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    paper tiger


    I just started on Adalat a week and a half ago. I was taking Trental for awhile and it did absolutely nothing for me. It's sweltering outside, so it's sorta the wrong season to be determining whether or not Adalat is working, but I'm pretty sure it is. My Raynaud's is severe enough that usually, moving into a room that's heated differently (even if both rooms are warm) is enough to set my hands off for an hour or two.

    That said… has anyone on Adalat ever experienced depression as a side effect? I googled, and apparently less than 1% of users reported depression as a side effect, but I've been sitting at my mother's sulking for the past four days for no discernable reason. I have no energy whatsoever and cannot even motivate myself to bathe or take phone calls.

    I am generally an incredibly happy person and I have a lot going on in my life right now that is cause for celebration. So what the hell? I can only assume it's the Adalat. I literally haven't felt this sad since I was 15 and reading The Bell Jar for the first time.

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Tiger;
         I live just an hour from Montreal,across the border in Ontario.Depression is part of our diseases but you don't say what you have.Could you add some info on you “profile” so that we can try to figure things out.

    paper tiger

    Well, on paper, it looks like SD. Realistically, I'd say I have… nothing.

    I developed Raynaud's in January 2008, and a year ago I finally had tests run. I had an elevated Scl-70 count. I was beginning to get shiny cuticles, but my fingers didn't feel especially tight yet. I had the benefit of an early head's up though, and I thankfully came across RB really early in the research process. I passed on conventional treatments because they all sounded like bad news.

    Anyway, I take 100mg doxy daily (works best for me this way) and a boatload of health supplements. My ANA count is now still elevated, but within the realm of acceptable (Scl-70 is considered normal between 0-19; I hover around 9-10, and I'm trying to get it to decrease some more). Raynaud's aside, I am symptom-free. I'm also 24 and in good shape.

    Anyway, I'm pretty convinced it's the Adalat and not the SD because 12 days ago, you couldn't find a happier person in the world. I'd just come back from 5 weeks of holiday/tour in Europe, and had just gotten word that I'd spend 6 weeks on tour in this autumn. I'd just planned a two week holiday in NYC for August, just gotten a bunch of surprise contract work/$, etc. etc. I literally could not believe how beautifully my year was shaping up. 10 days ago I began taking Adalat, and a couple of days later, I noticed that my fingers were doing better. I also stopped being able to get out of bed before noon. And now I'm a big, weepy mess.

    I'm going to stop taking Adalat tomorrow to see what happens with my mood. It's just a total bummer because Montreal gets very, very cold, and I could really benefit from Adalat.

    The thing I'm curious about, though, is whether someone else noticed he/she becomes depressed while on Adalat, stuck with it anyway, and eventually had the depression subside. Bummed out as I am, I'm resilient enough to wait out the depression if I know it'll last less than 3-4 months.

    Lynne G.SD

       Try to get your doctor to give you a prescription for Viagra as it is now considered to be one of the best things for Raynaud's.The drop the Adalat and see what happens.It would not surprise me at all if it was the cause.Every med as a side effect.
      I was so depressed at the thought of SD that the docs threw every kind of antidepressant at me and they only made me feel worse to the point I was considering suicide.
         Thank God that is all past history now.

    paper tiger

    I know you're OHIP and not RAMQ, but how much does Viagra cost you?

    Adalat thankfully comes out to pennies a day, but I've heard Viagra is super pricy. I'm still under my mother's insurance and it's only so-so.

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Tiger;
         I do not need anything for Raynaud's anymore as it is very light and rarely happens.I still don't know what disease you have but if it is SD I hear from others that Neprinol enzymes help immensely


    Mood changes are listed as a side effect of Adalat.


    [user=1359]paper tiger[/user] wrote:

    Well, on paper, it looks like SD. Realistically, I'd say I have… nothing.

    I developed Raynaud's in January 2008, and a year ago I finally had tests run. I had an elevated Scl-70 count. I was beginning to get shiny cuticles, but my fingers didn't feel especially tight yet. I had the benefit of an early head's up though, and I thankfully came across RB really early in the research process. I passed on conventional treatments because they all sounded like bad news.

    Anyway, I take 100mg doxy daily (works best for me this way) and a boatload of health supplements. My ANA count is now still elevated, but within the realm of acceptable (Scl-70 is considered normal between 0-19; I hover around 9-10, and I'm trying to get it to decrease some more). Raynaud's aside, I am symptom-free. I'm also 24 and in good shape.

    Anyway, I'm pretty convinced it's the Adalat and not the SD because 12 days ago, you couldn't find a happier person in the world. I'd just come back from 5 weeks of holiday/tour in Europe, and had just gotten word that I'd spend 6 weeks on tour in this autumn. I'd just planned a two week holiday in NYC for August, just gotten a bunch of surprise contract work/$, etc. etc. I literally could not believe how beautifully my year was shaping up. 10 days ago I began taking Adalat, and a couple of days later, I noticed that my fingers were doing better. I also stopped being able to get out of bed before noon. And now I'm a big, weepy mess.

    I'm going to stop taking Adalat tomorrow to see what happens with my mood. It's just a total bummer because Montreal gets very, very cold, and I could really benefit from Adalat.

    The thing I'm curious about, though, is whether someone else noticed he/she becomes depressed while on Adalat, stuck with it anyway, and eventually had the depression subside. Bummed out as I am, I'm resilient enough to wait out the depression if I know it'll last less than 3-4 months.

    Somewhat offtopic, but I also have raynauld's as my only symptom diagnosed in 2008. I'm young and healthy, but test show that I have elevated ANA with RNP.

    I'm trying to get my ANA to go down, but haven't had any luck so far. Could you please list what type of health supps you think are helping you?

    I take vitamin D and Fish oil only.

    My suggestion would be to try icariin which has been demonstrated to act as a PDE5 inihibitor similar to viagra. You can buy 50% concentrated icarrin. I'm going to try this soon.

    paper tiger


    I actually spoke too soon. I was feeling pretty optimistic about how things had been going for the past 12 months, Raynaud's aside, but just last week I learnt that my heartburn problem, that I used to ascribe to my diet (love love love spicy food), is actually esophageal involvement. My lower esophagus is shot. So I will need to start with a more rigorous AP routine again.

    I take vit D, E+C, probiotics, niacin, ginko biloba, omega 3 DHA-EPA and bromelain.


    I also took Nifedipine (Adalat) for my Raynaud's.  I constantly had swelling in my legs from it.  I take Grape Seed extract for increased circulation and stopped the Nifedipine shortly after starting the grape seed.  It works well and all of the swelling went away.  You take 50mg for every 50 pounds of weight.  Life is good.  JoAnn

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