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    I saw my doctor today and she decided that I should add biaxin to my regimen. I agreed, but was just wondering what everyone else's experience was. Just curious I suppose 🙂

    I did try adding bactrim in september, but that gave me a terrible reaction(itchy all over, high fever and low blood pressure) that landed me in the hospital for a few days. all is well now though…i suppose you live and learn. my one question is my mom tried bactrim too and she had almost the same reaction but less severe. anyway, ever since then she cant have anything with flour…she'll break out in hives and becomes very itchy. shes doing well avoiding gluten and actually has lost weight and notices her joints dont swell and hasnt had pain. i was just wondering if there was a connection.

    ok one more thing…any ideas on weight gain??? I need to gain weight and find it hard with a lack of appetite and i have to be choosy with what i can eat because of the way my mouth closes…little bites and lots of chewing.

    but despite all of the “stuff” im smiling and am excited for this year. Im gonna kick it into gear!
    ok thanks all:roll-laugh:


    [user=166]Eggs[/user] wrote:

    I agreed, but was just wondering what everyone else's experience was. Just curious I suppose 🙂

    I started using Biaxin (1000 mg) as well as Omnicef (600 mg) on January 4th.  Today I reduced my dosage in half–too much pain–I hope that will take care of it.  When I started on the Biaxin (began with Omnicef first for four days) I got a bad taste in my mouth. 

    That has been my experience–


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    [user=166]Eggs[/user] wrote:

    I saw my doctor today and she decided that I should add biaxin to my regimen. I agreed, but was just wondering what everyone else's experience was. Just curious I suppose 🙂

    shes doing well avoiding gluten and actually has lost weight and notices her joints dont swell and hasnt had pain. i was just wondering if there was a connection.

    ok one more thing…any ideas on weight gain??? I need to gain weight and find it hard with a lack of appetite and i have to be choosy with what i can eat because of the way my mouth closes…little bites and lots of chewing.


    Hiya Eggs,

    I was on biaxin (500mg twice a day) in my first year in combination with tetracycline and did very well on it. I got to about the 50% improved mark from very severe RA. As Trudi mentioned, some folk might experience a funny metallic or bad taste in their mouths. I never got this weird side-effect and tolerated biaxin very well.

    Gluten sensitivities and leaky gut are common amongst rheumatics and many find a great reduction in pain and swelling when all gluten (incl hidden gluten) is removed from the diet.

    If you type in “wasting syndrome” in the search box above, you'll find a few posts by A Friend where she describes what she did to gain weight when she was going through a rough time trying to maintain her weight. I recall two things she did, which included the olive oil/lemon detox drink and also a mixture of cottage cheese and flax seed oil. You should be able to find her recipes in amongst her posts on this. If you have trouble, let us know. 😉

    Nice to see you, Eggs, and hope you had a lovely holiday season and that 2010 brings you much health and happiness!

    Peace, Maz

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