Home Forums General Discussion What are RA joint symptoms?

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  • #312094

    BonnieLou :dude:, Susan :dude:and Michelle:dude:…you girls really rock, too!!!! Your posts were amazing and I was just floored at the time and care you put into your posts to outline your journey to date…only a suggestion and no pressure intended, but any chance you might want to start your own personal progress threads with those posts? They could really help a lot of new people coming to the site to see how you've progressed and what you've done to help turn things around.


    There's just something about reading about what you phenomenal, brave women have faced, how you've challenged your disease and either started to turn things around or have turned things around that just gives me goosebumps! Thanks so much for your generousity of spirit.

    Peace, Maz


    Hi Linda,

    What is an infussion center?  When you get time and are settled, please PM me with information about your doctors.  I receive most of my medical attention in SA, and I have seen a couple of rheumies there.  I am now seeing a doctor out of Houston who sees patients in San Marcos every other weekend.  I would love to share resources.

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