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    I have discovered recently that I am reading with my left eye while my right on is closed. It seems to happen throughout the day, but worse at night.

    Also, my memory is getting worse. I don’t even pretend to remember anymore.

    Any ideas?


    @Kash wrote:

    I have discovered recently that I am reading with my left eye while my right on is closed. It seems to happen throughout the day, but worse at night.

    Also, my memory is getting worse. I don’t even pretend to remember anymore.

    Any ideas?

    Hi Kash,

    Any possibility you might have a bit of Bell’s Palsy going on? This is a pretty common neuro sign of Lyme, which should improve with appropo abx treatments.

    Memory issues are also huge with Lyme. In the beginning, someone would say something to me and I would ask a question a minute later and they’d tell me they just told me about that. It happened so many times in a day, I really began to wonder if I was going mad, had the beginnings of Alzheimer’s or something. Prior to Lyme, I had a photographic memory and could remember things in great detail. I don’t have quite the same ability anymore and may never get it back, but at least the worst of my short-term memory loss has improved with appropo abx therapy….it took a while, though. Sometimes I still get huge black holes of memory loss that are just transient…like inability in word recall, names of people, where I found articles I’ve read, etc. This might be due to age, too, and hormonal changes. At least my hubby is as bad as me, so we’re a fine pair! πŸ˜†

    I empathize, though, and know how debilitating the memory thing can be. If this is any comfort, though, it should improve, as time goes on. In the meantime, you could always try and do memory exercises to try and exercise that part of your brain.


    I don’t have any of the other Bell’s symptoms. This is like I am losing sight in my right and my left is taking over. Good news is I have an appointment with my eye doctor on Monday. I doubt he can fix my memory….I do play a version of scrabble with my husband and the last few days I just haven’t been able to put letters together for words. I do so love winning!

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Kash;
    While our computer system was down I had time to finally sit down and do some serious reading.An interesting thing I found out is that our nerves have a very hard time sending impulses if we are low in iron.Is there ant chance you might be slightly anemic? This seems to be the reason for brain fog.


    Hi Kash,
    I’m so sorry you are going through that. I know it’s scary. Those are my major problems, too. Since the onset of Lyme (just 16 months ago), my good left eye has become almost blind. When I look through it (with the previously “lazy” eye closed) I see only a blur: faces have no eyes, nose or mouth. Lyme diagnosis helped me stop panicking. I am waiting for the sight and memory to improve! I do take Gingko, Gotu Kola and Siberian Gingseng and when I started taking them, I noticed some slight improvement. I bought Bilberry, Bupleurum, Eyebright and Lutein for eye degeneration, but I have not started taking them yet. I don’t know how to squeeze them in, I’m already taking huge amounts of supplements. AP stopped twitching and itching of the eye ball. So it is going in the right direction. Unfortunately brain fog is part of my herxing: it’s worse than before AP. posting.php?mode=reply&f=1&t=5244#
    Good luck with your eye doctor visit! Wishing you speedy and complete recovery,


    Hi Kash, I came across your post and decided to add my two cents πŸ™‚ I am an RN and noticed that you are on Plaquenil which can cause problems with eyesight-it’s just a thought for you to ask your doctor about if you havent already-hope everything works out for you and God Bless πŸ˜€


    Hi Robin,

    Saturday night on a holiday weekend is kind of a slow time on this board, but I wanted to welcome you to the forum and thank you for your input regarding the Plaquenil.

    I hope you’re having some success with the Antibiotic Protocol and relief in your symptoms.

    Take care…..kim


    Thank you all for your responses. I did see an opthomolgist (sp?) and he said my eye sight was fine and I didn’t even need a new rx for my glasses. I see my LLMD in a couple of weeks, so will ask him. All of my blood work has been ok so far, no sign of anemia. I appreciate all suggestions!! Maybe it is a side effect of Plaquenil that doesn’t show up on an eye exam.
    Will advise if I find anything out.


    Hi Kash,

    “I have discovered recently that I am reading with my left eye while my right on is closed.”

    Usually, the reason why a person closes an eye while reading to to avoid visual confusion – ie you are either seeing double (diplopia), or the vision is so poor in the covered eye that it is interfering with your binocular vision.

    I think you should go back to your Optometrist – they should be able to help you with this one – or refer you on to someone who can.

    Disclosure: I am an Optometrist.


    I don’t think he knows much about Lyme and probably didn’t think it important. He has a good reputation and I have been to him through the years, just don’t think he is LL.
    I have stopped reading at night because it bothered me. Any other time of day, it is not a problem.
    I will try reading again and if it still is bothering me, I will seek out another opinion. Each year I go I always have to have a new RX and this year did not, that seemed weird too.
    Thanks for your opinion, I always just think it is me being “sensitive”…. πŸ™„ πŸ™„

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