge so I just took a big glob to swallow.Would you believe that the after taste of the toothpaste totally canceled out the taste and texture of the oil.Amazing!

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