Home Forums General Discussion Anyone heard of or tried Anatabloc?

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    Hi everyone,

    I overheard someone talking about this new anti-inflammatory called Anatabloc last weekend. I have RA but am currently pregnant so not engaged in any AP or other heavy anti inflammatories. BUT, am always interested in what I can do post baby! This lady I was talking to said her son has Chrohn’s and has had it severely for years. He started taking Anatabloc last August and has completely gone off all other medication, gained 45 pounds and it doing unbelievably. She has been taking it herself for 6 months for allergies and hasn’t taken an allergy medication since. Her mother who has arthritis – don’t think RA – has been taking it and is feeling great. Anyway, it is relatively new. Comes from Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals can be bought online or now in GNC. It’s all natural. I say it’s worth a shot, but I don’t think I can try it during pregnancy. I did a search on this board and nothing came up. So I thought I’d throw it out there and see if anyone has even heard of it and if not maybe you’d all like to do your own reading on it. It’s kind of pricey. I am thinking it would be a great alternative to my regular anti inflammatory which tends to tear up my stomach.

    Let me know what you think!


    A negative to this product is that it has sucralose in it. Too bad they added that in.


    Not sure about this…saw amazon reviews and was not impressed. However I dont base things solely on reviews. What I did see on Wiki about the ingrediant Anatabine was confusing…I am going to research more on this. But what it said about it being a derivitive of tobacco plants and tomato’s made me think of the night shades and how it might be linked. How can this reduce imflammation if so many say night shades cause it ? I will look further based on this question …seems like as usual I need more info ❓


    Anatabine (uh-nat-uh-been,-bin) is one of the minor alkaloids found in plants in the Solanaceae family, which includes the tobacco plant and tomato, that has been shown to affect monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity.


    Thanks for the additional info Sean! I figure it can’t hurt to try, although I will do a bit more reading/research and check if it is safe during pregnancy. What kind of back pain do you have? Is it at all related to arthritis?


    I will take Sean’s comments with a grain of salt since I see he’s never posted here before. Seems to me he may be connected somehow to the product.


    My reaction is stronger than Parisa’s. I get very upset when I read posts that sound like advertizing by somebody with financial interests in selling the product.

    Why would anyone want to use an unknown, expensive product when there are huge amounts of proven, safe and cheap products (anti-inflammatories) available with no side effects or marginal side effects? Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs have been successfully used for 3000-2000 years and lots of other popular herbs have been used for hundreds of years in many cultures all over the world. There’s also scientific research confirming the safety and efficacy of those herbs or herbal combinations. There are books and articles about the benefits with no financial involvement on the part of the authors.

    Why even consider something new, expensive, unproven and derived from the plants that are to be avoided in rheumatic diseases? In Tibet tobacco plant is called a demon plant. I read that tobacco juice is often used as a pesticide. It can kill both insects and plants. It also severely disturbs the energetic field of living forms, including humans.

    If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
    @246bride wrote:

    I overheard …..her son has Chrohn’s and has had it severely for years. He started taking Anatabloc last August and has completely gone off all other medication, gained 45 pounds and it doing unbelievably. She has been taking it herself for 6 months for allergies and hasn’t taken an allergy medication since. Her mother who has arthritis – don’t think RA – has been taking it and is feeling great……It’s kind of pricey.

    Carey, I think you overheard some overblown advertizing!!!
    It sounds too good to be true. In fact, it sounds impossible.
    I read a lot of success stories (books, articles, forums, blogs) of healing Crohn’s and it has never ever been through any single miraculous medication.

    With infectious component, combination of abx (pharmaceutical or herbal), anti-inflammatories (DIET + herbs or pharmaceuticals), aiding digestion and assimilation, supplementing with what we are deficient in and regular detox always brings about results. Tweaking the protocol along the way is usually necessary. It may take time to see noticeable results, especially if we cannot adhere to the diet. Most of us cannot adhere strictly for a prolonged time. Most offensive foods are addictive and it seems to be a rule that we are addicted to the food that we do not tolerate! It is not easy but it does work.

    Carey, you mentioned in one of your previous posts that diet has no effect on your symptoms at all.
    You did not specify what kind of diet it was, how well you were following it and for how long you adhered to the diet. From my reading it is virtually impossible for anyone with chronic disease not to have some hidden food intolerance. And even very advanced and scary conditions always respond to eliminating offensive foods (once they have been found through specially designed elimination diets or if you are lucky, just by eliminating most common food offenders).
    I hope you are an exception. It would be so much easier if diet was not part of the healing!

    I hope whatever you choose works for you very well!
    Congratulations on your third (upcoming) baby!!! How wonderful! I hope you are feeling very well during your pregnancy and that the well-being stays with you for good.
    Warm wishes, Krys



    Thank you for the reply. I know it sounds too good to be true, that’s why I wanted to post on here as a litmus test. I don’t know why she would make it up? She is a teacher and I don’t think she sells it. But anyway, I agree with you about diet…I think for me it’s about finding the culprit. I guess it’s just been especially hard for me to adhere to a strict elimination diet over the past 3 years as I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding for most of that time! I have a 3.5 year old, 20 month and 22 weeks pregnant so as you can imagine dedicating a lot of time, preparation etc etc to my food is extremely hard to do. I think that’s why I didn’t see any big results. I did an elimination diet for 6 weeks and was very strict about it and did not see much improvement to warrant the complete life style change. I do the best I can and definitely pay way more attention to what goes into my mouth, but am certainly not perfect. While I don’t think diet could cure me on its own, I definitely believe it is part of the equation!

    Thanks for your well wishes! I am looking forward to getting back on AP after babe arrives and finished breastfeeding. Hope you are feeling well!


    Very nice reply, Carey!
    If you personally know someone who used Anatabloc, it makes huge difference to how you perceive it. Maybe it will work for you as greatly as it did for your friends.
    If you followed the elimination diet strictly for 6 weeks and did not see any effect, you may be the lucky one who has no problems with any food!!! Let’s hope it is so, it makes life much easier. And with little children it IS close to impossible to cook separate meals and never try anything the rest of the family is eating!
    Good luck on your healing journey, may it keep on improving and let’s keep our fingers crossed that the good effects the pregnancy has on keeping health problems in remission, will stay on after the baby is born, too.



    Perhaps policy should be in place that anyone who post on this board about any product MUST disclose if and when they have any financial interest in the sale of products, either directly or indirectly. Too many people outthere selling products by planting false testimonies. i am not saying this product does not have merit, but want to be sure we do not have snake oil saleman preying on members.

    @sean1326 wrote:

    Also I thought I would post some more information. I have been taking anatabloc for several months for back pain and it has worked wonders. For inflammatory issues, it works wonders, specifically nfkb.
    Here is a comparison for RCP-006 (anatabloc) vs many popular anti – inflammatory drugs/otc:

    For reviews, I would check facebook or GNC, as it is sold at GNC as well.

    Also they are going to be starting human trials on arthritis later this year. Currently they are running trials for Alzheimer’s and Thyroid disorders as they are inflammatory diseases.

    Also, watch this video on a woman who was in one of the trials. Its a local news station story near Detroit.

    any questions let me know. As stated, Ive been taking for a few months now.


    @Suzy wrote:

    Not sure about this…saw amazon reviews and was not impressed. However I dont base things solely on reviews. What I did see on Wiki about the ingrediant Anatabine was confusing…I am going to research more on this.

    I did a PubMed search on anatabine to see what I could find. I couldn’t find any published research (on PubMed) on the use of anatabine as an anti-inflammatory. Maybe we’ll see something published in the near future?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Wow ! Crohns –Bad Back –arthritis –Hallelujah another miracle product !!! This is the 438 th miracle product in the last two years —-Lots of bottomfeeders trying to profit on peoples illnesses —

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