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    hey guys, please pray for me, i have a barium swallow at 9:30 this morning.  also could anyone tell me why i'm ok emotionally one day, and the next i'm like a different person, is it the weather pain level, herxing, hormones, what i feel like i'm on an emotional roller coaster.  can anyone give me a reason to resolve this i feel like i'm crazy. thank you all, you have been wonderful support and care.


    Hey Tish,

    God Bless You Honey! The barium swallow can be a tough one for us.  Again, self-talk yourself with positive thoughts the whole time and try hard to not tense up. Usually if you let the tech. know you're difficulties with swallowing (tech. usually suspects that's the case anyway) they are quite good to talk you through it and take it slow and watch you responses constantly (they don't want you to choke either). This test is not pleasant but also not the worst one you'll have but it is an important one. Are you on something for your acid-reflux/motility issues. It is important to be on something for this as it can get worse/serious if left untreated (scared esophagus, acid entering the lungs causing scaring etc.) Hope it goes okay today.




    [user=345]tish[/user] wrote:

    also could anyone tell me why i'm ok emotionally one day, and the next i'm like a different person, is it the weather pain level, herxing, hormones, what i feel like i'm on an emotional roller coaster.  can anyone give me a reason to resolve this i feel like i'm crazy.


    It's been very hard on every one with this dreadful disease, especially scleroderma which affects multiple organs. We end up with a “whole troops of physicans” to visit, tons of med to take. It's very tough. Any normal human being would feel depressed from time to time. It's normal for you to feel sad. Please feel free to vent.

    I felt like living in the dark until I found  a GREAT support from this board. I deeply appreciate all the hands reaching out to me, holding the candel lights for me to show me the way to the road to AP. I highly recommend you hang in tough with us and deal one thing at the time. When the AP effect kicks in, we will all feel better.

    Hang in there!!!


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