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    Dear people,
    Most AP followers are with RA, SD, or SLE, so I wonder if AP will work for mixed symptoms / labs of Sjorgren and arthritis. I post on behalf of a 62 yrs/47 kilos young lady, bearing dry eyes, swollen knees + one ankle, acute inguinal and upper legs pain, stiffness after bed or seated.  .    
    Labs Positive: anti-Ro (SSA), Shirmer's test, ANA HEp2 1/1280 thin-speckled
    Labs Negative: anti-LA (SSB), anti-DNA, anti-CCP, Rose Ragan, Rose bengal
    Plus : RH:47, ESR:99,  CRP:7,35   She copes with artificial tears, Prednisone 5mg, diclofenac 50mg, Wobenzym-N, daily doses.  Dry eyes is not the problem, but after several episodes in last years of knee inflammation, synovial liquid extraction and cortisone or hyaluronic injections, surged the acute pain and stiffness.

    Any help is warmly appreciated.
    Best wishes


    Hi Dino,

    Although I'm just an RA patient, an elevated RF, ESR and CRP could be indicative RA, although RF can be elevated in a number of other conditions. In combination with other labs, however, it can point to a reactive inflammatory arthritis like RA. Anti-CCP isn't always positive and is a good sign, because this test is said to be a prognostic indicator of severe disease (while also considered definitive confirmation of RA). Not everyone tests positive for Anti-CCP and it's also possible to have sero-negative RA, especially in the early days. Perhaps someone can elucidate you further on the ANA and SSA results.

    Sounds like your friend would be a very good candidate for AP (antibiotic protocol). Sjogren's Syndrome may respond well, if secondary, although I understand from others that it is quite challenging to treat if primary. However, that said, not everyone is the same and response will always be unique to the individual.

    According to Dr Brown, when AP is started early on and before it becomes too severe, the response is usually swifter. Existing joint damage can't be reversed, but certainly inflammation and progression of disease can be slowed and the hope is that it will be halted altogether. Each person's response is different, so worth bearing in mind that this is a longterm therapy and improvements come in gradual increments.

    This is a great therapy, because it carries with it less risk and great hope for remission. If one believes in infectious causes for these diseases, then there is no doubt it's the best treatment currently available. 😀 Over a period of time, one normally sees an improvement in inflammatory markers and sometimes this occurs before or after actual physical improvement.

    If your friend would like an AP doctor listing, you can jot a note to apdoctors@roadback.org, including info on where your friend is located (town/city/state/country) for possible local docs and, if she is able to travel, for the most experienced doctors in the US.

    Wishing you and your friend all the best in your searches!

    Peace, Maz

    PS Although MP is occasionally discussed here, you could ask for specific details of this protocol at http://www.marshallprotocol.com or send a private message to John McDonald, the RBF bullletin board administrator, who may be able to share more from a personal vantage.


    Hi Maz ! and thanks for your care,  we are in the process of gathering all information before starting AP.  probably with doxy. and no IV or IM injections (mino.and clinda.are ototoxic)  Docs concensus is that her SS is secondary or separate from the arthritis, that by now doesn`t show as RA. so I guess AP has a chanc to work.

    Best wishes


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