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  • #302148
    Joe M
    Susan LymeRA


    Great article and I am so encouraged to see it from a standard medical website.

    In 2004, I had just started probiotics (2 weeks) for the first time and was on a cruise when I was struck with the most horrible pain in my right hip.  Not in the joint, but in the muscles.  The ship doctor gave me high powered painkillers both by injection and oral and they didn't even touch the pain.  It would go away during the day and returned again the second night.  I spent a whole day in a Quebec hospital.

    This was one year before RA struck.  I asked the doctor if the probiotic could be causing the pain (shows you what I knew about probiotics at that time) He said “Oh no.  Keep taking those, they are really good for you.”  He was a Canadian doctor.  I asked the doctors at the hospital in Quebec and they gave the same answer.

    Luckily the pain just disappeared after two days and the ship's doctor highly suspected shingles.  On my last day of the cruise, the rash broke out so I went to my family doctor and asked him about probiotics.  He confirmed the diagnosis of shingles but looked at me quizically about the probiotic question and said “What is that?”

    I have often laughed about it.  Canada apparently was way ahead of America on natural health. 

    So I am happy to see probiotics are making headway in our country.

    An allergist recently told me to use a nettipot daily and a pulmonist asked me if I take NAC so things are coming around.

    A book on Babesia written by a doctor spoke of how the doctors will monitor your blood to watch your liver whenever you take drugs harsh on the liver, but they never give you any instruction on how to support the liver and prevent it from crashing in the first place.

    Hopefully we are starting to get there.


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