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    Sorry, just need to vent a little!!

    I was just talking with my husband about overall health, chronic illness, etc (a common topic in our house lately – LOL) and wondering why someone like me (who has always watched what I've eaten, never drank alcohol, exercised, avoided caffeine) ends up with thyroid disease and now joint pain – possible RA? Actually it seems everyone in my family has some form of “autoimmune disease” and we were always a healthy, active, slim family – more so than most families I knew growing up, at least!!

    My husband and I have both been very healthy (I think) and now we're both dealing with joint pain, etc. It is just weird.

    Of course, I could have always been “better” and worked out MORE, eaten LESS sugar, done MORE yoga, etc

    I see so many people out there who could care less about their health, what they eat, etc and have no “disease” relatively speaking. I know, I know — it's the “why me” attitude, but seriously – doesn't this irritate you at times? Obviously, a trauma preceded my joint-pain symptoms (so stress played a role) but I know many people who have gone through stressful events who haven't ended up with a chronic disease.

    I realize I can't possibly know what is going on in everyone's lives – especially since I “look” healthy and you would never guess I'm having health issues, but COME ON already. What gives?!

    Ok – sorry, vent over! :roll-laugh::roll-laugh:


    I know exactly how you feel and I think it is completely normal to feel that way so no need to apologize. I went through the exact same thing when I tested positive for SD. I have been a health nut my whole life. I played competitive soccer and hockey (up until a couple of years ago). I played varsity hockey in university. I run half-marathons. I've always eaten healthy. I've never smoked and rarely drink. So it was very hard for me to come to terms with what was happening to my body. Meanwhile, I have two brothers who smoke, drink, experimented with drugs, eat terribly and don't exercise at all and they are completely healthy. I struggled with this for a while.

    So I know where you are coming from. It is very frustrating when we do everything we can to be healthy and something like this happens. Don't beat yourself up about what you could have done differently. Genetics can play a big part in disease and it sounds like you lead a very healthy lifestyle. The way to look at now is that our bodies are this much stronger starting out in our fight against the disease.

    A Friend

    [user=869]Mumof3[/user] wrote:

    ….. have been a health nut my whole life. I played competitive soccer and hockey (up until a couple of years ago). I played varsity hockey in university. I run half-marathons. I've always eaten healthy. I've never smoked and rarely drink. So it was very hard for me to come to terms with what was happening to my body. Meanwhile, I have two brothers who smoke, drink, experimented with drugs, eat terribly and don't exercise at all and they are completely healthy. I struggled with this for a while.

    So I know where you are coming from. It is very frustrating when we do everything we can to be healthy and something like this happens….. The way to look at now is that our bodies are this much stronger starting out in our fight against the disease.


    An interesting line I believe I read in either Dr. Sherry Rogers' writing or in Dr. P. Braun (both geniuses, me thinks) was that those runners in excellent shape who die suddenly….. this is how to “commit the perfect crime” — for they have used up something vital in their bodies needed to exert the kind of energy needed to perform the feats they perform! (my wording at the end of that sentence; the “perfect crime” by one of them. 

    Mum, I've also paid attention to health, diet, exercise, etc. since early adulthood (and had good meals, etc. and very active exercise while growing up).  In a nutshell, for me anyway, I believe I am one of those Type A's who loves doing lots of things, tried (or tries lol) to do it all; and pretty soon we run out of resilience to bounce back, our body has gotten to the point that it can't make such as glutathione (our master detoxifier) as fast as we use it up, nor do we have enough magnesium, etc. for all the necessary functions of the body…. and on and on … and then major stressors, along with daily stressors (loss of sleep; sugar and grains and too much bad omega 6 fats in the diet), and we begin a slow, or fast, CRASH AND BURN!  Our immune system reaches a point that we “are down and we can't get up.” 

    In spite of 7 excellent years, with  almost immediate positive results from initial IVs and being on AP (Iowa), the bottom line of my problems running just below the surface of my radar, were things about my own body I still did not understand.  All of the above Type A activities were still “alive and producing stresses” that my body had to neutralize and be there to excrete the acidic wastes formed by numerous types of acids — not just “uric acid” which seemed to be the only type one of my AP physicians paid attention to.  I learned there are several more than just this one that can help do us in…. IF OUR BODY HAS BECOME AN ACIDIC TEMPLE WHERE TONS OF ORGANISMS CAN GROW… Let me say about this condition that I read in an article by a still-renowned old physician who wrote about this subject, that when these type organisms overwhelm the body, they are there trying to clean up our internal milieu (such as happens when we die… nature provides these organisms to be “clean up” organisms; that is what they do).  When we, the caretakers of our bodies, start giving our bodies what they need, and keep out of them what harms them, then and only then will these unfriendly organisms go away and our bodies become healthy again.  AP, in my opinion, works by helping us eliminate many of these unfriendly organisms, but we get well only when we help the body by giving it what it needs (and not what harms it). 

    Thank  goodness for my stubborn streak.  I just couldn't take “no” for an answer from my next to the last AP physician (a very good person) that there was something we were not addressing.  Also, thank heavens for the local ND whom I called when I was  desperate and having horrible fascia and bone pain.  After asking her if she had any ideas (she knew me pretty well as she was on our support group research list), she paused for a number of seconds and then asked me if I'd checked my pH.  That was the beginning of finding why I was in such pain (in spite of all the great things I thought I'd been doing for my body nearly forever, I thought), and even WHY I had developed “metastatic bone lesions”(my magnesium deficiency, I've found, apparently has resulted in these lesions — a condition which has been proven by research and can be read about in the site I've posted from numerous times — thanks again to the writing of Sherry Rogers MD and P. Braun MD. who alerted me to this possibility.

    Girls and Fellows, there is so much on our journey here that applies to most of us, even though it varies into different patterns; but don't give up for answers.  They ARE THERE! We just have to do the hard looking and homework.  I look back to some of those answers rather miraculously found, and shudder to think what would have been the outcome if the answers had not been “opened” for me.

    God bless each and every one of you!  And may you find the answers you need! 


    Joe M

    Genetics.  I don't think its any more complicated than that.  It's why some smokers and drinkers live to 100, and health nuts die of heart attacks and cancer.  JMO.


    [user=28]A Friend[/user] for they have used up something vital in their bodies needed to exert the kind of energy needed to perform the feats they perform! (my wording at the end of that sentence; the “perfect crime” by one of them.

    A Friend

    [user=20]Joe M[/user] wrote:

    Genetics.  I don't think its any more complicated than that.  It's why some smokers and drinkers live to 100, and health nuts die of heart attacks and cancer.  JMO.


    I found this interesting.  You and others may, also. 





    I too understand how you feel, Orchid, to the point that I actually get angry sometimes that people who seem healthy seem to take it for granted. I also was a health nut, never drank smoked, did drugs, always exercised, ate healthy and maintained a healthy weight. I did have severe asthma as a child and both of my parents smoked, so I suppose you could say I was an involuntary smoker until I was old enough to move out, and I'm sure the problems it created have had an affect on my health now. Still, it doesn't seem fair, esp when I see family and friends who abuse their bodies and have no health problems. However, it's my experience that if one lives long enough, everyone will experience some kind trauma, pain, loss, etc. I look at other people and their problems and I usually come to the conclusion that I wouldn't trade mine for theirs. It's often difficult to count our blessings, and it really tries my patience when anyone who tells me to do that, but in the end, that's really all we can do. Some people are so annoyingly optomistic!

    You can also look at it another way; if we had not taken such good care of ourselves, we might be a lot worse. I have a friend with SD who is a chain smoker, she's 50 and looks like she's 60, and will soon be carrying a round an O2 tank. She won't even consider AP. And if we had not been so conscience of our weight, we may have gained weight (or in my case, gained weight sooner) and made our symptoms worse, forcing us to use a walker or wheelchair. Finally, it's usually those who are health conscience, like you, who look for safer therapies and in their research come upon AP. We not only help ourselves, but we are also helping others by creating more positive, clinical evidence for the infectious theory. So there's my Pollyanna sermon for the day. I probably need to hear it more than  anyone else!



    [user=515]orchid[/user] wrote:

    I see so many people out there who could care less about their health, what they eat, etc and have no “disease” relatively speaking.

    Poor health habits catch up to people. I work in a hospital and see that every day.


    Rockin Annie

    Hi AF,

    Your post as usual makes a lot of sense.

    I just want to add my short story in as well.  I was in the fitness industry for 25 years, and very fit, on coming to Cairns and slowing down a lot, I couldn't believe how my body started to react, it was like once I stopped all the frantic exercise, my body kept coming up with something wrong.  Everyday I would wake up with some new ache, which I had never ever had before. I used to say to everyone since giving up my work and not going 100 miles an hour my body is shutting down, until that dreadfull morning I woke up with RA.

    AF I have never looked at the reasoning behind it until now with your post, and always thought I was going that fast that my body didn't have time to be sick :blush:.

    I have always taken my health for granted, but now wish I hadn't had been so fanatical about exercise and done it in moderation.


    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.


    AF – a heartfelt and, IMO, a very wise post. Guess that's the next part of the journey I'm on. Having had great results from mino alone for 5 years, I just intuitively knew there were other parts to this puzzle that I wasnt addressing. Hence my new AP doc and naturopath. After a year of dietary changes, I can now feel in my body when I put something in it that's not good – FOR ME! And, far from resenting it, I actually find the ongoing learning fascinating. I hope you are doing well AF, you've certainly earned it! Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)

    A Friend

    Orchid, thanks for “opening the vent” for the rest of us to chime in. I hope this exercise makes you feel better.  I think we may all  feel better after this bit of soul-bareing today.  Mumof3, JoeM, Linda, Sierra, Rockin Annie, and Lynnie_Sydney, I certainly appreciated your posts, as they each encouraged and/or challenged me to find more answers.  Let's make a pact to keep learning and to NEVER NEVER NEVER give up!!!


    Rockin Annie

    [user=28]A Friend[/user] wrote:

    Orchid, thanks for “opening the vent” for the rest of us to chime in. I hope this exercise makes you feel better.  I think we may all  feel better after this bit of soul-bareing today.  Mumof3, JoeM, Linda, Sierra, Rockin Annie, and Lynnie_Sydney, I certainly appreciated your posts, as they each encouraged and/or challenged me to find more answers.  Let's make a pact to keep learning and to NEVER NEVER NEVER give up!!!


    Yes AF, posts like yours and everyones else makes me even more determined to find answers, even to my hubbies word as to “I need more attention, he is so funny , at one time it was him that I couldn't get away from the computer, now its me. :roll-laugh:

    P.S. And a big thankyou to Orchid who started this thread………Annie

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.

    A Friend

    [user=807]Rockin Annie[/user] wrote:

    [user=28]A Friend[/user] wrote:

    …..I certainly appreciated your posts, as they each encouraged and/or challenged me to find more answers.  Let's make a pact to keep learning and to NEVER NEVER NEVER give up!!!


    ……at one time it was him that I couldn't get away from the computer, now its me. :roll-laugh:

    P.S. And a big thankyou to Orchid who started this thread………Annie

    Wonder how many “liberal arts” types like me have been turned into “would-be scientists,” :blush: and find digging up and learning about “hidden truths” of getting  well so very exciting (especially with each new and helpful discovery)???  I was a student-at-heart early on, so developing a passion for our type of research has been, and is, an exciting journey (what is just over the hill??? :dude:???) — as well as very necessary. 

    Have a great day, my friends.


    PS  An after-thought:  I'm hoping the MDs who have not learned in Med school about complementary medicine will one day catch up with us!!! lol  :roll-laugh:


    Orchid and Others: Bad health habits catch up with people. My husband and I take my sister in law out of town regularly for doctor appts. and pain clinic appts. She is a heavy smoker and for many years also drank too much ( has conquered that).

    I am 7 years older than my sister in law, but at one appt. a year ago the doctor asked if I was her daughter!!! LOL  The truth is she looks much older than she is and very worn down with her varied health problems. For many years she looked great – and felt OK too- but now she really regrets her bad habits – and is finding it very hard to cut down the smoking.

    Maybe this will help you to know that you are likely much more able to fight “the bugs” than if you had already been in compromised health.

    Also – spring is coming !!!

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