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  • #302691

    Hi all,

    Since I've noticed that quite a few members are struggling/or have struggled to eliminate Candida from their bodies, I was wondering what the 'best bets' were.  Diet? (of course–already getting pretty well versed in that area from my Naturopath)— Ooops.  There goes my wine and Ciroc Vodka. :doh: Supplementation?  (digestive enzymes, pro-biotics, pau d'arco, garlic, oregano extract, olive leaf extract….I am aware of all these, but which ones?( ie. Brands) are GREAT?)  I really trust your opinions and experience.  Has anybody out there tried Treelac?  Please keep in mind that I live in the 'frozen North' and would really perfer to buy brands available in Canada.

    Thanks so much, Nickie

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Nickie;
           Take a look at  http://www.newrootsherbal.com   ,they have great stuff and explain it all.Only trouble is that it is fairly expensive if you buy it from a health food store.Since I have a business I get it wholesale directly from them.If you know someone who has a “business number” they might be able to give you their number so that you can make an order.It would have to be fairly substantial so canvas your friends to see if they need supplements.
          I find their products are very,very good and they are just down the road from me so when I order it only take a couple of days 'til it arrives on my front porch.


    Hi, Nickie M,

    I'm sure you have gotten good info from your Naturopath. Here is a write-up from a raw board explaining candida. I was surprised to find out they also consider “fat” a culprit. Interesting, for what it's worth. 🙂

    “Excess fat is the culprit in candida, not sugar, per se. When fat levels in the blood rise, so does blood sugar, because excess fat inhibits insulin from performing its function of escorting sugar out of the bloodstream. The excess fat lines the blood vessel walls, the cells, insulin receptor sites, the sugar molecules themselves, and the insulin with a thin coating of fat, thus blocking and inhibiting normal metabolic activity.

    Too much sugar in the blood is as life threatening as too little and can result in serious illness or death. Yeast, or candida, is a constant presence in the blood; it serves as a life preservation mechanism, blooming when there is an excess of sugar in the blood stream to bring blood sugar down to a non-threatening level. When the sugar is distributed and used by the cells of the body, the yeast quickly dies off as it is supposed to.

    If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will remain in the bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies instead of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your body. Starved for fuel, these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you become tired, and feel rundown. Because all carbohydrate, fat, and protein that we eat is converted to simple sugar (glucose) if it is to be used by the cells for fuel, the way out of this cycle is not to eat less sugar, but to consume less fat. When fat levels drop, the sugar starts to get processed and distributed again, and the yeast levels drop because there is no longer excess sugar available.”

    “The FAQ from Foodnsport.com”






    Thanks for the link.  Through their “Store Locator”, I discovered that they sell…'new roots herbal' supplements at a Health Food Store about 1 KM from my house.  I will check it out and price.  If cost prohibitive, I'll follow your advice on seeking friends with “business numbers”. 


    I find this theory very interesting.  Would love to see some research studies. 😉 Thanks for sending.



    Hey, NM,

    Dr. G. advocates a Natural Hygiene diet approach. I am not aware of any scientific studies, but NH has been around for over a hundred years, so there is probably documentation out there. I have read about people who have been healed of many diseases including candida, diabetes, Crohn's and IBS. Below is a link to his chat board on VegSource. You can post any questions you have directly to him, and he will respond usually within one day, unless he is doing a seminar or workshop. Make sure you include “Dr. D. or Dr. G.” in the subject line.

    Good luck to you. I hope you find the answers you are searching for! 😀





    I've just sent you a PM.  😉


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