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    Anybody here ever used Kineret to keep the inflammation down?

    Anybody know anything about Kineret, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist?

    Some info about it:



    I'm thinking I will try this instead of going back on Enbrel for a while or any of the other biologics, especially since most want methotrexate used with them.  Only because the inflammation/flairing has been a bit harsh lately and I want the antibiotics to work their best.  this interleukin 1 receptor antagonist appears to have other additional potential benefits.  I just couldn't find anything regarding using it along with antibiotics.

    Aside:  I did have about a week of feeling great about a week after the clindy IVs, I was actually able to run a little and that was really exciting.  It's a bit depressing to be back to just doddering around.


    If clindy works so well for you, why don't see if you can get some more?   When something works, use it!!!


    I've decided to stay off the biologics and just go with the antibiotics and basic pain/inflammation relievers.

    I believe I can… I believe I can… I believe I can… get to remission!  But, it sure hurts.


    Ahhh, but when you get there…it's soooo worth it!


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