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    Please need a little input, in the last week I seem to be really going backwards, swelling in my fingers is really bad, wrists, knees, and feet hurt all the time, my acid reflux is worse, and I do feel like I am coming down with the flu with all the body aches, I take doxy 100 x 2 per day, today I don't think I can take my doxy my stomach  is just to upset, if I am herxing will missing a one day dosage of doxy set things further back with my sd, I just don't want to do anything that will prolong the sd.



    Hey Dar,

    I'm so sorry you're miserable right now.  Have you tried cutting back on the abx to the Mon/Wed/Fri schedule?  I could not tolerate 200mg of daily Mino, but did just fine on 200mg MWF.

    Do hope you feel better soon…….kim



    how long have you been on AP?  My hubby's first 4-5 months were horrible.  Worse than before he started – I was very afraid and panicky and wondering, is this getting worse????  Well, I don't know if I would define his experiences as herxes or just the “getting worse before better” thing, but things definitely leveled off at month 6, and from then on was a slow, steady gradual improvement.  We are in a current up and down phase, but I think that also has leveled off and are now waiting for the “flare up” to go away.  If you have been on AP longer than maybe a year, then maybe see about dosage or variation to what you are doing. Good Luck!


    Kim, I have been thinking of changing my abx to m/w/f because my stomach really can't take it anymore.

    Thanks for the encouragement Dar


    Goodwife, I have been on the doxy for about 6 1/2 months and this is the worse that I have felt since going on the doxy, hopefully it will change shortly.

    Thanks Dar


    Have you tried taking the abx with a small amount of food like crackers.This helped me a lot .

    Cheryl F


    I don't know if I missed you mentioning it, but, why are you doing Doxy and not the Minocycline?  While it is true that some on AP do use Doxy, the Minocycline, I beleive, has had a great deal more use in effectively treating SD.  I am only saying that it is used more often, not that it is necessarily more effective.  However, as the most experienced AP doctors generally use the Minocycline for SD, I would go with that if there is no other reason not to.

    Just my two cents. 



    Hi Cheryl,

    My ap doctor would only give me doxy, at my next appointment I am going to try and get her to change her mind again and give me mino.


    Cheryl F


    I hope that she will give you the RX for Minocycline so you can try to see if you have a better result.  At Jess' next appointment with Dr. F in September, I am planning to ask him to switch her to Doxy due to the hyperpigmentation issues that she is having.  She is completely stable now with no symptoms so I feel like we can “push the envelope” a little, but if she still had symptoms, I would want her on Minocycline.

    Good Luck!


    John McDonald

    Dar, You might ask your doc if it is true that Mino is a 3rd generation tetracycline, and if it is true that Doxy is a second generation tetracycline. Ask her why they needed a 3rd gen and what they think they got with it. If she makes some comment about higher profits or something then nod your head thoughtfully. Then ask if it is true that Minocycline has better tissue perfusion, and you've heard it has depending on doc's philosophy, a broader anti-microbial spectrum and / or stronger documented immunosuppressive properties. Just keep taking her back to the differences between doxy and mino. Make her defend the doxy some more. Add to that some patient fear that since everyone else is using Mino with SD and no one you know is using Doxy you are worried about whether you will be successful. Call it an experiment or something, using doxy. Work that doctor.;)

    Get the Mino if you can. But I did my first 8 months on Doxy and it worked well, so doxy isn't so bad if that's what you can get.



    A cracker or two with the meds and a glass of water really help the acid problems.  If you're in the U.S. you can tell your doctor what you want.  I get my prescriptions and fill them from a Canadian Pharmacy called buylowdrugs.com – Closing in on two years now- never a problem.



    Dr S in Iowa seems to feel that Doxy is just fine as a substitute for mino (I dont know about for SD though, seems that one really might need mino??). I take doxy and have had great luck with it so far. I also take it with food and that takes care of all stomach upsets. The way I understand it, it depends on the manufacturer whether you can take it with food and/or milk. My bottle has no warnings at all in that regard.

    He says that they only used doxy before mino came on the market. And people still got well, so obviously it does work.

    There are times when I wonder if I should try the mino but the stories of the hyperpigmentation really scare me and I already have discoid lupus. So I'm going to stick with the doxy and hope it continues to work ok. 😕

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