Home Forums General Discussion Anyone clear a yeast issue with diet? Oh, I’m PREGNANT :)

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    Hi everyone, hope this spring is finding you good weather and good health. I recently developed one of those irritating yeast infections diagnosed by my OB. We’ve tried over the counter stuff, prescription stuff, with no luck. Of course I’m thinking it must be of the systemic variety if it’s not going away with specific treatment.

    Thing is I can’t take Diflucan, or many other natural remedies. I don’t want to do GSE, just not comfortable with it. I am currently trying to resolve it with 2 raw cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons coconut oil daily. I am already gluten, dairy and sugar free, although I am now trying to watch even the the fruit I eat. And I don’t want to stop any antibiotics, as they are keeping the lyme quiet for now. I’ve also increased my probiotics, but read a study that they increase TH1 cells, which I also had tested last week by my immunologist and sure enough, they were up. So I’ve had to back down to more of my normal amount (100 billion).

    My concern is I’m doing all these things to repopulate the good bacteria, but the bad bacteria are still there (the yeast). Can I do anything to get rid of them? Thanks for any ideas anyone might throw out there…I’m desperate to try anything safe!



    See if you can get your hands on NFH Candida-SAP, I got mine solved with that and strict diet for three months. its all natural so im sure you can take it. works a charm 🙂 I take it along with probiotics from the same company even though I do not have Candida anymore. its good for you in general 🙂 hope this helps. Unfortunatly I am Canadian so if you are from the states you may have trouble considering its a Canadian company. Good luck!


    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I don’t really have any answers, just excited for your news.

    Cotton undies, loose fitting clothes, etc…..


    Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! So very happy for you.

    Have you considered adding another yeast to the mix? I was just reading today that saccharomyces boullardii can help with yeast infections as it competes with candida and can displace it (in a good way). The article I was reading called it “Yeast against Yeast”. Here is a link: http://www.healthy.net/scr/column.aspx?Id=62.

    I really hope this helps! Yeast infections are no fun at all.

    Take care,


    Gord-I tried to google your rec, but couldn’t find it. Any other names for it?

    Kash-thanks so much. I’m so excited. They are due in July, and yes, it’s twins. Naturally. I can’t wait!

    Andrea-I just happened to pick up Garden of Life Primal Defense, which has sac. boull. But then I googled it’s safety during pregnancy and found that the product can detox you, so it’s not a good idea to release those toxins in your body/baby. I just picked up some separate soc. boull. and hope to try it soon. Once I can assure that it’s safe as well. There’s not a lot of info on it and pregnancy, but if it’s just a yeast and I have yeast, it’s probably ok. Thanks for the suggestion and congrats! Oh, and I hope being on doxy isn’t too bad :)-welcome to the AP club!



    http://www.nfh.ca/en/faqs.html this is the company website. they give a list of products. sorry if they are expensive. my probiotics are like 50$ for a small bottle :S and the anti candida stuff is a wee bit expensive too but i only take a few a week. you dont need them much once you have yeast under control. and they worked fast with a strict anti-candida diet!!


    here is the link for candida sap


    i also have a sweet article on there probiotics and how they are so beneficial for allergies.


    the article explains th1 and th2 regulation of the immune system and how it keeps allergies in check, furthermore the article promotes the probiotic made by NFH at the end because this is exactly what there probiotic does. it certainly is one of the caddilacs of probiotics 🙂 hope i helped!


    Congratulations, Jen! What wonderful news!
    Are you open to trying fermented foods (cabbage with carrots, zuccini, beets, pickles: cannot contain vinegar! That’s not good while pregnant) and home made yogurt? Korean, Chinese, German, Polish, Czech and maybe other ethnic stores may carry the fermented veggies. If they come in jars check the ingredients (that NO vinegar) and that they are NOT pasteurized. Lots of expectant moms actually crave them! Home made yogurt has to be made at home: if the fermentation takes place for 24 hours at approximately 100F, 1 cup should contain about 600 billion good bacteria! You can find recipes (for yogurt and veggies) online. Farm co-ops in IL offer raw milk yogurt (cow, goat and sheep), but you would have to ask how long they ferment the milk.
    Not quite sure about that one: garlic capsules used as suppositories? You would have to ask your doc if that would help. I don’t know if that would kill good bacteria, too.
    Radiant health and happy well-being! Warm wishes, Krys


    Have you thought about making your own ‘Kefir” better than Yoghurt, and has been proven to work against Candida.
    Its preferable to buy the Kefir Grains [as they call them] from someone who is making their own, you can usually purchase a small amount and they multiply every time you make a batch.
    If you don’t want to use milk you can buy ‘Water Kefir Grains’ and make probiotic juice type drinks.
    So many uses, have a look through this very interesting site:


    I have just purchased some milk kefir grains off ebay.



    hi, i get yeast sometimes and find that cutting out sugars and eating a good balanced diet including cheese, yogurt and milk will help get rid of irritating yeast infections. congratulations on your pregnancy.
    hope this helps.x

    just be mindful of the dairy food around the time you take your meds.xx


    You can actually put yogurt inside yourself to help with yeast… Dr. Northrup (famous OB/GYN) mentions doing this in her book.

    Congrats on the twins!

    Take care,

    Eva Holloway

    PM my and I can send you some Kefir grains and instructions how to make it. I have a cup every day. and I also take a probiotic. I can tell it has helped with the yeast problem.

    Eva Holloway


    If you Google Silver sol for yeast infection, there is some information that you might find helpful.


    @PetRescue wrote:

    Hi everyone, hope this spring is finding you good weather and good health. I recently developed one of those irritating yeast infections diagnosed by my OB. We’ve tried over the counter stuff, prescription stuff, with no luck. Of course I’m thinking it must be of the systemic variety if it’s not going away with specific treatment.

    Thing is I can’t take Diflucan, or many other natural remedies. I don’t want to do GSE, just not comfortable with it. I am currently trying to resolve it with 2 raw cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons coconut oil daily. I am already gluten, dairy and sugar free, although I am now trying to watch even the the fruit I eat. And I don’t want to stop any antibiotics, as they are keeping the lyme quiet for now. I’ve also increased my probiotics, but read a study that they increase TH1 cells, which I also had tested last week by my immunologist and sure enough, they were up. So I’ve had to back down to more of my normal amount (100 billion).

    My concern is I’m doing all these things to repopulate the good bacteria, but the bad bacteria are still there (the yeast). Can I do anything to get rid of them? Thanks for any ideas anyone might throw out there…I’m desperate to try anything safe!


    Are you aware that the antibiotic is giving you a fungal problem also ? We have all have to address it somehow whilst on abx treatment. I know there are some patients on natural lyme treatments at times maybe they could help you just whilst you are pregnant. There is a site immed.org where alternative treatments are mentioned. I use the salt and Vit C as well as, which is fabulous. This is a recommended Lyme treatment. You could also ask your Dr. about the wild oil of oregano if you are not happy with the GSE use at this point. Not sure if you can use it when pregnant but you could ask a naturopath or holistic Dr.
    What I am concerned about is the effect on the child from the fungus from the abx. My mother was on an abx for pnumonia whilst carrying my youngest brother. the result was him having a fungal problem all his life. Now this can be remedied if you are aware it can happen but best to find out how to overcome the fungal problem if you are going to continue the abx.


    Be very careful to check out any natural herbs and other treatments – some of them can pack as big a punch as pharmaceutical meds. Oil of Oregano is a particularly potent oil and is contraindicated during pregnancy. Lynnie

    Contra-indications: Oil of oregano should not be used during the early stages of pregnancy. Use oregano with caution if you have low blood pressure. May induce early onset of labour when used in late pregnancy (not recommended).


    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)

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