Home Forums General Discussion Bio-identical Hormones are helping

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    Hi – I haven’t posted on this board for a long time, and I have been around here since 2007. I started minocycline in 2007, before I was even diagnosed with RA in 2008. After no improvement, I switched to doxy, zith flagyl in various doses as I had a clinical diagnosis of Bb co-infection. In Fall, 2009, I switched to plaquenil and doxy. Within 2-3 months I started to get noticable joint damage in my toes and knuckles. It turned out my ESR was over 130! The ESR and Cardio CRP since then have remained very high (very scary), for the last 2+years. I took a break from AP last October, extremely frustrated. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended a ND, who ran labs and then started me on bio-identical hormones in mid-December. Labs were run again last week and I am happy to report my ESR went from 112 in October to 1! My cardio CRP has dropped from 66 to 17!
    I know some of us think hormones are immune suppressive, but my doc says they are immune modulating. I’m choosing to believe
    her because I am feeling better and finally have some hope for long-term improvement. I still believe in AP therapy, but for now, am following the program of hormones and gut healing given to me. I wish I had found this ND sooner.
    I think, for me, wacky, lack of hormones may be a part of my RA puzzle. I don’t think it is the total answer as there surely are other factors involved. I just wanted to let all of you know my experience, and maybe getting your hormones checked wouldn’t be such a bad idea. As always, I wish all of us improved health and better days!


    @Lizz wrote:

    …. my ESR went from 112 in October to 1! My cardio CRP has dropped from 66 to 17!
    ….. for now, am following the program of hormones and gut healing given to me.

    Lizz, how fabulous! Congratulations!
    Finding one’s own missing pieces of the puzzle is very crucial to healing. I’m very happy that you have found yours and that it is working.
    My guess is that AP took care of the infection but maybe exacerbated the gut issues, which I believe are never perfect with anybody with RA, etc., to begin with. Chronic disease most usually means more than chronic infection. All body systems get dysregulated and need help, especially in Lyme disease. So you’ve managed to conquer Babesia? What lovely news!!!

    Can you share the details of your gut healing program?
    I believe everyone with chronic disease needs to work on healing the gut, but I am only familiar with the GAPSdiet http://www.gapsdiet.com. I would be grateful if you could write more about what your ND prescribed for you.
    Warm wishes, Krys


    Krys, thanks for the encouraging reply. The dietary stuff is simple, lemon juice in water upon rising, a breakfast smoothie with medical food and anti-oxidant fruits for breakfast. For other meals, no diary, soy, low, low sugar. I don’t seem to be intolerant of gluten, but I stay away from bread anyway. No red meat. Normal meals with a protein and vegs. I use good butter, olive oil and coconut oil. Medical grade probiotic at bedtime. Iron, B-12, Enzyme coQ10, fish oil and 10,000 I.U’s vitamin D. ( My number needs to come up.) I’ve cut the NSAID dose in half and will try to drop it completely if things continue to improve. Down to 2-2.5 mg. pred and will consider going off in the weeks to come. I’m not going to radically change anything for now, I’m just very grateful for the positive change after all this time. Take good care.


    Hi Lizz,
    It’s very interesting!
    Because you have been on abx for many years (which are “cold” acc. to TMC, and rheumatic diseases are “cold”, too) I was expecting that your ND would advice taking “warming” spices like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, cayenne and that that would help getting off NSAIDs, also helping the digestive tract to get back to normal.
    Gaps diet advises to start the day with room temp. water and to drink ginger tea throughout the day.
    My present TCM herbs (focus on digestion, thyroid, spleen, heart and autoimmune reactions to food) contain lots of ginger and some cinnamon and I am advised to keep drinking ginger tea, add warming spices to food and to green juices (green juices are “cold” by nature) if I decide to drink any.

    But then it has occurred to me that hormone replacement therapy would take care of that, maybe to a much better extent in your specific condition, so there may be no need for the warming foods.
    Lemon tea will help with alkalising the acidic body, light breakfast of smoothies (+medical food) + fruit is easier to digest in the morning….
    Wow! It is fabulous that you may eat gluten!
    Is there any particular reason why you have to be off red meat?
    Lyme patients usually do not tolerate it but I was hoping that autoimmune reaction to red meat goes away in time. I know it is inflammatory and acidic, but it IS also very nourishing and many say it helps nurture the body back to health once the disease is gone. I don’t mean to be very nosy, but asking questions often brings great insights and helps connect the dots for oneself! 😉

    Medical grade probiotic at bedtime.

    Which one is that, if I may ask? I’m always on the lookout for good probiotics.

    I’ve cut the NSAID dose in half and will try to drop it completely if things continue to improve….
    I’m not going to radically change anything for now, I’m just very grateful for the positive change after all this time.

    Sounds great! Very nicely thought out plan.
    I hope you do not mind all the questions…
    Wishing you full remission any time soon, Krys


    Hi Krys, I’m glad to help you and anybody on this board with all the info I have. Over the years, I have learned alot from others here, am grateful, and am glad to share.
    First,the medical food is UltraInflamx 360 Plus. It has turmeric and other warming spices in it. So far, I have cut my NSAID use in half. The ND says red meat is inflammatory, which is tough, because I really crave it as I am anemic, but not as anemic as I used to be. I going to stick with her plan,because, so far, its working. The probiotic I use is Metagenics Ultra Flora Plus DF, I use half a teaspoon a day at bedtime, which seems for me to be the most effective time to take them. These products are not cheap, but I think the goal is to get the best quality of what you really need, and don’t overboard it on other supplements.
    You are sweet, but I still think I’m a long way from any remission. I still expect ups and downs with the way I feel and the labs to vary. I just hope that the positive trend continues. I’ll check in from time to time to let you and others how the hormone therapy is going. If you need any other info, let me know.


    I have no doubt that having balanced hormones helps the immune system to better defend. i have had a salivary test kit sitting here for 2 months crazy huh – this is a good reminder to get on that – a compounding pharmacist once this is back if anything is needed will make up bio identical hormones for me. I think rounded approaches with AB are smart – if the body is taxed – it just cant work as well.

    Best – Jill
    systemic SD, sjogrens & Sarcoidosis to add to the list now


    Lizz,Thanks so much for your posts.I found them very helpful.I don’t tend to post often but I read the Forum every day.
    I was on Bioidenticals a few yrs ago and didn’t stay with because I didn’t have very good follow thru from the physican who ordered it.I’ll now give it another try…Have had nasty RA for yrs with no relief from the meds.Take care,Kathy

    RA.Lyme,Fibro…prednisone 20 mg Qday


    @Lizz wrote:

    I just hope that the positive trend continues.

    Thank you, Lizz. May the positive continue and get you back to resounding health! 😛
    Warm wishes, Krys


    I just got the results of my Saliva Hormone test – i posted the info under a thread I made Heading to Ida Grove – on page 4 – my cortisol levels are pretty high – this has alot to do with inflammation & my immune so Bio identical hormones will be very helpful in getting my immune able to fend off again bacterias etc. i cant met with them until next Thurs. to get this started on compounding but it is good to address this as if left unchecked my body would continue to get diseases / burn out. My Urine cortisol levels a yr or 2 ago were just fine things can change. I read that the saliva test is more accurate anyways.
    Best – Jill


    One can read up on the net about progesterone – often this can be low or the ratio of progesterone & estrogen can be low this is found quite a bit in autoimmune like diseases. My progesterone was also low.



    Hi there,

    I have had RA for 2 years and recently I had another diagnosis of adenomyosis. My dr gave me progesterone because my levels were below normal. I had a couple of REALLY good days and I was pain free. He told me to take them for 10 days a months snd after I stopped taking them the pain returned, so I asked If I could continue taking then for the whole month and he agreed. I am still waiting for them to make me feel as good as I did a couple weeks ago.

    May I ask what amount of hormones you taking in mgs? Which one and how much?
    I appreciiate it.
    Just a note. I have horrble low back pain and it came a few months after my RA diagnosis, I thought it was RA in my back but now I found out it could be my uterus that is causing me so much pain. I’m still not sure which one it is, I am hoping to figure it out soon. It is hot to the touch and my sacrum area feels like I have a toothache all day long. It really hurts.

    Thanks for posting!
    Take care!


    Hi Valsmum, I am on a well known bio-identical hormone protocol called the Wheldon protocol. It is touted by Suzanne Somers in the media. As to dosage, it varies, based on the day of the week. I am currently taking estrogen and progesterone. I had bloodwork last month and the dosages have been tweaked by my Dr. As I understand it, as these levels become optimal, the dosage is just for maintenance. The Wheldon protocol has a website, you can read about it there. Hope this info helps. Take care!


    Just to correct what I posted earlier about the bio-identical hormone program I’m on – it’s the Wiley Protocol, not Wheldon. Classic brain fog moment.


    Thanks, for the info on Wiley Protocol, I will look into it. Were you ever up to 100 or 200 mg of progesterone? I was wondering if my dosage was high or low.


    Hi Valsmum the package says 20mg of progesterone per line. Depending of the day of the month, you start with 2 lines, peak at 11 lines and then return to the low dose at the end of the 14 days. So at peak, maybe 220 mg. per dose. I hope this helps but your best bet is to get all hormones checked with bloodwork, then your doc can tweak it to get it right for you. Liz

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