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    Hi all,

    So I have a weird symptom, that's been present for a while, but I haven't really acknowledged it that much cause it doesn't cause me too much grief.  It has exacerbated lately though, and I'm not sure if its because of my meds or my supplements or what.

    After eating sometimes, I get nauseated and the only way to relieve it is to…burp.  :blush:  Not very lady like I know.  But I feel like I'm having major gas issues and this is how its expressing itself.  I have no heartburn or pain, or anything like that, just a sick feeling and then burping. Sometimes I do vomit but only in severe cases.  I feel like its a possible weirdo symptom of Lyme, but I have no idea really what's causing it.  I know its not a herx cause I had this before I started AP.

    Since everyone here is so knowledgable about these things, can anyone recommend a good supplement/solution for this problem? 


    I'm sorry as I don't have a solution for you.  However, I wonder if these issues might be related to yeast overgrowth somewhere in your digestive system?


    Jen, I've heard of this symptom before and if you PM Sandy, she will be able to tell you more, as she's been through this, as a fellow Lyme sufferer.

    H Pylori can also result in burping. Have you been tested? If memory serves, Sandy's Lyme doc at the time told her that her treatment would have to continue for H Pylori until the burping resolved. She was taking clarithromycin (aka biaxin) for it, I think, but she'll be able to fill you in more, as it's been a while since we chatted.

    Another cause of burping can be due to overgrowth of candida in the gut and also gall bladder issues. So, definitely worth following up on with your doc. Just simply being constipated, too, can cause digestion to back up.

    Annoying, huh? What are you doing, apart from probiotics, to address/control candida?

    Peace, Maz

    Joe M

    The most common cause of burping is swallowing air.  Perhaps eating more slowly would help?  Some foods are more prone to causing gas than others, perhaps trying to isolate the food that gives you the most trouble would help.  Maybe an OTC product like Beano would be a solution.


    I know this is a long shot, but I will throw it out there anyway.  I noticed you were taking fish oil which can cause burping.  My Lyme doc said the way to to find your correct dose of fish oil is when you quit burping it up, then that is your correct dose.


    Hmmm…..thanks for the suggestions.  I was tested for candida and it came up negative.  I take a probiotic, but I don't do anything else to control my yeast.  I was on a yeast free diet though, for about six weeks, and it didn't change any of my symptoms. 

    I've never heard the suggestion of H. pylori before.  In fact, I don't even really know what it is completely.  I will definitely look into that as a possibility.  

    I don't think its the fish oil, because it started before that.  What is Beano? The problem with taking an OTC thing is that I never know when I'm going to have it…could I take it after the symptoms start?

    I think I'm also overtaking supplements.  I take fish oil, zinc, Dhist (a quercetin drug rec by my AP doc), probiotics, vitD, B12, MSM, plus the doxy, plaquenil, and zoloft.  I feel like I'm overmedicated – I threw up again tonight after my nightly meds (plaq, zoloft, zinc, fish oil, and Dhist).  Any suggestions as to what I should cut out?  Or how I should break them up? 

    Thanks so much for all your help again!

    Lynne G.SD

    I had that problem also,but then,I have SD.My problem was that I was not digesting properly.Digestive enzymes fixed that likety split!Most people over 40 have reduced HCL in their stomacks .Have you reached that majic number yet?


    I also take Zoloft and was told by my doctor that it could nausea. She told me to take it with a meal. I don't know how you could split them up. Are you taking them with food? I take loads of supplements as well and have a sensitive stomach. I sometimes feel nauseous after taking everything. I find taking everything as soon I've finished eating a meal helps a bit.

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