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    I have been on abxs for a year and a half.  I just got a full blown yeast infection, candida with thrush.  I tried some natural products with no success.  I am now on Diflucan.

    Would like to hear from others who have had a full blown candida yeast infection.  How long did it last and what did you find the best to cure it?  Has anyone used Diflucan and if so, when did you notice a difference – how long on the med?

    Thanks everyone.





    Hi Jeff,

    I guess that's a good thing if you've gone a year and a half, and no yeast issues.  Diflucan is the best for systemic yeast, and it should clear up within a few days.  I'm sure you're taking probiotics, but make sure you're taking billions of good bacteria.




    Diflucan works quickly.  Also need to watch LFT's while using it, especially w/the antibiotics.  I take about 20 billion colonies of probiotics per day.  Try to cut down on starches, sugars, etc.  This will help, too.  Also, be sure to get a new tooth brush.




    In addition to probiotics I have been told by my naturopath that it is very important while taking antibiotics to supplement with Saccharomyces Boullardii (sp?) which is sort of like a “friendly yeast” that has even been shown to be very helpful at preventing C. difficile infections. 

    Good luck, hope you feel better asap.  Yeast infections are no fun.



    Thanks to all for your replies.  I am getting better but I think it will be a few more daus before I clear this infection.  I have been 3 days on the Diflucan and the doc rx'ed it for 10 days.  Surely by 10 days it will be gone.

    Thanks for the tip on getting a new toothbrush.  Never thought of that.  My diet is pretty much sugar, gluten and yeast free.  My vice is potatoes!  I certainly have been taking a lot of probiotics.  I take 50 billion a day.  I was not consistant lately with that or the nystatin and I think things go out of control.




    Good news, Jeff.  I understand it can be overwhelming taking all sorts of medications and we tend to forget some here and there.  But be diligent with yeast control.   Hope all clears up for you soon.



    Fergie wrote:

    My diet is pretty much sugar, gluten and yeast free. My vice is potatoes!

    Hi Jeff,

    Potatoes are not a good thing for you to be eating. Potatoes contain toxins that are stored in body fat and it takes a long time for the body to get rid of them.

    Check out this message I posted back in September:
    The “No Nightshades” Diet

    I certainly have been taking a lot of probiotics. I take 50 billion a day. I was not consistant lately with that or the nystatin and I think things go out of control.

    Oh, that explains it. I was wondering how you managed to get a yeast infection while taking nystatin.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Hi Jeff,

    Just wanted you to know that diflucan (flucanazole) does not work for me.   I tried it 3 times.  

    I have to take ketoconazole.  It is harser on the liver, supposedly.  Although my liver enzymes never got elevated while on it.      I send you a PM.

    Good luck in getting rid of the yeast!


    PS  Check out my past post on SF722.   I use this now and it seems to help a lot.

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