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    I am having an allergic reaction to Minocycline not all the time but at least 3 or 4 times a week I need to take allergy pills to stop the itching and the hives, has anyone else run into this, if so what have you done about it, does pulse dosing help  or should I change back to doxicycline, I had been on it and did itch only once in a while, I am making progress against the SD and don't want to give up the meds.



    Dar – Firstly you dont say what your diagnosis is or what your mino regime is. It is really good to put this into your Profile because people can respond more specifically  to your questions. To do this click on My Account above right. Then to the left you'll see a tab called Profile. Click on this and your profile will come up. Then in the signature box towards the bottom, add your diagnosis, how long you've had the condition and what you're taking now and how often. This info will then come up every time you post.

    In terms of your hives and itching, it is more likely to be a response to cell die off and is not uncommon. May people take Benedryl to help stop this. The gals at http://www.rheumaticsupport.net are pretty well versed in doing this if you want to visit their site. You can also try the hydrogen-peroxide baths to help eliminate toxins. I have pasted the recipe below. Incidentally, you can find out alot on topics such as these by using the search function above and typing in “itching” “hives” “hydrogen-peroxide baths” etc. Also, dont forget the Old Road Back Board. There is literally years worth of valuable info on the old Board. Just click on the link to the Old Board that you'll see at the bottom of the first page of this Board. Follow the prompts to access it and, when you're there, make use of the search function by typing in key words to information you're looking for. Lynnie

    “Oxidative therapy may be useful in reducing these symptoms. Garth Nicholson, M.D., director of The Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California recommends peroxide baths (four 16 oz. bottles of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 20 inch bath or Jacuzzi, with 2 cups of Epsom salts. Patients soak in hot water plus the Epsom salts for five minutes until pores are open, then add the peroxide solution. This should be repeated three times a week at bedtime. No vitamins should be taken 8 hours before bath. The peroxide can also be directly applied to the skin after a hot shower/tub. The peroxide should be left on for 5 minutes and then washed off.”

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    My husband reacted to IV Rocephin.  He would get very itchy and had to take Benadryl.  It worried us that he was doing IV and reacting but the Benadryl kept the itching from being extreme.  He decided to put up with the itching and ended up doing 5 months of IV Rocephin.  You could try the minocin for a while longer.  If the itching is unbearable, switch back to doxy.

    If you are using generic, maybe you would do better with a different brand.


    Hi DAR,

    Just a little addition to the great feedback you've already received from Lynnie and Parisa, if you are very concerned about an allergic reaction, you can be tested for this.

    On the main website, under the Historical Protocol and the section on “The Herxheimer Flare,” there are pointers in how to determine the difference between a flare and a herx. Under point #3, it says:

    “3. A marked increase in eosinophils (for instance about 30%) is an indication of an allergic reaction to the drug.”


    Quite a number of folk break out in hive-like rashes when on AP, however this may be a good way to put your mind to rest one way or another, if it's really concerning you.

    Hope you feel better soon and that benedryl and the epsom and peroxide baths help.

    Peace, Maz



    I had hives at the beginning and anytime I increased dose. I started with 50×2 daily for 2 months,,had hives a lot during that time period. Then went to 75×2 daily had hives a lot (mainly on face but a few on stomach and leg). Went to 100mg and felt really bad in head and stomach and went back down to 75mgx2. I would say lower your dose. I just worked my way thru it. Sometimes I had so many on my face, I would take a day or two off, then start again. Those of us really sensitive to the drug, need to start slower I think.
    I have seen great improvements in the softness of my skin, many wrinkles, more energy. SO I would not say Allergy maybe sensitivity until you play around with dosage and track your itchy days. 😯 Regards, MB


    LYNNE, thanks for the info, I have put my profile in, and I am now going to spend time going into the sites you have up there, I am hoping that the cells are just bitting the dust, I can put up with a lot if itching if that is the case.



    Parisa, Thanks for the reply I was using a generic brand I will buy Benadryl and try that.



    MAZ , thanks for the site to go into, you are always such a wealth of information also you guys must have a lot of notes to beable help all of us, I would be lost without this site, especially  when I am having a really depressing day and feeling sorry for myself when I can't do some things or I spill my pills and with curling in my hands pills are hard to pick up, I can alway go to this site and just read what is going on with everyone else and know that I am not alone and better days are coming;)


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