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    Hi APBeliever,

    I think Dr Brown probably already knew this. 😉 Inflammatory cytokines are responsible for the crashing fatigue and depression that can sometimes precede RA. He offers a case of a young girl in his book whom he treated before she had overt RA symptoms and managed to stop it in its tracks. You're right – hindsight is a fine thing, eh?

    Peace, Maz


    Interesting article–I recall reading about this before but, it pertained to markers for cancer.  Wouldn't it be nice if doctors were proactive enough to do these tests?  Then again, if one is found to be pre-disposed to a disease this way, at least in the U.S., I'm sure the Insurance companies would find a way to deny people based on these results.:(



    Since the first signs of RA are fatigue who would think to ask for this test. The best you could hope for would be that your doctor would think of it. I put up with fatigue for years thinking I was just getting older.


    Davit, you are not alone. I went through fatigue and depression for so many years and I am in my 30s. Remember inflammation causes your sugar levels too be high and also makes your blood pressure a little higher. Therefore, they always told me your are hypertensive and prediabetic(Now a diabetic thanks to prednisone). Then they wanted me to take antidepressant meds which I thought was a lousy diagnosis. I had good things going in my life with wife and kids and was happy. Just couldn't understand the depression that just came along with extreme fatigue. As soon as we started bringing the inflammation down, my blood pressure took a nose dive. It is now in the low range without any meds with no weight loss or exercises. I consulted a rheumy(Actually a Rheumatology professor in a university)recently  and he confirmed inflammation brings high bp as well as blood sugar elevations which doctors misdiagnose often.



    I have a glucometer only because there are some medications that raise blood sugar. I'm still around 5.4. On my scale 5.3 is normal. I was warned a long time ago about prednesone. I am not sure if I can ever start to produce it again. The few times I have tried to get off I did it to fast. My brother who has nothing wrong with him except, well never mind, has very high BP. Mine is a bit elevated and I find Cloxicillin raises it also. The only side effect I have from pred is weight gain. Not moon face.



    Thats really good Davit that you don't have problems with prednisone. Usually people who are not even diabetic start becoming diabetic due to it. I am also told that I could still become prediabetic again. I took Alpha Lipoic acid for a month and I was going  normal again so I had to stop Metformin since my sugar was going too low. My liver started acting up again and I had to stop ALA and I am now back to Metformin. After using Mino for 8 months somehow my liver has not been the same. It always act up every now and then with supplements or meds. Even turmeric causes problems. Currently thinking of trying Liv52. Amazingly nothing shows on Liver function tests only the pain, swelling and tenderness in the liver occurs with the offending supplement or medication.


    [user=1212]APbeliever[/user] wrote:

    Amazingly nothing shows on Liver function tests only the pain, swelling and tenderness in the liver occurs with the offending supplement or medication.

    Hi APbeliver, sorry if we talked about this before, but have you had an ultrasound of your gall bladder? I ask because GB pain is under the right ribs, too, and may come and go. Stones or sludge (causing sluggish GB function) may not show up on ultrasound. As your liver function is otherwise normal, have you considered liver flushing?

    Peace, Maz


    Hi APbeliver, sorry if we talked about this before, but have you had an ultrasound of your gall bladder? I ask because GB pain is under the right ribs, too, and may come and go. Stones or sludge (causing sluggish GB function) may not show up on ultrasound. As your liver function is otherwise normal, have you considered liver flushing?

    Ultrasound shows a moderate increase in liver fatness. Ultrasound was done on the whole abdominal area and did not show anything unusual except liver being fat. Everytime I took Mino or Doxy liver pains came back with an increase of the size of the right abdominal part. It seemed that the liver simply hated those drugs after a period of successfully being on Mino for 8 months. Doctors just did not understand it. Yes, I have done liver flushing and also use oliver oil lemon drink on a daily basis.


    [user=1212]APbeliever[/user] wrote:

    Doctors just did not understand it. Yes, I have done liver flushing and also use oliver oil lemon drink on a daily basis.

    Hi APBeliever,

    Just saw my doc today and we discussed gall stones, as I've had recurring issues (a couple years before all this started for me), which is when I learned about liver flushing. He mentioned using lecithin, which is very good for thinning bile. I'm sure you've probably already done loads of research on fatty liver, but just thought to mention it. I also take NAC with L-Carnitine.


    “Some patients may be treated with dietary supplements. (e.g., lecithin, L-carnitine). L-carnitine may enhance fat metabolism by the liver, whereas lecithin may prevent some of the tissue damage caused when oxygen reacts with fat during routine chemical reactions in the liver (lipid peroxidation)”

    Peace, Maz

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