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    Don't panic–this is not a side effect of minocycline! It was listed as a possible side effect for the penicillin I got Friday for my infected root canal. The black, “hairy” tongue usually goes away when treatment ends, the literature states. Usually. Upon reading that, laughter welled up in me and I started to roar, alone in my office. A black hairy tongue? Good god, what next in this journey?! I gave it a lot of thought, then decided: Down the hatch. And happily, I find I am feeling much better very quickly with no side effects so far. (Though I do check my tongue when I pass a mirror.)



    Hey Sierra,

    It's good we can still laugh over these symptoms. :roll-laugh: 

    I had the black hairy tongue at the beginning with the 200mg daily dosing of Mino which was one of the reasons I wanted to switch to pulsing.  It quickly cleared up with probiotics and diet; such as no starch and sugars.

    Oh my, the things we share!



    Sierra, so glad you got your tooth sorted out and all the best for your surgery tomorrow!

    Peace, Maz


    What in the world….?

    I have NEVER heard of this side effect?! I can see how you would laugh at this as hard as you did – this is absolutely horrible!!!

    So, Kim – you had this side effect from the mino as well?

    I remember a couple years ago, I was having a lot of stomach issues or heartburn or something and was taking A LOT of pepto. We were on vacation and I remember looking in the mirror and my tongue was black!! I freaked out then read the box, and it said taking a lot of pepto could cause this. It was easily brushed off with a toothbrush, but still…!

    I'm assuming this hairy (gross) black tongue doesn't go away with the help of a toothbrush?! How long did it last? GROOOOOOS



    It wasn't really black black, just blackish and very short-lived.  You just go after it like any yeast infection with probiotics, etc.



    Thanks, Kim!

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